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引用本文:郑慧贞,林锦炎,余德文,刘勇鹰,何剑峰,彭国文,张贤昌,邓峰. 广东省传染性非典型肺炎预防控制策略探讨[J]. 华南预防医学, 2003, 29(3): 8-10
作者姓名:郑慧贞  林锦炎  余德文  刘勇鹰  何剑峰  彭国文  张贤昌  邓峰
摘    要:目的 探讨广东省传染性非典型肺炎(SARS)的预防控制策略和效果。方法 分析广东省SARS疫情和制定预防控制措施。结果 2002年11月16日至200B年5月30日,全省共发生SARS病例1511例,死亡57例,累计发病率1.98/10万。全省21个市中有15个市报告病例,病例主要集中在珠江三角洲地区,其中广州市占86.04%。发病以医务人员为主,占22.90%;病例主要集中在20~39岁,占50.95%;出现明显的医院或家庭聚集性。采取预防控制的策略及效果:加强党政的正确领导,各有关部门密切配合,正确把握舆论导向等组织策略;加强技术指导,重视疫情监测报告,采取综合性预防控制措施(加强医院感染控制、早发现和就地隔离治疗病人、小范围隔离观察密切接触者、强调室内通风、注意个人卫生、增强体质),加强调查研究和科研攻关,发动全社会共同参与等技术策略。预防控制策略实施后,全省日均发病数从2月份的25.6例下降到5月份的0.3例;医务人员所占比例由1月及以前的30.8%下降到5月份未有医务人员感染;未出现住宅小区或学校聚集性暴发的情况。结论 广东省首次出现SARS暴发流行,通过采取一系列行之有效的组织和技术策略后,广东省SARS疫情初步得到有效控制。各级党政的高度重视和正确领导是做好SARS防治工作强有力的保证。加强SARS防治工作的技术指导,重视疫情监测报告,切实落实有效的综合性预防控制措施,尤其是加强医院感染控制是防制措施的关键。

关 键 词:广东 传染性非典型肺炎 SARS 严重急性呼吸综合征 预防 控制措施

Control and prevention of SARS in Guangdong
ZHENG Hui zhen,LIN Jin yan,YU De wen,et al.. Control and prevention of SARS in Guangdong[J]. South China JOurnal of Preventive Medicine, 2003, 29(3): 8-10
Authors:ZHENG Hui zhen  LIN Jin yan  YU De wen  et al.
Affiliation:ZHENG Hui zhen,LIN Jin yan,YU De wen,et al. Center for Disease Prevention and Control of Guangdong Province,Guangzhou 510300,China.
Abstract:Objective Analyze the SARS control and prevention strategy and its effectiveness in Guangdong province.Method SARS epidemic data and the corresponding control strategies were collected and analyzed.Result A total of 1511 cumulative SARS cases (and 57 deaths) were reported from 16 November 2002 to 30 May 2003 in 15 cities in Guangdong Province. The reported incidence was 1.98/100 000. Most cases were lived in Pearl Delta Area, Guangzhou accounted for 86.04%. 50.95% of cases aged 20 39. SARS in Guangdong had apparent case cluster in hospital and family. After implementing the following measures: political commitment and determination, good health communication, effective technique guidance and efficient surveillance and reporting system, promptly and effectively patient isolation, strict hospital infection control, Effective close contact tracing (management of close contacts by home confinement or quarantine ), heightening the investigation and research, participating with the whole society, the average number of reported cases daily declined from 25.6 in February to 0.3 in May, the proportion of HCWs declined from 30.8% before January to zero in May and no outbreak reported in dwelling place or in school. Conclusion The results indicate that the recommended control measures are effective when combined with political commitment and determination.
Keywords:Severe acute respiratory syndrome  Prevention and control  Effectiveness
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