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A Case of Multicentric Reticulohistiocytosis,Systemic Sclerosis and Sjögren Syndrome
Authors:Machiko Takahashi  Hitoshi Mizutani  Yasuo Nakamura  Masayuki Shimizu
Abstract:We report the case of a 42-year-old Japanese woman who developed multicentric reticulohistiocytosis (MR) complicated by systemic sclerosis (SSc) and Sjögren syndrome (SS). The patient complained of tender nodules on the left hand, polyarthralgia in the finger joints and knees, and xerostomia. The skin nodules were distributed mainly on her hands and fingers with skin sclerosis. The serum anti-nuclear test revealed anti-centromere antibody and the discrete speckled pattern of anti-nuclear antibody. The biopsy specimens from the finger nodule and the sclerotic finger skin showed a perivascular infiltration of multinucleated giant cells with ground-glass cytoplasm and dermal thick collagen proliferation, respectively. The lip biopsy and sialography specimens showed periductal lymphocyte infiltration and apple tree-like changes. Systemic corticosteroid treatment improved the polyarthritis, xerostomia, and skin sclerosis rapidly but suppressed the nodular lesions only gradually. This is the first report of a combined case of MR, SSc and SS. This multiple autoimmune complication suggests the involvement of an immunological disturbance in the pathogenesis of MR.
Keywords:multicentric reticulohistiocytosis  systemic sclerosis  Sjö  gren syndrome
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