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Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma: report of a case diagnosed by intraoperative cytopathological examination
Authors:Bleggi-Torres L F  Gasparetto E L  Faoro L N  Hanel R  Grande C V  de Carvalho Neto A  de Noronha L
Affiliation:Division of Anatomic Pathology, Hospital Nossa Senhora das Gra?as, Curitiba, Brazil. bleggi@hc.ufpr.br
Abstract:The authors present an unusual case of a 13-yr-old boy with a 3-mo history of seizures. A CT scan showed a contrast-enhancing mass located in the left temporal lobe. The patient underwent a stereotatic-guided craniotomy; intraoperative cytological diagnosis was performed by the smear technique, showing a pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma. The tumor was totally resected. Definitive diagnosis was established by examination of paraffin-embedded material. Six months after the surgical intervention, the patient is doing well, with no radiological evidence of recurrence. The cytological differential diagnosis of giant cell lesions of the central nervous system is emphasized.
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