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Neuromuscular occlusion in the orthodontic treatment of craniomandibular disorders. A clinical case
Authors:Manni A  Brunori P  Ursini R  Deli R
Affiliation:Corso di Laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria, Scuola di Specializzazione in Ortognatodonzia, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy.
Abstract:In the last few years, it has been observed a considerable increase of cranio-mandibular disorders which presently represent one of the most common commitments for dentists and, in particular, for orthodontists. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the efficacy of Jankelson's therapeutic protocol, followed by an orthodontic treatment, in a patient with cranio-mandibular disorders associated with occlusal pathologies. The cranio-mandibular electromyography and kinesiography promoted by Jankelson provide objective diagnostic measurements, while tens, relaxing masticatory muscles, allows a correct recording of myocentric occlusion. In this case, the authors utilise these devices, according to a well established diagnostic and therapeutic protocol. The first step is purely gnatologic, and consists of the application of an orthotic to temporarily treat pain and dysfunction. The following phase is a simple orthodontic treatment representing the final therapy. Orthodontic and/or prosthodontic rehabilitation of dentition, in fact, is the ultimate step of the therapeutic scheme which allows long-lasting RESULTS.
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