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An Evaluation of Plasma Antioxidant Levels and the Risk of Breast Cancer: A Pilot Case Control Study
Authors:Simon Michael S.  Djuric Zora  Dunn Bruce  Stephens Deanna  Lababidi Samir  Heilbrun Lance K.
Affiliation:Division of Hematology and Oncology, Karmanos Cancer Institute, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan, and
;British Columbia Cancer Agency, Vancouver, British Columbia
Abstract:Antioxidant micronutrients found in fruits and vegetables have been shown in numerous studies to be protective against cancer. There is limited information on the relationship between blood antioxidant micronutrient levels and cancer among ethnic minorities. We conducted a pilot case-control study to evaluate the potential for accrual to a study of the association of plasma levels of beta-carotene, retinol, lycopene, alpha-tocopherol, and gamma-tocopherol with breast cancer risk among African American and Caucasian women seen at a large university medical center in Detroit. Cases included women with newly diagnosed invasive breast cancer who had not yet had any cancer-related therapy and who were age-matched to controls within 5 years. Plasma levels of micronutrients were analyzed by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Compared to the expected accrual based on cancer registry data, only 26% (11/42) of African American women with breast cancer enrolled, while 100% (16/16) of Caucasian cases enrolled. Control women were quickly accrued with only a 6% refusal rate. Among African American women, there was a weak inverse association between plasma lycopene levels and breast cancer risk, with a mean level of 0.17 &mgr;mol/L (SD = 0.18) among cases, and 0.24 &mgr;mol/L (SD = 0.18) among controls (p = 0.09). There was a weak direct association between plasma retinol levels and breast cancer risk among African American women, with a mean retinol level of 2.37 &mgr;mol/L (SD = 0.73) among cases and 1.98 &mgr;mol/L (SD = 0.49) among controls (p = 0.132). The interaction effect of race and lycopene was statistically significant (p = 0.048). Among the lowest lycopene tertile, the risk of breast cancer among Caucasian women was 0.76 and the risk of breast cancer among African American women was 2.29, although these odds ratios were not statistically significant. Our recruitment efforts were largely successful among Caucasian cases and controls, and African American controls, but were unsuccessful among African American cases. The results suggest a possible relationship between plasma lycopene level and breast cancer among African American women, but these results should be confirmed by a larger, more definitive study.
Keywords:antioxidants    breast neoplasm    case control    lycopene    micronutrients
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