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From Streets to Homes

This paper describes essential elements of the Consumer Preference Supported Housing (CPSH) Model of homelessness prevention in use at Pathways to Housing, Inc. in New York City. This intervention prevents homelessness by engaging and housing homeless substance abusers with psychiatric disabilities whom other programs have rejected as “treatment resistant” or “not housing ready.” The CPSH model is built on the belief that housing is a basic right for all people. As opposed to the housing continuum model, housing is based on consumer choice and is not connected to compliance or treatment. Housing is provided immediately, and there are separate criteria for housing and treatment needs. Support services are aimed at integration of mental health and substance abuse services.

In a randomized controlled study, individuals who are currently homeless and have psychiatric disabilities and/or substance abuse problems are randomly assigned to either the CSPH intervention or an intervention using the linear continuum model. Participants will be followed for a period of one year and the study will provide feedback regarding the effectiveness of the CSPH model.
Keywords:Consumer preference independent living (cpil)  supported housing intervention  “housing as housing,” assertive community treatment (act)  harm reduction  representative payee
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