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Real-time quantitative RT-PCR of cyclin D1 mRNA in mantle cell lymphoma: comparison with FISH and immunohistochemistry
Authors:Hui Pei  Howe John G  Crouch Jill  Nimmakayalu Manjunath  Qumsiyeh Mazin B  Tallini Giovanni  Flynn Stuart D  Smith Brian R
Affiliation: a Department of Pathology Yale University School of Medicine 333 Cedar Street P.O. Box 06520-8023 New Haven CT USA.b Department of Laboratory Medicine Yale University School of Medicine 333 Cedar Street P.O. Box 06520-8035 New Haven CT USA.c Department of Genetics Yale University School of Medicine 333 Cedar Street P.O. Box 06520-8005 New Haven CT USA.
Abstract:Presence of the balanced translocation t(11;14)(q13;q32) and the consequent overexpression of cyclin D1 found in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) has been shown to be of important diagnostic value. Although many molecular and immunohistochemical approaches have been applied to analyze cyclin D1 status, correlative studies to compare different methods for the diagnosis of MCL are lacking. In this study, we examined 39 archived paraffin specimens from patients diagnosed with a variety of lymphoproliferative diseases including nine cases meeting morphologic and immunophenotypic criteria for MCL by: (1) real-time quantitative RT-PCR to evaluate cyclin D1 mRNA expression; (2) dual fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to evaluate the t(11;14) translocation in interphase nuclei; and (3) tissue array immunohistochemistry to evaluate the cyclin D1 protein level. Among the nine cases of possible MCL, seven cases showed overexpression of cyclin D1 mRNA (cyclin D1 positive MCL) and two cases showed no cyclin D1 mRNA increase (cyclin D1 negative "MCL-like"). In six of seven cyclin D1 positive cases, the t(11;14) translocation was demonstrated by FISH analysis; in one case FISH was unsuccessful. Six of the seven cyclin D1 mRNA overexpressing cases showed increased cyclin D1 protein on tissue array immunohistochemistry; one was technically suboptimal. Among the two cyclin D1 negative MCL-like cases, FISH confirmed the absence of the t(11;14) translocation in both cases. All other lymphoproliferative diseases studied were found to have low or no cyclin D1 mRNA expression and were easily distinguishable from the cyclin D1 overexpressing MCLs by all three techniques. In addition, to confirming the need to assess cyclin D1 status, as well as, morphology and immunophenotyping to establish the diagnosis of MCL, this study demonstrates good correlation and comparability between measure of cyclin D1 mRNA, the 11;14 translocation and cyclin D1 protein.
Keywords:Cyclin D1  Mantle Cell Lymphoma  Real-time Quantitative Rt-PCR  Tissue Array
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