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Arteriographic demonstration of both kinking at the origin and compression between the great vessels of an anomalous right coronary artery arising in common with a left coronary artery from above the left sinus of valsalva
Authors:Julius H. Grollman  Song Shou Mao  Steven R. Weinstein
Abstract:Angled angiographic views demonstrated two areas of significant systolic narrowing in an anomalous right coronary artery arising in common with a left coronary artery from above the left sinus of Valsalva: (1) an ostial stenosis due to kinking as the anomalous artery turned sharply to the right after its origin from the aorta; (2) compression of the proximal segment as it coursed between the aorta and pulmonary artery. Appropriate angiographic studies to evaluate the presence of these changes may help to elucidate their significance.
Keywords:angiography  heart catheterization  coronary vessel anomalies
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