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作者姓名:张艺川  ;谷忠悦
作者单位:[1]辽宁中医药大学研究生学院2012级针灸推拿专业研究生,沈阳110032; [2]辽宁中医药大学针灸推拿学院针灸基础教研室,沈阳110032
摘    要:经络腧穴既可循经治疗疾病亦可反应病症,"远者司外揣内,近者司内揣外"。募穴又称腹募穴,是脏腑之气血汇聚于胸腹部的腧穴,乃"脏气结聚之所","经气聚于此也",脏腑气血阴阳变化可通过经络而体现于相应的募穴,募穴好比脏腑在体表开的一扇窗口。通过经络诊察,问询患者穴位异常感受或体会腧穴体表寒温、指下异常感觉等,可以判断疾病归经、病变属性,"腹爆满,按之不下,取太阳经络者,胃募也"、"胆虚气上溢而口为之苦,治以胆募俞","凡刺之数,先视其经脉,切而循之,审其虚实而调之"。气街是经气纵横汇通的共同道路,系脏腑和诸经气、气血横向输注的捷径,脏腑气血通过气街而直达于外,灌注诸经。期门、日月作为肝胆募穴生理条件下肝胆脏腑气血阴阳平衡,脏腑之气灌注;病理条件气血阴阳失衡将影响肝胆募穴正常功能活动,造成气血输注障碍,引起期门与日月的体表病理性反应,如寒温异常、压痛、触诊异常感觉等;期门、日月与肝胆还存在着解剖学的关系。

关 键 词:肝胆病证  募穴  气街  期门  日月  经穴效应

The Theoretical Basis of Diagnosis and Therapy of The Mu-front Acupoint Qimen and Riyue
Institution:ZHANG Yichuan, GU Zhongyue ( Liaoning university of TCM:a.Graduate College of Acupuncture and Massage Direction of 2012 Grade, b.Basis of Acupuncture Staff Room of College of Acupuncture and Massage, Shenyang 110032, China )
Abstract:Meridians can reflect and treat the disease.The Mu-front acupoint is the Qi converging on the thorax and abdomen and being closely connected with viscera.Qi and blood of Zang and Fu transport outside directly through pathway of Qi then pour into every meridian.Pathway of street can conncet Zang and Fu with the Mu-front acupoint directly.Moreover, Qimen ( LR 14 ) and Riyue ( GB 24 ) have the relationship with the haper and gallbladder in the aspect of anatomy.Therefore, Qimen and Riyue can treat and reflect disease.Zang and Fu of Qi blood and yin-yang of liver and gallbladder is balance under physiological condition. Zang and Fu of Qi blood and yin-yang of liver and gallbladder is unbalance, that disturb the normal function of hepatobiliary Mu-front acupoint, make an obstacle to infusion of qi and blood.The unbalance generate the pathological reflect of Qimen and Riyue such as temperature abnormalities, pressing pain, paresthesia and etc.On the contrary, Qimen and Riyue can treat hepatobiliary disease , moreover, it can use the matching acupoint method of shumu points and mu-he points combination.
Keywords:Hepatobiliary symptom  Mu-front acupoint  Pathway of Qi  Qimen  Riyue  Acupoints effects
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