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Seuil minimal de réactivité au cours des tests de provocation orale
Authors:P.A. Eigenmann
Affiliation:Hôpital des enfants, hôpitaux universitaires de Genève, CH-1211 Genève 14, Suisse
Abstract:Determination of the threshold dose for clinical reactivity for a given food is done as a function of certain criteria. For example, the patient must not be aware of the minimal reactivity dose; it should be noted that this dose might vary from time to time. In addition, the food production industry, being concerned with safety issues, would like to know the minimal reactivity dose for specific foods. Currently available data indicate that this dose can be less than 1 mg and, furthermore, that it is difficult to determine with precision.
Keywords:Allergie alimentaire   Dose seuil   Test de provocation
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