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Urinary prostaglandins (PGE2 and PGI2) in hyporeninaemic hypoaldosteronism in diabetic patients with chronic renal failure
Authors:Gomez-Martino, J. R.   Miralles, J. M.   Leon, B. De   Hernandez, M. T.   Tabernero, J. M.
Affiliation:1Servicio de Nefrología, Hospital Clínico Universitario Salamanca, Spain 2Servicio de Endocrinología, Hospital Clínico Universitario Salamanca, Spain
Abstract:The present work studies the urinary excretion of PGE2 and PGI2(6-keto PGF 1{alpha}) in 11 insulin-dependent diabetic patients withchronic renal failure with a glomerular filtration rate of 33.9±9.03 ml/min who had hyporeninaemic hypoaldosteronismto evaluate the influence of these prostaglandins on the appearanceof this latter process. The results obtained in this group ofpatients were compared with those of a control group of healthyindividuals, another group of nine non-diabetic patients withCRF, and a last group of eight insulin-dependent diabetic patientswith normal renal functión to evaluate to what extentthe possible variations in prostaglandin excretion could berelated to the diabetes, CRF, or a conjunction of both processes. The results of the groups of diabetic patients with CRF wereCcr 33.9 ±9.03 ml/min, decreased (P< 0.0001) withrespect to the control group and with no difference with theCRF group without diabetes; plasma potassium (4.7 ±0.4mEq/l), increased P<0.005) with respect to the values foundin the control group; plasma bicarbonate (17.8 ± 1.8mEq/l), decreased (P< 0.005) with respect to the controlgroup and also, though not significantly, with respect to thegroup of non-diabetic patients with CRF. Plasma aldosterone(pg/ml): resting 44.3±14.9; standing 65.7 ±63.5and post-frusemide 65.5 ±58.6, decreased (P<0.01)with respect to the other three groups. Plasma renin activity(PRA) (ng/ml/h): resting 0.34±0.3; standing 0.6 ±0.4, post-fmsemide 0.9 ±0.5, decreased significantlywith respect to the other three groups. PGE2 (pg/mg Cr): basal1720±397; post-frusemide 2636±462, increased (P<0.05)with respect to the control group and that of the diabetic patientswithout CRF, but with no differences compared with the non-diabeticpatients with CRF. PGI2 (pg/mg cr): basal 369 ±45 andpost-frusemide 699 ± 103, increased (P<0.01) withrespect to the controls and diabetic patients with normal renalfunction and with no differences compared with the non-diabeticpatients with CRF. Our findings indicate that patients with diabetes mellitus andCRF showing hyporeninaemic hypoaldosteronism have high urinaryexcretion of PGE2 and PGI2. The increase in the urinary prostaglandinsis related to CRF. The data rule out the hypothesis that thehyporeninaemic hypoaldosteronism of these patients is due toa deficit of prostaglandins.
Keywords:urinary prostaglandins   hypoaldosteronism   hyporeninism   diabetes mellitus   chronic renal failure
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