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目的:研究历代典籍对滇龙胆的文献记载,对滇龙胆进行本草考证,以期为滇龙胆的开发利用提供参考。方法:通过查阅历代本草典籍,结合现代研究文献,对滇龙胆的名称、基原、产地变迁、采收加工以及品质评价进行系统的梳理、考证。结果:经考证,滇龙胆始载于《滇南本草》,别名坚龙胆、龙胆草、苦草等,为龙胆科龙胆属植物,基原植物为滇龙胆,是《中华人民共和国药典》龙胆药材的基原植物之一;主产于云南,临沧是其道地产区;滇龙胆一般于秋冬两季采收;加工多以产地初加工为主,即将滇龙胆清洗后阴干或晒干;历代本草典籍中对其质量评价的记载非常少,以“形如枯骨”“根肥长”“脂润”“味苦”“粘牙”作为质量好坏的评价标准,现代主要以龙胆苦苷含量作为龙胆药材质量评价的主要手段之一,辅助以外观性状等的观测。结论:考证结果将为今后滇龙胆的开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   
Pharmacopoeial standards for crude drugs are established based on analysis of authenticated specimens which should be representative of the quality of material traditionally specified in systems of traditional medicine from species’ geographical origin. This reflects the ‘geo-authentic’ material that corresponds to traditional ecological and medical knowledge. In cases where specimens are obtained from cultivation outside of the species origin, this ‘authenticated’ material will not be ‘geo-authentic’. There is a growing trend for the protection of ‘geographical indication’ (GI) botanicals in the context of intellectual property rights. GI botanicals are named after a geographical area, indicating production within a particular area, quality and characteristics dependent on natural, historical and cultural factors. However, with the globalization of systems of traditional medicine such as Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, Asian species are being introduced to cultivation outside of their geographical origins particularly in the EU and US. In contrast to the Chinese concept of ‘daodi’and European concepts of ‘provenance’ or ‘terroir’ is the competing trend for ‘locally grown’ herbs, i.e. cultivated closer to where they will be used. Reasons include concerns about quality control, contamination from polluted air, soil and water in some source countries, climate change, supply chain security and traceability, costs of production and price pressure. This review looks at selected agronomic experiments aiming to discern differences between geo-authentic medicinal herbs vs. introduced crops and whether the global market cares to make a distinction or pay a price premium for articles with designations of geographical origin of specified quality.  相似文献   
近年来,我国开始重视道地药材的原产地名称保护问题,但在具体实践中却陷入困境,面临着巨大挑战。本文把品牌提升作为道地药材原产地名称保护的价值追求,在认识道地药材原产地名称保护是一个综合、联动的复杂工程以及品牌化运作已成为道地药材必然选择的基础上,探索如何通过进一步明确政府"有形之手"的定位和不断完善原产地名称保护制度适用的社会基础来提升道地药材品牌的现实路向。  相似文献   
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