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Suprathreshold Auditory Cortex Activation Visualized by Intrinsic Signal Optical Imaging
Authors:Bakin, Jonathan S.   Kwon, Michael C.   Masino, Susan A.   Weinberger, Norman M.   Frostig, Ron D.
Abstract:The suprathreshold tonotopic organization of rat and guineapig auditory cortex was investigated using intrinsic signaloptical imaging through a thinned skull. Optical imaging revealedthat suprathreshold pure sine wave tone stimulation (25–40dB) evoked activity over large cortical areas that were tonotopicallyorganized. Three-dimensional surface plots of the activatedareas revealed "patchy" auditory-evoked activity consistingof numerous local peaks and valleys building to a maximum. Subsequentdetailed electrophysiological mapping in the same subjects confirmedthe localization of auditory-evoked activity based on opticalimaging, including responses to a test frequency at corticalloci more than 2 octaves away from the threshold-defined isofrequencycontour. The success of this technique in visualizing auditorycortex functional organization at suprathreshold stimulus levelswill allow for future investigations of auditory cortex frequencyrepresentation. including representational plasticity inducedby a variety of experimental manipulations.
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