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作者姓名:丁国恒  桂思  王学建
作者单位:贵航贵阳医院 遵义医学院附属贵航三〇〇医院,550000
摘    要:目的:探讨胰胆管十二指肠连接区( PDDU)小肿瘤的MRI表现特点,进一步提高MRI诊断的准确性。方法对连接区22例经病理证实的小肿瘤MRI图像资料进行分析。结果MRI诊断PDDU小肿瘤22例(胰头癌11例,壶腹癌5例,胆总管下端癌4例,乳头绒毛管状腺癌以及导管内乳突状粘液瘤各1例),主要表现为软组织肿块,十二指肠腔内充盈缺损,胆总管下段狭窄和肝内外胆管、胰管、胆总管扩张。结论 MRI能清晰显示PDDU小肿瘤的直接及间接征象并具有一定的特征性,是一种优良的无创伤性检查方法。

关 键 词:胰胆管十二指肠连接区    胆总管  主胰管

MRI findings of Small Tumor at Pancreaitcobli iayr Ductala nd Duode nal Union
Abstract:Objective Tostudythefeatures of MRI findingsin small tumors atpancreaticobiliaryductal andduodenal u-nion ( PDDU) .Methods MRI findingsfeaturesof 22 cases wereretrospectively studiedandcorrelatedwith theirpathologi-cal characteristics.Results Among 22 casesstudied(11 werecarcinoma of head of pancreas,5 wereampullarycarci-noma,4 were inferior extremity carcinoma of choledochus, It is every one of adenocarcinoma, duodenal papilla villous tubular adenocarcinoma and Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Adenoma);MRI featuresincluded massesofsoft tissue,local-ized duodenal intraluminal filling defect, inferior segment of choledochus stenosis or thickeningofcholedochuswall andex-pansionofexterior and interior bile duct,common bileductandpancreatic duct.Conclusions MRI is one of noninvasive superiortesting methods,which canclearly displaythedirectandindirectsigns of small tumors of PDDU.
Keywords:pancreaticobiliary ductaland duodenal union  carcinoma  choledochus  main pancreatic duct
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