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<正>1临床资料患者,男,41岁,于2004年行同种异体肾移植术,初次移植肾术后14年规律口服"环孢素+骁悉+强的松",肌酐维持70umol/L。术后第6年复查血肌酐持续升高至785umol/l,尿蛋白(+++),给予护肾、降压、利尿等对症治疗,效果不佳,给予血液透析治疗,初次移植肾失功后规律血透6年,于2018年5月入住我院,入院后完成相关常规检查及免疫学相关检  相似文献   
眼球穿通伤是眼科急诊之一,随着眼科手术及器械不断更新与发展,对治疗有更高的要求,在基层医疗单位如何能得到及时正确的处理,并获得良好的预后,是每位眼科医师和患者的共同关切的问题。现将我院1997—2003年1月收治46例眼球穿通伤临床治疗体会报告如下:  相似文献   
Vascular surgery     
A preliminary study of stent grafts seeded by CD34^+ stem cells in venous system; The expression and significance of early growth response gene-1 in autogenous vein graft in rats; Surgical reconstruction for atherosclerosic aortoiliac occlusion; The measurement of maximum venous outflow and its value in the diagnosis of lower extremity deep ve. nous thrombosis;Catheter-directedthrombolysis through popliteal vein for the treatment of lower extremity deep venous thrombosis; A clinical trial on the safety study of intraluminal ultrasonic ablation angioplasty for venous thrombosis;……  相似文献   
为了更多的减轻患者痛苦,减少并发症,通过与传统的护理观念相比较,笔者认为应缩短术前禁食时间、防治术后低温及预防血压不稳定、尽早给予半卧位、有效控制术后疼痛。  相似文献   
53岁的梁师傅是一名长途汽车司机,多年来一直有便秘的毛病,有时大便带血,为此他去过几趟医院,医生们都说是痔疮。他想:“十男九痔”,这又不是什么了不起的大病,就没把它当回事,只是在痔疮发作严重、大便带血较多时去药店买几盒痔疮膏擦一擦,或者自己吃一些清热消炎的药物来对付一阵子。去年二月,他的老毛病又患了,他又按照老办法吃药擦药膏,可是半个月过去了,便血非但没有好转,反而还出现了大便梗阻,最后经医生仔细检查,被确诊为直肠癌,当手术医生打开他的腹腔时,发现癌肿已经扩散到腹部,根本无法手术清除干净,只给他做了个直肠改道手术就缝…  相似文献   
A mouse cerivcal heart transplantation model using a Cuff technique; The operatvie technique selection of lung transplantation for end-stage emphysema; Transfer and expression of swine MHC Ⅱ molecules mediated by retrovirus vector in swine bone marrow cells;Esablishment of transgenic mice tissue-specifically expressing human CD59 on the vascular endothelium for xenotransplantation;1 Protective effects of nitric oxide on the reperfusion injury of isolated pancreas with hypothermic perfusion and preservation in eanines;  相似文献   
Nosocomial infection incidence rates in surgical cuts in a hospital: Distributions and secular trends;Early stage enteral nutrition for preventing postoperative pulmonary infection in patients with esophageal carcinoma: A clinical research;Prevention of postoperative fungai infection in hepatobiliary surgery;Intracranial bacterial infection controlled by intrathecal injection of drugs and its diagnosis and treatment; Pathogenic bacterium investigation of soft tissue injury combined with raw surface infection;Post-surgical infection of carcinoma of larynx: An investigative study;……  相似文献   
通过对131例宫外孕患者的救治与护理,总结了宫外孕围手术期护理要点,包括术前、术后的护理。认识到要做好围手术期护理,其主要措施:(1)做好心理护理,熟练掌握宫外孕的临床特点及护理技能。(2)增强护理人员质量意识和责任感。  相似文献   
自2001年5月至2003年4月,在急救中心共收治42例低血糖患者(不包括临床表现低血糖,但检测时血糖已上升到正常范围或以上者),严重者血糖为0.85mmoL/L,呈昏迷状态,若不及时抢救,可危及生命,为避免造成严重后果,现总结如下,以提高认识。  相似文献   
观察20例术后持续镇痛的患者术后胃肠道、泌尿系统等功能的变化,加强监测和皮肤护理,采取早期预防手段,减少并发症发生,可提高术后镇痛的安全。  相似文献   
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