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引用本文:李咏兰 胡慧媛. 从体型认定摩梭人的民族身份归属[J]. 解剖学报, 2018, 49(6): 786-792. DOI: 10.16098/j.issn.0529-1356.2018.06.015
作者姓名:李咏兰 胡慧媛
作者单位:内蒙古师范大学生命科学与技术学院,呼和浩特 010022
摘    要:目的 摩梭人民族身份未定,通过研究摩梭人体型来分析其民族归属。 方法 在云南宁蒗县永宁乡共测量了386例(男179例,女207例)摩梭人体质数据,采用Heath-Carter人体测量法研究摩梭人的体型。 结果 摩梭人男性平均体型值为3.2-4.9-2.4,属于偏内胚层的中胚层体型。女性平均体型值为5.0-4.8-1.6,属于内胚层-中胚层均衡体型。男性体型点的分布相对离散,女性体型点的分布相对集中。60岁以前,随年龄增长,女性脂肪、骨骼和肌肉越来越发达,身体线性度变小。体型位置距离比较,摩梭人体型与布依族最接近,与云南汉族和云南蒙古族较接近,与巴尔虎蒙古族距离较远。采用组间连接法对13个族群(8个南方少数民族、2个南方汉族,3个北方蒙古族)体型3个因子均值进行聚类分析,发现摩梭人体型具有南方族群体型特征,但摩梭人体型与多数南方族群略有不同。综合13个族群男性、女性内、中、外因子均值的比较结果,发现摩梭人身体脂肪含量逊于北方蒙古族和汉族,而高于7个南方少数民族,身体粗壮程度强于多数南方民族,但逊于北方蒙古族。 结论 摩梭人总体上具有南方族群的体型特征,但比多数南方族群身体更粗壮、脂肪更发达。不支持摩梭人是蒙古族一支的观点。

关 键 词:体型   Heath-Carter法   人体测量   摩梭人  

Mosuo national affiliation from the point of somatotype
LI Yong-lan HU Hui-yuan. Mosuo national affiliation from the point of somatotype[J]. Acta Anatomica Sinica, 2018, 49(6): 786-792. DOI: 10.16098/j.issn.0529-1356.2018.06.015
Authors:LI Yong-lan HU Hui-yuan
Affiliation:College of Life Sciences and Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot 010022,China
Abstract:Objective To analyze the somatotypes of Mosuo and to identify Mosuo national affiliation. Methods The physical anthropological indicators of 386 Mosuo adults (179 males, 207 females) from Yongning, Ninglang, Yunnan were measured and the Heath-Carter somatotypes of Mosuo were analyzed. Results The mean somatotype of male was 3.2-4.9-2.4, belonged to endo-mesomorph category. The mean somatotype of female was 5.0-4.8-1.6, belonged to endoderm-mesodermal equilibrium. The distribution of the male was discrete, and the female was relatively concentrated. Before the age of 60, along with the age growth, the fat, bone and muscle of females were more and more developed, and linearity of body was smaller. The comparison of somatotypes position distance showed that Mosuo was closest to Bouyei, closer to Han and Mongolia nationalities in Yunnan and far away from Barag Mongolian. The result of clustering analysis of the 3 somatotypes among 13 groups (eight southern minorities, 2 southern Han ethnic groups, three northern Mongolia ethnic groups) showed that somatotype of Mosuo was mainly characterized by southern ethnic groups, but it was slightly different with them. Comprehensively the 3 somatotypes of 13 ethnic groups and the body fat of Mosuo were inferior to northern Mongolia and Han nationalities, and superior to 7 southern ethnic groups. The body was stronger than the majority of southern ethnic groups, but inferior to northern Mongolia ethnic groups. Conclusion On the whole, Mosuo is mainly characterized by southern ethnic groups, but more stronger and fatter than majority of them.The conclusion of this study do not support the view that Mosuo is a branch of Mongolia.
Keywords:Somatotype   Heath-Carter method   Somatometry   Mosuo
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