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Objective: To compare renal sodium transport, using fractional excretions of lithium(FELi) as a marker of proximal tubule sodium reabsorption, between hypertensive and non-hypertensive ouabain-treated rats and further to elucidate the role of ouabain in pathogenesis of hypertension. Methods: Thirty male Sprague-Dawley rats weighting 180-200 g were randomly divided into normal control group and ouabain treated group. Rats were infused with 1 ml/kg·d normal saline or 27. 8μg/kg·d ouabain in-traperitoneally once a day respectively. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), heart rate and body weight were recorded weekly. Rats were sacrificed 6 weeks after treatment. Blood and 24-hour urine sample were collected to measure the serum and urinary concentration of sodium, trace lithium and creatinine. Endogenous creatinine clearance rate(Ccr), fractional excretions of sodium (FENa), fractional excretions of lithium (FELi) and fractional reabsorption of sodium in the postproximal tubules (FDRNa) were calculated. Ouabain levels of plasma and renal tissue, plasma renin activity, angiotensin I and aldosterone concentration were determined. Results: 65% of the ouabain-treated rats achieved significantly higher SBP after 4 weeks, compared with that of the saline control groups or self baseline (P<0. 01). But in the other 35% of the ouabain-treated rats, their SBP was similar with control group during the experiment (P>0. 05). The body weight, heart rate and food intake between the 3 groups were no significant differences (P> 0. 05). FELi and FDRNa were significantly lower in ouabain-hypertensive group compared with ouabain-non-hypertensive group and control group(P<0. 01 and P<0. 05). The FEu and FDRn, of ouabain-nonhyper-tensive groups were similar with control group(P>0. 05). Ccr and FENa were comparable between the 3 groups (P>0. 05). Plasma and renal tissue ouabain levels, plasma renin activity, angiotensin I and aldosterone contents in ouabain-hypertensive rats were comparable with ouabain-nonhypertensive rats. Conclusion: Increase of proximal tubule sodium reabsorption play an important role in the pathogenesis of ouabain-hypertensive rats. The change of renal sodium transport may result from regulation to renal Na+ , K + -ATPase by ouabain.  相似文献   
1. We tested the ability of ouabain to cause chronic hyper tension by continuously infusing ouabain for 28 days (mini-osmotic pump implantation; i.p.). The blood pressure and metabolic effects of sham (150 mmol/L NaCI; n= 12) or ouabain infusion (10 μg/kg per day; n= 14; 100 μg/kg per day; n = 14) were examined in conscious Sprague-Dawley rats. 2. Plasma ouabain concentrations measured after 28 days of ouabain infusion were as follows: sham, not detectable (n= 11); ouabain 10 μg/kg per day, 0.60 ± 0.07 nmol/L (n= 14); and ouabain 100 μg/kg per day, 7.17 ± 0.57 nmol/L (n= 14; P < 0.001). 3. Sham or ouabain infusion did not alter food intake, bodyweight, water intake or urine output in conscious rats. 4. Blood pressure was not altered by sham treatment. Ouabain at 10 μg/kg per day or 100 μg/kg per day did not produce consistent rises in blood pressure. Ouabain at 10 μg/kg per day increased blood pressure on treatment day 12 only (+ 6mmHg; P < 0.05), while at 100μg/kg per day blood pres sure increased on treatment days 16 (+ 9 mmHg; P < 0.05) and day 18 (+ 8mmHg; P < 0.05) only. There was no significant difference in blood pressure between sham and ouabain groups. 5. Renal blood flow was decreased in rats infused with ouabain at 10 μg/kg per day (2.0 ± 0.3 mL/min per 100 g body-weight; n= 5; P < 0.01) and 100 μg/kg per day (2.2 ± 0.4 mL/ min per 100 g bodyweight; n= 7; P < 0.05) compared with sham treatment (3.5 ± 0.2 mL/min per 100 g bodyweight; n= 6). Renal vascular resistance was increased in rats treated with ouabain at 10 μg/kg per day (65.5 ± 12.6 mmHg/mL per min per 100 g bodyweight; n= 5; P < 0.01) and 100 μg/kg per day (66.0 ± 15.6 mmHg/mL per min per 100 g bodyweight; n= 7; P < 0.05) compared with sham treatment (32.6 ± 2.5 mmHg/mL per min per 100 g bodyweight; n= 6). 6. High plasma concentrations of ouabain do not cause consistent increases in blood pressure in conscious Sprague-Dawley rats.  相似文献   
Maintenance of adequate electrical activity of the heart depends critically on the ability of the Na-K pump to compensate for normal passive sodium and potassium fluxes. Using sudden injections of [3H]ouabain into the left coronary artery in anaesthetized open-chest pigs, we monitored transient changes in myocardial potassium balance by PVC-valinomycin mini-electrodes. When related to the number of pumps blocked and fractional inhibition, these data provided estimates of total Na-K pump capacity as well as actual pump rate and perturbations of the Na-K balance. Experiments were performed in hearts with and without intracoronary isoprenaline infusion (2.5 nmol min-1). After injection of 120 nmol [3H]ouabain into the left coronary artery, myocardial [3H]ouabain concentrations were 118 (74–178) and 103 (76–145) pmol g-1 and total concentrations of [3H]oubain binding sites were 893 (752–1076) and 785 (691–877) pmol g-1 (median, 95% confidence interval) in isoprenaline-treated and control hearts respectively (differences not significant). The [3H]ouabain injection caused a net potassium release of 81 (56–132) and 43 (23–75) μcool 100 g-1 (median, 95% confidence interval) in isoprenaline-treated and control hearts respectively (n= 6–8; significance of difference, P= 0.03). Na–K pump rate estimated from mono-exponential release curves was 6363 (3942–10,858) K+ ions min-1 site-1 during β-adrenoceptor stimulation and 2514 (1380–4322) in control (significance of difference, P= 0.03). This corresponds to 40 and 16%, respectively, of the maximum possible pump rate determined from ATP hydrolysis. Comparison of accumulated potassium release and relative Na-K pump rate indicates that catecholamines enhance the sensitivity of the Na-K pump for intracellular sodium.  相似文献   
The umbilical vascular bed of the rat placenta was perfused in situ. Ouabain (10–4M) in the perfusion fluid had no effect on the unidirectional flux of Na+ from the maternal (electrically negative) to the foetal (electrically positive) side of the placenta, or on the transplacental potential difference. This was taken to indicate that there is no significant active transport of Na+ across the placenta of the rat.  相似文献   
Potassium secretion may depend on the transport rate of Na, K-ATPase in basolateral cell membranes of distal tubular cells. To examine this hypothesis experiments were performed in anaesthetized dogs during inhibition of proximal potassium reabsorption by acetazolamide or mannitol (fractional potassium excretion 1.2-1.4) or additional stimulation of potassium secretion by ethacrynic acid (fractional potassium excretion 2.1). Ouabain in a dose which inhibits 70–80% of the Na, K-ATPase activity reduced fractional potassium excretion to 0.8-0.9 by an effect on distal tubular secretion since potassium transport in the proximal tubules was not affected. Ouabain-sensitive potassium excretion varied in proportion to ouabain-sensitive sodium reabsorption during variation in glomerular nitration rate, even at urinary sodium concentrations exceeding 80 mmol 1-1. In experiments without ouabain, saline infusion raised potassium excretion and sodium reabsorption until maximal Na, K-ATPase transport rate was reached, as judged from heat production measurements, but not during further increments in urine flow. After inhibition of Na, K-ATPase activity by hypokalaemia, potassium excretion and cortical heat production remained constant over a wide range of urine flow and sodium excretion. We conclude that potassium secretion is dependent on intact Na, K-ATPase activity and is stimulated by sodium delivery to the distal nephron until maximal transport rate of the enzyme is reached.  相似文献   
目的 观察哇巴因与地高辛对大鼠肝脏钠泵基因表达的影响 .方法 分别给大鼠注射哇巴因 (2 0 μg· kg- 1·d- 1 )、地高辛 (32 μg·kg- 1·d- 1 )和生理盐水 (1m L· kg- 1·d- 1 ) ,观察给药后 6wk大鼠血压的动态变化 ;并分别应用分子生物学 RT- PCR及免疫组织化学技术 ,探讨各组大鼠肝脏钠泵 α1 ,α2 及 α3 亚单位 m RNA及蛋白水平基因表达的改变 .结果 给予哇巴因 2 wk后大鼠血压开始升高 ,至 6 wk时明显高于生理盐水组 (17.7± 1.2 ) vs(15 .4± 1.1) k Pa,P<0 .0 1) ,而实验过程中地高辛组血压与对照组比较差异不明显 .无论是在 m RNA水平还是在蛋白水平 ,哇巴因对大鼠肝脏钠泵α1 亚单位表达无影响 ,而地高辛使α1 亚单位表达增强 ;两组大鼠 α2 亚单位表达均无改变 ;哇巴因使 α3 亚单位蛋白水平表达减弱 ,而 m RNA水平增强 ,地高辛组大鼠肝脏钠泵 α3 亚单位无论在 m RNA水平及蛋白水平表达均增强 .结论 哇巴因在高血压发病中可能起着重要作用 ;哇巴因与地高辛可导致不同的钠泵基因表达改变 ,为进一步揭示内源性哇巴因生理与病理作用以及洋地黄类药物药理与毒理作用的分子机制提供了理论及实验依据  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the role of endogenous ouabain (EO) in the development of hypertension and the characteristics of EO secretion in 1k1c (one kidney, one clipped) hypertensive rats. Methods EO content of serum and tissues in 1k1c hypertensive rats and normal control Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats was detected by the method of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The relationship between serum or tissue ouabain and blood pressure was analyzed in 1k1c hypertensive rats. Results The ouabain content of serum, heart, kidney, adrenal gland, pituitary and hypothalamus was significantly higher in 1k1c hypertensive rats than that in normal control SD rats (2.25, 2.63, 3.35, 40.37, 3.34, 15.7 μg/kg tissue in 1k1c hypertensive rats vs 1.12, 1.79, 1.73, 27.54, 1.83, 10.10 μg/kg tissue in control SD rats, respectively. P&lt;0.05 for all of these comparisons). The ouabain content of the adrenal gland and the hypothalamus was higher than that of other tissues or serum, both in 1k1c rats and in control SD rats. The EO content of serum, kidney and hypothalamus was significantly correlated with blood pressure in 1k1c hypertensive rats (r=0.59, 0.63, 0.52, respectively. P&lt;0.05). The ouabain content of heart, liver, adrenal gland and pituitary was not correlated with blood pressure. Conclusions EO might play an important role in the development of hypertension in 1k1c hypertensive rats. The adrenal gland may be a major source of EO and the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis may be involved in the regulation of EO secretion.  相似文献   
The role of the multispecific bile acid transporter for cardiac glycoside uptake is still controversial. This study was designed to examine the inhibitory effects of basic drugs (verapamil, dipyridamole, nifedipine, chlorpromazine, disopyramide, quinidine, propranolol, and lidocaine) on taurocholate uptake by isolated rat hepatocytes and to compare these effects with inhibition of ouabain uptake. Sodium-dependent taurocholate uptake was significantly reduced, to 50-70% of the control value, by 50 µM verapamil, dipyridamole, and nifedipine. Sodium-independent taurocholate uptake was more extensively inhibited, to 20-40%, by these basic drugs. The inhibition of ouabain uptake correlated better with sodium-independent taurocholate uptake ( = 0.918) than with sodium-dependent taurocholate uptake ( = 0.714). Taurocholate competitively inhibited ouabain uptake in the absence of sodium. These results indicate that the cardiac glycoside transport system is similar to the sodium-independent taurocholate transport system.  相似文献   
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