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Whole-cell voltage clamp recordings in 400 microns thick hippocampal slices revealed discrete excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic currents which persisted at synapses on granule cells following abolition of action potentials with 1 microM tetrodotoxin (TTX). The conductances associated with excitatory amino acid and GABAA receptor mediated events had mean peaks of 200 and 800 pS, and decayed monoexponentially with time constants of 5.6 and 5.3 ms. At a holding potential close to the normal resting membrane potential of granule cells (-80 to -90 mV), the frequency of glutamate/aspartate mediated spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (sEPSCs) was decreased from 2.04 Hz in slices cut parallel to the plane of the perforant path to 0.87 Hz in slices cut in a plane that disrupted the distal perforant path fibres, suggesting that presynaptic integrity influences the rate of action potential independent neurotransmitter release. The orientation of the slicing had no effect on the frequency of spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents (sIPSCs).  相似文献   
Intracellular recordings from granule cells of the rat dentate gyrus show neuropeptide Y (NPY) applied by pressure ejection from pipettes containing 1.2-12 microM by pressures of less than 200 kPa for 1-5 s in duration to consistently evoke membrane depolarisations accompanied by a reduction in membrane resistance. The depolarisations were accompanied by an increase in excitability. Since the depolarisations evoked by NPY were not attenuated by either tetrodotoxin or kynurenic acid a direct excitatory action of NPY is postulated.  相似文献   
This report concerns a notable case of progressive supranuclear palsy exhibiting asymmetric dentate nucleus and thalamic degeneration with numerous torpedoes. The neuronal loss in the ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus was predominant on the right side, while in the cerebellum, a quantitative study revealed the contralateral predominance of the neuronal loss in the dentate nuclei and torpedo formation, with preserved Purkinje cells. The abnormal tau-protein-related profiles in the two nuclei did not show any laterality in their distribution, indicating that the dentatothalamic tract may have been affected in a non-specific way in this case. In addition, the fact that the prominent sites of torpedo formation and loss of dentate nucleus neurons are identical supports the hypothesis that the torpedoes may be formed in association with neuronal loss in the dentate nucleus because of a plausible metabolic change in Purkinje cells through synaptic detachment of their axon terminals. Received: 4 January 1996 / Revised: 27 March 1996 / Accepted: 5 April 1996  相似文献   
The hypothesis that the maintenance or decay of an associative memory trace after an extended retention interval is a function of the residual strength of the synapses originally strengthened during learning was examined in a classical conditioning paradigm in which high-frequency stimulation of a hippocampal input--the medial perforant path--served as a conditioned stimulus. Rats received perforant path stimulus-foot shock pairings while engaged in a previously acquired food-motivated lever-pressing task. Conditioned suppression of lever pressing was the behavioral measure of learning and retention of the association. Stimulus trains to the perforant path at an intensity above the threshold for eliciting a population spike induced long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission in the dentate gyrus. Synaptic potentials recorded extracellularly in the dentate gyrus were subsequently monitored for 31 days to examine quantitatively the decay of synaptic potentiation, a period after which retention of the learned association was assessed. All rats learned the association to a similar extent and displayed equivalent amounts of long-term potentiation by the end of conditioning. A slowly decaying function of synaptic potentiation was observed in remembering rats, i.e., rats with high retention performance after the 31-day learning-to-retention interval, while forgetting was associated with a rapid decay of long-term potentiation. Behavioral performance at the long-term memory test was linearly correlated with the amplitude of long-term potentiation maintained just prior to the retention test. The results favor the hypothesis that long-term associative memory depends, at least in part, on the maintenance of elevated synaptic strengths in the pathway activated during learning and suggest a role for the lasting component of long-term potentiation in the maintenance of memory.  相似文献   
立体定向技术治疗癫痫性精神病的体会   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
目的:探讨多靶点组合对癫痫性精神病的治疗效果。方法:采用立体定向技术,运用多元化定位和多靶点组合,射频热凝脑内核(团)治疗癫痫性精神病53例。术前、术后均进行总疗效评定量表(GAS)和癫痫的国际疗效评价进行疗效评定。结果:53例中显效37例,进步16例。结论:双侧胼胝体、杏仁核、内侧隔区及单侧红核前区多靶点组合治疗,对癫痫性精神病的治疗有明显作用。  相似文献   
The projections of the supramammillary nucleus (SUM) were examined in the rat by the anterograde anatomical tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L). The majority of labeled fibers from SUM ascended through the forebrain within the medial forebrain bundle. SUM fibers were found to terminate heavily in the hippocampal formation, specifically within the granule cell layer and immediately adjoining molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. In addition, SUM fibers were shown to distribute densely to several structures with strong connections with the hippocampus, namely, the nucleus reunions of the thalamus, the medial and lateral septum, the entorhinal cortex, and the endopiriform nucleus. SUM fibers were also shown to project significantly to several additional subcortical and cortical sites. The subcortical sites were the dorsal raphe nucleus, the midbrain central gray, the fields of Forel/zona incerta, the dorsomedial hypothalamic area, midline/intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus (posterior paraventricular, rhomboid, central medial, intermediodorsal, and mediodorsal), the medial and lateral preoptic areas, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the substantia innominata, the vertical limb of the diagonal band nucleus, and the claustrum. The cortical sites were the occipital, temporal, parietal, and frontal cortices. Some notable differences were observed in projections from the lateral as compared to the medial SUM. For example, fibers originating from the lateral SUM distributed heavily to the hippocampal formation and parts of the cortex, whereas those from the medial SUM projected sparsely to these two regions. The SUM projections to the hippocampal formation and associated structures may serve as the substrate for a SUM involvement in the generation of the theta rhythm of the hippocampus and the gating of information flow through the hippocampal formation.  相似文献   
实验在15只家兔上进行。以玻璃微电极记录尾核头部(DHCN)痛相关单位,刺激扣带回,观察痛相关单位电活动的变化。在70只DHCN痛相关单位中,有44个对刺激扣带回表现兴奋反应(62.9%),17个呈抑制反应(24.3%),9个变化不明显(12.8%)。进一步观察了52只痛相关单位,在刺激扣带回后再施伤害刺激,43个原痛兴奋单位中15个转为抑制(34.9%),16个进一步兴奋(37.2%)12个无变化(27.9%);原9个痛抑制单位,8个转为兴奋,1个变化不明显。提示,扣带回可通过其下行活动,调制伤害性冲动在尾核水平上的传递。  相似文献   
Expression of the immediate early gene zif/268 (also termed NGFI-A, Krox 24, TIS8 and Egr-1) was investigated in awake rats following various long-term potentiation (LTP) induction protocols.zif/268 mRNA (Northern blots) and protein (immunohistochemistry) levels sharply increased following LTP, and followed a time course characteristic of other immediate early genes. When measured across 3 tetanization protocols known to produce differing degrees of LTP persistence,zif/268 induction was found to be more highly correlated with LTP duration than with the magnitude of initial LTP. These data support the hypothesis that the immediate early gene zif/268 plays a role as a third messenger in the cascade of cellular and nuclear events that govern the persistence of LTP.  相似文献   
Extracellular single-unit recordings were made from cerebellar dentate neurones in two conscious monkeys trained to perform wrist flexion and extension movement tasks that produced a range of static joint positions and dynamic velocities. The experiment was designed to establish whether there is a relationship between the discharge of dentate neurones and movement kinematics. The discharge patterns of 58 “wrist-related” neurones were correlated with joint position, duration of unidirectional movement (referred to as duration of velocity) and amplitude of velocity (peak velocity). Significant (P<0.05) correlations were found between the level of tonic discharge and static joint position in 21 of 58 (36%) neurones. Correlations between phasic discharge and at least one of the velocity variables were found in 17 of 43 (40%) neurones [7 of 43 (16%) showed a correlation between the duration of phasic excitation associated with movement and duration of velocity, 5 of 43 (12%) between the peak rate of phasic excitation and peak velocity and 10 of 43 (23%) between the number of discharges in the period of phasic excitation and peak velocity]. We conclude (for reasons outlined in the Discussion) that there is not a strong relationship between neuronal discharge and kinematic parameters of wrist movement in the dentate nucleus. Received: 21 October 1996 / Accepted: 14 August 1997  相似文献   
Efferent connections of the cingulate gyrus in the rhesus monkey   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Summary Efferent cortical connections of the cingulate gyrus are investigated in rhesus monkey using autoradiographic technique. The results indicate that the rostralmost part of the cingulate gyrus (area 32) sends projections to the lateral prefrontal and midorbitofrontal cortex and to the rostral portion of the superior temporal gyrus. In contrast, the other two major subdivisions of the cingulate gyrus, areas 24 and 23, have widespread connections within the cortex. Area 24, for example, projects to the pre-motor region (areas 6 and 8), the fronto-orbital cortex (area 12), the rostral part of the inferior parietal lobule, the anterior insular cortex, the perirhinal area and the laterobasal nucleus of amygdala. Area 23, likewise, sends its connections to the dorsal prefrontal cortex (areas 9 and 10), the rostral orbital cortex (area 11), the parieto-temporal cortex (posterior part of the inferior parietal lobule and the superior temporal sulcus), the parahippocampal gyrus (areas TH and TF), the retrosplenial region and the presubiculum. It seems that the connections of the rostralmost part of the cingulate gyrus resemble the efferent cortical connectional patterns described for lateral prefrontal and orbito-frontal cortex, whereas the projections of areas 24 and 23 are directed to the neocortical, the paralimbic and the limbic areas.This study was in part supported by NIH Grant NS09211 and V.A. Research Project No. 6901Preliminary results of this investigation were presented in abstract form (Pandya et al. 1979)  相似文献   
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