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徐复先生兼综章、黄 ,克绍师裘 ,完成了“经验训诂学”向“理论训诂学”的转化 ,成为章、黄之后的一代训诂学大师。其训诂学说包括七个方面 :全凭语言事实材料得出结论 ,以声音阐明训诂 ,以上古音通训诂 ,借文法求训诂 ,视校勘为训诂的首要环节 ,发展并运用王国维的二重证据法 ,从训诂学向词汇学过渡  相似文献   
徐蔚霖治疗女童性早熟用药经验   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
余恒先 《辽宁中医杂志》1998,25(10):461-462
儿童性早熟目前尚无理想的治疗方法。徐蔚霖认为,性早熟病在冲任,源在肝肾,治疗重在调理冲任和肝肾,尤应以疏肝理气为主,用药以入肝经药为先。对肾阴亏虚、相火亢盛患儿,加用滋阴补肾清火类药。对肝经湿热、气机郁滞患儿,酌加清热凉血、利湿化浊之品。用药当注意顾护脾胃,提出间歇服药这一特色方法  相似文献   
选录《普济本事方》中伤寒下利、伤神劳复、惊悸无寐、气中病与膀胱气闭等5则医案加以阐微,体现了许氏辨证细致、选药精当、治法独特,“必先涤所蓄之邪,然后补之”的学术思想。  相似文献   
目的:应用SAS统计软件Logistic功能分析徐云生教授治疗甲亢的用药规律。方法:应用名老中医网收集徐云生教授甲亢医案166份,其他疾病医案194份,建立频率统计表,导出数据,应用SAS统计软件,以甲状腺功能亢进症为因变量,以用药频率15%的所用中药为自变量,对医案数据集进行Logistic逐步回归分析。结果:赤芍、柴胡、白芍、茯苓等药用药频率较高,Logistic回归分析中柴胡、甘草、丹皮、夏枯草、枸杞、五味子、连翘、川芎、玄参、半夏、泽泻、川牛膝、百合13种药具有统计学意义。结论:徐云生教授治疗甲状腺功能亢进症重视调肝凉血,清热化痰散结,并予以扶正祛邪。本研究结果更具客观性,更具临床指导价值,易被临床医生接受。  相似文献   
通过对《素问·脏气法时论》中"五谷为养,五果为助,五畜为益,五菜为充"的分析并结合元代养生家贾铭所撰《饮食须知》的论述,分析《饮食须知》中的食疗养生观,总结出《饮食须知》对于食物的选用十分考究,强调饮食禁忌,重视食物的寒热调和,不提倡生食、久食、多食的学术特色,以期更好地指导当代中国社会的养生。  相似文献   
针对小儿时行感冒的临床特点和病因、病机,徐荣谦教授提出疫寒杂邪为其致病因素,清疫散寒为其基本治则,临床运用大青龙汤合银翘散治疗小儿时行感冒收效显著。  相似文献   
目的:观察腹型肥胖中医虚实证型脂联素表达差异及与肥胖特征性指标的相关性。方法:设立肥胖虚实证型组及正常对照组,对其相关代谢指标、脂联素表达进行检测,并探讨以上指标与肥胖特征的相关性。结果:腹型肥胖实证组和虚证组脂联素、空腹胰岛素(FINS)、腹内/腹壁脂肪比、胰岛素抵抗指数等指标差异有显著性意义(P<0.05或P<0.01),脂联素与甘油三酯、FINS、胰岛素抵抗指数存在负相关性(P<0.01)。结论:不同证型腹型肥胖的代谢特征有明显差异,这种代谢差异不仅来源于腰围的增加,更可能与腹腔内部脂肪堆积有关;脂肪因子脂联素的表达差异,提示虚证腹型肥胖有更明显的糖脂代谢异常和胰岛素抵抗的存在。  相似文献   


Previous studies have shown maternal hepatitis B virus infection is associated with preterm birth. However, whether liver dysfunction caused by hepatitis B virus infection or other factors can lead to preterm delivery needs further exploration. Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is a sensitive indicator of liver function, but few studies have investigated the association between serum ALT concentrations and preterm birth. We aimed to examine the relationship between maternal preconception ALT concentration and risk of preterm birth.


We did a population-based cohort study of 4832887 women aged 20–49 years old, who participated in the National Free Pre-pregnancy Checkups Project (NFPCP) in 2013–16, and delivered a livebirth before Dec 31, 2017, in rural China. We collected information about demographic characteristics, history of pregnancy and diseases, serum ALT concentration, hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) status, and other variables. We divided participants into five groups according to serum ALT concentration (≤20 U/L, 21–40 U/L, 41–60 U/L, 61–80 U/L, and ≥ 81 U/L). The primary outcome was preterm birth (gestational age 28 to <37 weeks). We used logistic models to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% CIs, after adjusting for confounding variables. We applied restricted cubic splines to investigate the dose-response relationship. The study was approved by the Institutional Research Review Board at the National Health Commission, and all participants gave written consent.


By Dec 31, 2017, 324207 (6·71%) preterm birth events were documented in the 4832887 participants. Incidence of preterm birth was lowest in women with ALT concentrations of 21–40 U/L (93685 [6·42%] of 1?458?233 women), whereas the preterm birth incidence was highest in women with ALT concentrations of 81 U/L or higher (3302 [7·52%] of 43912 women). There was a non-linear dose-response relationship between serum ALT concentration and risk of preterm birth (U-shaped, p<0·001). In women who were HBsAg negative, the multivariable-adjusted OR for preterm birth was 1·07 (95% CI 1·06–1·08) for ALT concentrations of 20 U/L or less, 1·19 (1·16–1·22) for concentrations of 41–60 U/L, 1·16 (1·11–1·20) for concentrations of 61–80 U/L, and 1·16 (1·12–1·21) for concentrations of 81 U/L or higher, when compared to women with ALT concentrations of 21–40 U/L. In women who were HBsAg positive, there were significant associations between preterm birth and ALT concentrations of 61–80 U/L (OR 1·17, 95% CI 1·05–1·29), and 81 U/L or higher (1·21, 1·11–1·31).


Our study identified a U-shaped relationship between maternal preconception ALT concentration and risk of preterm birth. The association between ALT concentration and risk of preterm birth was independent of hepatitis B virus infection. The surveillance of ALT among women planning pregnancy should be warranted, given the increased risk of preterm birth.


This study was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program (number 2016YFC10003007).  相似文献   
目的分析徐浩教授治疗冠心病的处方用药规律和经验。方法从门诊病历中选取并整理徐浩教授治疗冠心病处方543首,提取中药处方数据,建立标准化医案数据库,利用古今医案云平台系统的用药统计分析、聚类分析、复杂网络分析等数据挖掘功能,分析医案中处方的用药频次、性味归经、常用药对及核心处方等数据。结果整理处方543首,涉及药物217种,治疗冠心病的高频中药有黄芪、丹参、柴胡、炙甘草、三七粉、瓜蒌等,药性多属温、微寒、平,药味多属甘、苦味,主要归经为肝、肺、心经,功效以活血祛瘀、利水消肿、生津养血为主。常用药对有黄芪-丹参、丹参-黄芪、黄芪-三七粉等。聚类分析可将药物分为4类,分别为活血祛瘀止痛,调畅气机,宣痹通阳,益气养血、健脾化痰。复杂网络分析得出核心药物为黄芪、丹参、三七粉、瓜蒌、柴胡、黄芩、炙甘草、天麻、枳壳、制何首乌、党参、延胡索、川芎、薤白。结论徐浩教授治疗冠心病药物多为温、平、甘、苦,归肝、肺、心经,治疗多气血同治、寒热同调、虚实兼顾、注重调神,以温阳补气、活血化瘀、理气化痰、安神定志为法。  相似文献   
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