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Human smooth muscle myosin heavy chain gene mapped to chromosomal region 16q12
Authors:Rumiko Matsuoka  Michihiro C. Yoshida  Yoshiyuki Furutani  Shin-Ichiro Imamura  Naotoshi Kanda  Masashi Yanagisawa  Tomoh Masaki  Atsuyoshi Takao
Abstract:The partial nucleotide sequence encoding the rod portion of the entire amino acid sequence of human smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (MHC) which corresponds to MYH11, according to Human Gene Mapping nomenclature, has been determined by cloning a complementary DNA (cDNA) and sequencing the cDNA (UMYHSM). Northen blot analysis with the UMYHSM fragment (4.3 Kb) showed that the smooth muscle MHC of the human umbilical artery is expressed in the human umbilical artery, bladder, esophagus and trachea. Southern blot analysis of human genomic DNA from human-mouse or human-Chinese hamster somatic cell hybrids demonstrated that the human smooth muscle MHC was mapped to human chromosome 16. Regional mapping of UMYHSM was performed using human cell lines with partial deletion and trisomy of chromosome 16. As a result, the human smooth muscle MHC gene segregated with 16p11-q12. In situ hybridization of biotin-labeled human smooth muscle MHC probe (UMYHSM fragment) to normal human metaphase chromosome independently showed that the human smooth muscle MHC gene (MYH11) is assigned to chromosome region 16q12. Analysis of early metaphase chromosomes showed that hybridization signals were in 16q12.1. In the human, although skeletal, cardiac, smooth muscle, and nonmuscle MHC genes are mapped to chromosomes 17, 14, 16 and 22, respectively, structural similarities of these MHC genes strongly suggest the common origin of these genes. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Keywords:in situ hybridization  Southern blot analysis  chromosome 16
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