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Boron neutron capture therapy: Preliminary study of BNCT with sodium borocaptate (Na2B1 2H1 1SH) on glioblastoma
Authors:Takagaki  Masao  Oda  Yoshifumi  Miyatake  Shin-Ichi  Kikuchi   Haruhiko  Kobayashi   Toru  Sakurai   Yoshinori  Osawa   Masami  Mori   Kenjiro  Ono   Koji
Affiliation:(1) Radiation Oncology Research Laboratory, Japan;(2) Department of Neurosurgery, Japan;(3) Radiation Life Science Section of Research Reactor Institute, Japan;(4) Department of Anesthesiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kumatori-cho, Sennan-gun, Osaka, 590-04, Japan
Abstract:To plan the optimal BNCT using BSH for glioblastoma patients, the10B concentration in tumor and blood was investigated in 11newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients. All patients received 20 mg BSH/kgbody weight 2.5–16 hrs prior to tumor removal. The quantitativedistribution of 10B was determined by prompt gamma rayspectrometry and/or agr-track autoradiography. 10Bdistribution in tumors was heterogeneous, ± 25% of scatteringat the microscopic level, and the distribution was also heterogeneous at thetissue level. 10B concentration in blood decreased inbi-exponential decay as a function of the time after the end of theadministration. The T/B ratio showed non-exponential increase with largevariation. The maximum T/B ratio would be around 1. The tumor/normal brain(T/N) ratio of 10B concentration was 11.0 ± 3.2. The10B content in normal brain is originated in vascular10B in parenchyma, since the 10B content innormal brain to blood (N/B ratio) being compatible with the blood content inparenchyma. These values allow for BNCT, using thermal neutrons, on braintumors located less than approximately 3.3 cm in depth from the brainsurface of neutron incidence, providing that the dose on the normalendothelium is controlled to less than the tolerance limit. In ourpreliminary study of BNCT, a 31% 3-year survival was achieved overall for 16 glioblastoma patients and a 50% 2-year survival wasachieved on 8 glioblastoma patients in our recent dose escalation studybased on these data.
Keywords:boron neutron capture therapy  malignant brain tumors  10B quantitative distribution  sodium borocaptate
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