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引用本文:佡思维,王岩. 线上线下混合式教学在医学院校高等数学教学中的实践研究[J]. 中华医学教育探索杂志, 2023, 22(5): 641-646
作者姓名:佡思维  王岩
作者单位:1.齐齐哈尔医学院医学技术学院,齐齐哈尔 161006;2.齐齐哈尔医学院基础医学院,齐齐哈尔 161006
摘    要:目的 为解决医学院校学生高等数学学习难度大、学时紧、学生学习兴趣差、接受程度低等困扰高等数学学习的问题,积极开展线上线下混合式教学模式。方法 选取2022级临床医学专业、生物医学工程专业、信息管理与信息系统专业共6个班级243名学生作为研究对象(试验组),采用自制线上学习资源与中国大学MOOC教学资源结合的线上线下混合式教学模式。课前根据教学内容设置教学目标、上传教学资源,利用超星学习通平台发布课前学习任务,帮助学生课前预习。课中教师面授,并在学习通平台发布课堂提问、随堂测验等,检验课上学习效果,方便教师掌握学生学习情况,及时进行教学调整,帮助学生顺利完成课上学习。课后在超星学习通平台上发布课上授课视频及课后习题讲解等,辅助学生巩固课上学习。并分班建立课程QQ群,方便课后与学生沟通、辅导答疑。采用SPSS 20.0软件进行t检验。结果 线上线下混合式教学有效提高了学生课上的参与度,极大地调动了学生的学习热情,课上平均师生互动由每节6次提高到10次;课上出勤率由原来的93.93%(232/247)提高到97.94%(238/243);作业按时提交率由原来的92.71%(229/247)提高到96.71%(235/243)。课程教学完成以后,学生的期末综合成绩由(81.27±4.56)分提高到(89.52±3.42),差异有统计学意义(t=8.25,P<0.001)。结论 线上线下混合式教学的采用,不仅对学生学习成绩有良性作用,而且更大程度地激发了学生学习高等数学的热情。后续期待学生应用数学解决实际问题的能力进一步提高。

关 键 词:线上线下混合式教学  医学院校  应用数学能力  问卷调查

A study on the practice of online and offline hybrid teaching in the teaching of advanced mathematics in medical schools
Nao Siwei,Wang Yan. A study on the practice of online and offline hybrid teaching in the teaching of advanced mathematics in medical schools[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research, 2023, 22(5): 641-646
Authors:Nao Siwei  Wang Yan
Affiliation:1.School of Medical Technology, Qiqihar Medical College, Qiqihar 161006, China;2.School of Basic Medical Sciences, Qiqihar Medical College, Qiqihar 161006, China
Abstract:Objective To solve the problems of medical advanced mathematics learning for medical school students, such as high difficulty, tight school hours, poor learning interest and low acceptance of students, and to actively carry out online and offline hybrid teaching mode.Methods A total of 243 students majoring in clinical medicine, biomedical engineering and information management and information system from 6 classes in Batch 2022 were selected as the study subjects (experimental group). A hybrid online/offline teaching mode combining self-made online learning resources and MOOC teaching resources of China University was specifically adopted. Teaching objectives were set and teaching resources were uploaded according to the teaching content before the class. Super Star Learning Platform was employed to issue pre-class learning tasks to help students study before class. During the lesson, teachers taught face-to-face, and released classroom questions and quizzes on the learning platform to test the learning effect in class. It was convenient for teachers to grasp students'' learning situation and took timely teaching adjustments to help students successfully complete their learning in class. After the class, we released the videos of class lectures and post-class exercises on Super Star Learning Platform to help students consolidate their learning from class. We also set up a QQ group for the course in each class to facilitate communication with students after class and to answer questions. SPSS 20.0 was used to conduct t-test.Results The online and offline hybrid teaching effectively increased students'' participation in class and greatly mobilized students'' enthusiasm for learning, and the average teacher-student interaction in class increased from 6 to 10 times per session; the class attendance rate increased from 93.93% (232/247) to 97.94% (238/243); the homework submission rate increased from 92.71% (229/247) to 96.71% (235/243). After the course was finished, the final comprehensive scores of students increased from (81.27±4.56) to (89.52±3.42), with statistically significant differences (t=8.25, P<0.001).Conclusion The adoption of online and offline hybrid teaching not only has a benign effect on students'' academic performance, but also stimulates students'' enthusiasm to learn advanced mathematics to a greater extent, and subsequently expects students'' ability to be further improved in applying mathematics to solve practical problems.
Keywords:Online and offline blended teaching mode  Medical colleges and universities  Mathematical application ability  Questionnaire survey
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