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白花蛇舌草研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文综述了近年来白花蛇舌草的资源与生产、化学成分、药理作用、临床应用等方面的研究进展,为白花蛇舌草深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   
刘嘉湘认为本病病机往往由于患者阴阳气血虚损,或气血痰湿郁滞,癌毒内蓄,蕴积化热而成。临床上要根据患者脉证辨析其病因病机以治病求本。临床以中晚期患者并发此证较多,此时患者多以正气亏虚为主要矛盾,尤以阴虚或者气阴两虚者多见。总体上从内伤发热辨治较为适合,临床应详辨病机,辨证论治,多从阴虚发热、气虚发热、气郁发热、湿郁发热、热毒炽盛5型论治,同时要明辨标本,退热抗癌。  相似文献   
王晞星教授通过多年临床经验,形成"和法"治疗肿瘤的诊疗体系,通过跟随导师临证学习,逐步总结出导师关于肺癌发病病机、病情演变、治疗策略及转归预后等方面独特的学术思想。  相似文献   
对音乐疗法的起源、发展概况、音乐疗法的中医理论分析,音乐疗法的现代医学理论探索以及近些年国内音乐疗法的临床应用进行总结,并希望借此推动国内同仁对音乐治疗的认识以及该项治疗的开展。笔者应用计算机检索以及期刊查阅.查找有关音乐治疗的临床研究文献以及资料综述。目前音乐治疗主要运用于调节情绪障碍、缓解焦虑、改善睡眠、缓解疼痛、改善脑功能、提高智力方面,笔者对用于治疗的音乐的分类以及音乐疗法所主治的病症做了大致的介绍。音乐对人心身的调节作用是肯定的,音乐疗法在心身疾病治疗康复上有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
A group of selected Safety Pharmacology (SP) experts (~ 50) were convened at the Cambridge Amgen Research Center for a brain-storming reflection on avenues to pursue in order to promote inter-laboratory harmonization in the conduct of regulatory non-clinical cardiovascular SP investigations. Following a few plenary lectures, the participants, divided into three groups, discussed how to optimize the outcome of cardiovascular assays and how best to capture a pro-arrhythmic potential of clinical candidates in dog and non-human primate studies. The first presentation analyzed impending SP challenges and, in particular, the necessity to detect drug-induced minor, cardio-hemodynamic and electrocardiographic changes that, if sustained over time, can cause premature morbidity and lethality events. Then, the importance of optimized experimental design and data analysis approaches to capture cardiovascular liability signals was examined. Finally, four cardiovascular case studies on strategies to enhance human predictability of non-clinical findings were illustrated. The reflection groups analyzed the best available means for optimizing precision, power, design, execution of, and data exploitation from, SP assays. The proceedings of this meeting will constitute the first official SP Society guidance on best practices for reducing cardiovascular attrition during drug development. Nonetheless, my personal view is that the chief, most powerful and cost-effective approach to establish pharmacological safety of potential clinical candidates is to apply, from the earliest research stages, mechanism-driven Exploratory SP assay paradigms with elevated human translation power. In this scenario, Regulatory SP will have the role to confirm and validate safety evidences obtained by Exploratory SP by conducting guideline recommended assays under best experimental practices.  相似文献   
先秦道家为中国最基础的哲学发展打下坚实的基础,更深刻影响着传统中医学的形成与发展。整理分析先秦道家与中医学的相关研究十分必要。通过整理分析,发现其主要涉及对《黄帝内经》的影响、对养生的指导、对心理学的奠基、对中医基础理论的构建等多方面,也有一些较少涉及的领域,有一定的研究空间。  相似文献   
目的:探讨痛风性关节炎中医药治疗研究进展。方法:归纳、总结、分析近年来的文献资料。结果:从辨证论治、分期治疗、专方专药内治方法和中药外敷、针灸等外治方法以及内外合治等方面综述了近些年痛风性关节炎中医药治疗的研究进展,并指出了中医药在治疗该病方面的优势及不足。结论:中医药治疗痛风性关节炎疗效显著,不良反应小。  相似文献   
ObjectiveBiomedical text summarization helps biomedical information seekers avoid information overload by reducing the length of a document while preserving the contents’ essence. Our systematic review investigates the most recent biomedical text summarization researches on biomedical literature and electronic health records by analyzing their techniques, areas of application, and evaluation methods. We identify gaps and propose potential directions for future research.Materials and MethodsThis review followed the PRISMA methodology and replicated the approaches adopted by the previous systematic review published on the same topic. We searched 4 databases (PubMed, ACM Digital Library, Scopus, and Web of Science) from January 1, 2013 to April 8, 2021. Two reviewers independently screened title, abstract, and full-text for all retrieved articles. The conflicts were resolved by the third reviewer. The data extraction of the included articles was in 5 dimensions: input, purpose, output, method, and evaluation.ResultsFifty-eight out of 7235 retrieved articles met the inclusion criteria. Thirty-nine systems used single-document biomedical research literature as their input, 17 systems were explicitly designed for clinical support, 47 systems generated extractive summaries, and 53 systems adopted hybrid methods combining computational linguistics, machine learning, and statistical approaches. As for the assessment, 51 studies conducted an intrinsic evaluation using predefined metrics.Discussion and ConclusionThis study found that current biomedical text summarization systems have achieved good performance using hybrid methods. Studies on electronic health records summarization have been increasing compared to a previous survey. However, the majority of the works still focus on summarizing literature.  相似文献   
包培荣辨证治疗冠心病心绞痛的经验可概括为:冠心病心绞痛的根本病机为本虚标实,虚是胸痹的基础,肾虚是诸虚之本,是冠心病心绞痛发生的关键所在,故探病求源,强调不荣则痛,重在补肾益气;因虚致瘀,络脉不通,气血运行不畅是冠心病心绞痛的主要发病机制,故急救其标,强调通则不痛,重在理气活血、化痰通络;临证时病证结合,衷中参西,或偏于补肾益气,或偏于活血通络、理气化痰。  相似文献   
IgA肾病多有咽炎、肠炎等系列黏膜反应,中医辨证多属于热、毒、瘀证范畴,米杰以补肾健脾、清热解毒、活血化瘀为原则,辨证施治,药石并用,同时结合西医疗法,收效颇著。  相似文献   
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