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Hypotonic exposure enhances synaptic transmission and triggers spreading depression in rat hippocampal tissue slices
Authors:S.R. Chebabo   M.A. Hester   P.G. Aitken  G.G. Somjen  
Affiliation:Department of Cell Biology, Box 3709, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA
Abstract:Low extracellular osmotic pressure (πo) is known to enhance CNS resposiveneess and the chance of seizures, but the mechanism of the hyperexcitability is not clear. We recorded evoked potentials in st. radiatum and st. pyramidale of CA1. Tissue electrical resistance (Ro) was determined from the voltage drop (VRo) evoked by constant current pulses. Lowering of πo by reducing [NaCl] caused a concentration-dependent increase of amplitude and duration of extracellular excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSPs). fEPSPs increased much more than didVRo, but antiddromic population spikes increased in proportion toVRo. fEPSP increased also in isosmotic low NaCl (fructose or mannitol substituted) olutions, but not as much as in low πo. In moderately hypotonic solutions orthodromic population spikes increased as expected from the augmented fEPSP, but in strong hypotonia input-output curves shifted to the left and single stimuli evoked multiple population spikes, indicating lowering of threshold of postsynaptic neurons. Blocking N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors did not diminish the enhancement of fEPSP amplitude. Spreading depression (SD) erupted in most slices in very low πo, but not in isosmotic low [NaCl] solutions. We conclude that the hypotonic enhancement of EPSPs depends, in part, on the lowering of [Na+]o and/or of [Cl]o, and it may be augmented by dendritic swelling favoring electrotonic spread of EPSPs from dendrites to somata, and buildup of transmitter concentration due to swelling of perisynaptic glia. SD can be initiated by cell swelling, but the depolarization associated with SD is probably not caused by the opening of stretch-gated ion channels.
Keywords:Synaptic potential   Osmotic pressure   Cell swelling   Sodium deficiency   Excitatory postsynaptic potential   Spreading depression   Seizure
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