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Specific Interaction of a 25-kilodalton Cellular Protein,a 40S Ribosomal Subunit Protein,with the Internal Ribosome Entry Site of Hepatitis C Virus Genome
Authors:Fukushi  Shuetsu  Okada  Masato  Kageyama  Tsutomu  Hoshino  Fuminori B.  Katayama  Kazuhiko
Affiliation:(1) Basic Research Division, BioMedical Laboratories, Inc., 1361-1, Matoba Kawagoeshi, Saitama, 350-1101, Japan;(2) Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, 3-2, Yamadaoka, Suitashi, Osaka, 565-0871, Japan
Abstract:Translation initiation of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA is controlled by an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) contained in 5prime noncoding region (NCR) and in several nucleotides of the coding region. The ability of a 25-kilodalton cellular protein (p25) to bind the HCV 5prime NCR is correlated with the efficiency of translation initiation of HCV RNA, indicating that this protein plays a critical role in HCV translation (S. Fukushi, C. Kurihara, N. Ishiyama, F. B. Hoshino, A. Oya, and K. Katayama, J Virol 71, 1662–1666, 1997). We have extended the study for identification of the IRES region required for p25 binding. For this purpose, we have performed UV cross-linking competition analyses using 5prime- or 3prime- deleted mutants of the HCV 5prime NCR as competitor RNAs for binding of p25 to wild-type HCV 5prime NCR. Competitor RNAs lacking nucleotides (nt) 47–74 or nt 279–331 did not inhibit p25 binding to the HCV IRES, indicating that these regions are necessary for interaction of the p25 and HCV IRES. Since p25 binding was not observed in the IRES elements of encephalomyocarditis virus and poliovirus in UV cross-linking competition analyses, the p25 binding may be specific for the HCV IRES. p25 bound to the HCV IRES was detected when a purified 40S ribosomal subunit was used for UV cross-linking experiment, indicating that p25 is one of 40S ribosomal subunit proteins. These results reveal an unique interaction between the 40S ribosomal subunit and HCV IRES to contribute to translation initiation of the HCV genome.
Keywords:HCV IRES  translation initiation  host factor  40S ribosomal subunit
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