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目的:评价国产1%布替萘芬擦剂治疗足癣的疗效及安全性。方法:以1%联苯苄唑溶液为对照药,对131例足癣进行随机双盲用药,A组67例,B组64例,每日外涂1次,连续4wk,观察其临床和真菌学疗效以及不良反应。结果:A组和B组的治愈率分别为63%和69%,有效率分别为84%和80%,真菌学清除率分别为91%和89%,临床和真菌学疗效2组比较无统计学意义(P>0.05)。A组无不良反应发生,B组2例出现中度局部刺激症状。结论:国产1%布替萘芬擦剂治疗足癣疗效好,安全性高。  相似文献   
目的:观察三黄除癣方联合1%联苯苄唑乳膏治疗手、足癣的临床疗效。方法:将80例患者随机分为对照组和观察组,每组40例;对照组给予1%联苯苄唑乳膏治疗,观察组给予三黄除癣方外用联合1%联苯苄唑乳膏治疗;疗程均为4周,治疗后评估2组临床疗效,统计2组患者治疗前后症状积分、真菌清除情况。结果:治愈率观察组为77.50%,对照组为52.50%,2组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);总效率观察组为82.50%,对照组为77.50%,2组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。治疗后,2组症状积分均较治疗前明显下降(P<0.05);且观察组治疗前后积分差值明显大于对照组(P<0.05)。真菌清除率观察组为85.00%,对照组为67.50%,2组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:三黄除癣方联合1%联苯苄唑乳膏治疗手、足癣效果确切,疗效优于单纯西药治疗。  相似文献   
报告1例掌黑癣。患儿男,2岁。右手掌棕褐色斑疹半年,无自觉症状。皮肤科检查见右掌大鱼际处钱币大棕褐色斑片.边缘清楚,鳞屑较少。直接镜检见棕色菌丝,有分枝、弯曲及不规则分隔。沙堡培养基25℃恒温培养见柏油状菌落。镜下观察见大量圆形、卵圆形、不规则形棕色孢子和分隔菌丝,部分孢子中央有分隔。诊断:威尼克外瓶霉引起的掌黑癣。外搽角质剥离剂及抗真菌药后皮损消退。  相似文献   
Aims To review the current evidence for the presence of fungal foot infection (tinea pedis and toenail onychomycosis) as a risk factor for the development of cellulitis within the lower limb, particularly for those individuals with diabetes. Methods A structured review of medline , embase and cinahl databases was undertaken to identify publications investigating fungal foot infection as a risk factor for the development of cellulitis. Results Sixteen studies were identified. Eight studies adopted a case–control methodology, with the remainder being cross‐sectional surveys. The majority of studies established the presence of tinea infection by clinical rather than established microbiological methods. Although the majority of papers suggested a link, only two case–control studies employed microbiological diagnosis to demonstrate that fungal foot infection was a risk for the development of lower limb cellulitis, particularly when infection was located between the toes. There were insufficient data to suggest that fungal foot infection posed an increased risk to patients with diabetes. Conclusion There is some evidence to suggest that fungal infection of the foot is a factor in the development of lower limb cellulitis, but further robust research is needed to confirm these findings and quantify the risk that fungi pose, particularly to the diabetic foot. Meanwhile, improved surveillance and treatment of tinea infections on the foot by healthcare professionals should be encouraged to reduce potential complications.  相似文献   
新型酮康唑喷膜的制备及其对湿疹和体癣豚鼠模型的疗效   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:制备新型酮康唑缓释喷膜,观察其对湿疹和体癣豚鼠模型的疗效.方法:以壳聚糖盐酸盐为成膜辅料,研制新型酮康唑喷膜,采用HPLC法测定其含量.色谱条件:Waters Symttry C18色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm);流动相为甲醇-磷酸二氢钾缓冲液(4∶1);流速为0.6 ml/min;检测波长为239 nm;柱温为(22±2)℃.建立新型酮康唑喷膜的质量控制标准.观察新型酮康唑喷膜对豚鼠湿疹和体癣模型的疗效,以喷膜基质作对照,并分别与地塞米松止痒霜和复方酮康唑霜的疗效相比较.结果:酮康唑和醋酸地塞米松的线性范围分别为0.2~2.0 mg/ml和0.02~0.20 mg/ml;回收率分别为98.41%和97.84%;两者日内RSD和日间RSD分别为1.17%和1.26%、1.57%和1.40%.皮肤刺激性实验表明其对豚鼠皮肤无刺激.新型酮康唑喷膜对湿疹和体癣模型疗效分别与地塞米松止痒霜和复方酮康唑霜相当.结论:新型酮康唑喷膜制备工艺简单,对湿疹和体癣模型疗效确切,具备复方制剂的优势.  相似文献   
Topical conveyance of antifungal agents like itraconazole ITZ has been giving good grounds for expecting felicitous antifungal medicines. The defiance of topical delivery of this poorly water soluble and high-molecular-weight drug, however, mightily entail an adequate vehiculation. ITZ aspasomes, newer antioxidant generation of liposomes, have been designed and enclosed in a cream to ameliorate skin deposition. The proposed creams containing non-formulated ITZ or encapsulated in aspasomes (0.1% or 0.5%) were topically applied in patients with diagnosed diaper dermatitis complicated by candidiasis, tinea corporis (TC), and tinea versicolor (TVC). Placebos (void aspasomal cream and cream base) were also utilized. The obtained results for diaper rash revealed that aspasomal cream (0.5% ITZ) was eminent with respect to complete cure and negative candida culture after 10-day therapy relative to counterparts containing 0.1% ITZ aspasomes or non-formulated ITZ (0.1% and 0.5%). For tinea, the same trend was manifested in terms of ‘cleared’ clinical response in 90% of patients and absence of fungal elements after 4-week treatment. Relative to non-formulated ITZ, ITZ aspasomal cream was endorsed to be auspicious especially when ITZ concentration was lowered to half commercially available cream concentration (1%), pushing further exploitation in other dermal fungal infections.  相似文献   
目的 观察复方三酸散浸泡治疗足癣的临床疗效.方法 选取医院2016年2月至2019年2月收治的足癣患者102例,按随机数字表法分为观察组和对照组,各51例.对照组患者涂搽硝酸咪康唑乳膏,观察组患者给予复方三酸散加温水溶解后泡足,均治疗20 d.结果 治疗后,两组患者的中医证候积分均较治疗前显著降低(P<0.05),且观...  相似文献   
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