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Norethisterone enanthate (NET-En), an established intramuscular long-acting contraceptive agent, has previously been shown to be effective in inhibiting fertility in two rodent species even 4 days after oral ingestion. Pharmacokinetics of NET and NET-En were studied after oral and intramuscular doses in two animal species and a few women. The results suggest that the NET-En was absorbed within a day in all the species after oral dose. The estimates of relative bioavailability ranged from 13 to 51% in rabbits, monkeys, and women. The elimination half-life was 5–10 days. The presence of the active component, NET, in the circulation over the experimental period of 15 days suggests that NET-En could be useful as a long-acting oral pill. The suppression of progesterone levels during the luteal phase of menstrual cycle in women also supports this finding.  相似文献   
Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a putative peptide neurotransmitter present in high concentration in the cerebral cortex. By using techniques of in vitro receptor autoradiography, CCK binding sites in primate cortex were labeled with 125I-Bolton-Hunter-labeled CCK-33 (the 33-amino-acid C-terminal peptide) and 3H-CCK-8 (the C-terminal octapeptide). Biochemical studies performed on homogenized and slide-mounted tissue sections showed that the two ligands labeled a high-affinity, apparently single, saturable site. Autoradiography revealed that binding sites labeled by both ligands were anatomically indistinguishable and were distributed in two basic patterns. A faint and diffuse label characterized portions of medial prefrontal cortex, premotor and motor cortices, the superior parietal lobule, and the temporal pole. In other cortical areas the pattern of binding was layer-specific; i.e., binding sites were concentrated within particular cortical layers and were superimposed upon the background of diffuse label. Layer-specific label was found in the prefrontal cortex, anterior and posterior cingulate gyrus, somatosensory cortex, inferior parietal lobule, retrosplenial cortex, insula, temporal lobe cortices, and in the primary visual and adjacent visual association cortices. The areal and laminar localization of layer-specific CCK binding sites consistently coincided with the cortical projections of thalamic nuclei. In prefrontal cortex, CCK binding sites were present in layers III and IV, precisely paralleling the terminal fields of thalamocortical projections from the mediodorsal and medial pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus. In somatosensory cortex, the pattern of CCK binding in layer IV coincided with thalamic inputs arising from the ventrobasal complex, while in the posterior cingulate gyrus, insular cortex, and retrosplenial cortex, layer IV and lower III binding mirrored the laminar distribution of cortical afferents of the medial pulvinar. CCK binding in layers IVa, IVc alpha, IVc beta, and VI of primary visual cortex corresponded to the terminal field disposition of lateral geniculate neurons, whereas in adjacent visual association cortex, binding in layers III, IV, and VI faithfully followed the cortical distribution of projections from the inferior and lateral divisions of the pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus. We interpret the diffusely labeled binding sites in primate cortex as being associated with the intrinsic system of CCK-containing interneurons that are distributed throughout all layers and areas of the cortex. The stratified binding sites, however, appear to be associated with specific extrinsic peptidergic projections.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Detailed microelectrode maps of the hand representation were derived in cortical areas 3b and 1 from a series of normal adult owl and squirrel monkeys. While overlap relationships were maintained, and all maps were internally topographic, many map features varied significantly when examined in detail. Variable features of the hand representations among different monkeys included a) the overall shapes and sizes of hand surface representations; b) the actual and proportional areas of representations of different skin surfaces and the cortical magnifications of representations of specific skin surfaces, which commonly varied severalfold in area 3b and manyfold in area 1; c) the topographic relationships among skin surface representations, with skin surfaces that were represented adjacently in some monkeys represented in locations many hundreds of microns apart in others; d) the internal orderliness of representations; e) the completeness of representations of the dorsal hand surfaces; and f) the skin surfaces represented along the borders of the hand representation. Owl monkey maps were, in general, internally more strictly topographic than squirrel monkey maps. In both species, area 3b was more strictly topographic and less variable than was area 1. The degree of individual variability revealed in these experiments is difficult to reconcile with the hypothesis that details of cortical maps are ontogenetically specified during a period in early life. Instead, we propose that differences in the details of cortical map structure are the consequence of individual differences in lifelong use of the hands. This conclusion is consistent with earlier studies of the consequences of peripheral nerve transection and digital amputation, which revealed that cortical maps are dynamically maintained and are alterable as a function of use or nerve injury in these monkeys (Merzenich et al., '83a,b, '84a; Merzenich, '86; Jenkins et al., '84; Jenkins and Merzenich, '87).  相似文献   
Rhesus monkeys (n=5) were prepared with chronic IV catheters and trained to lever press under a PR schedule of drug injection. The schedule consisted of five components, each made up of four trials (i.e., 20 trials total). Each trial within a component had the same response requirement. The response requirement in the first component was 120/trial and doubled in successive components to a maximum of 1920 in the fifth. A trial ended with an injection or the expiration of a 12-min limited hold (LH). The inter-trial interval (ITI) was 15 or 30 min. Following an injection or expiration of the LH, all stimulus lights were extinguished and responding had no consequence for the remainder of the trial. A session ended when either all 20 injections were self-administered or the response requirement was not met within the LH for two consecutive trials. The number of injections/session and responses/session increased with dose for cocaine (0.012–0.1 mg/kg per injection) and procaine (0.12–2.0 mg/kg per injection) at both ITI values. At the 15-min ITI, responding decreased again at higher doses in some monkeys with cocaine and in all monkeys with procaine. At maximum, cocaine maintained significantly more injections and responses/session when the ITI was 30 min than when it was 15 min. In contrast, the increase in ITI did not increase the maximum maintained by procaine. Cocaine was approximately 10-fold more potent than procaine and maintained at maximum significantly more injections and responses than procaine when the ITI was 30 min but not when the ITI was 15 min. These results are consistent with previous studies demonstrating that cocaine is a more efficacious positive reinforcer than procaine. Moreover, they extend recent findings suggesting that number of injections/session provides a measure of PR performance that is amenable to statistical analysis and may, therefore, be useful in establishing reliable differences among drugs in terms of relative reinforcing efficacy. Reliable quantification of between-drug differences in reinforcing efficacy can enhance not only estimates of relative abuse liability but also pharmacological analysis of central mechanisms mediating reinforcing effects.  相似文献   
The activity of single neurons in the superior colliculus was recorded while a rhesus monkey made arm movements to visual targets located on a screen in front of him. It was found that the activity of a subpopulation of cells was clearly related to these arm movements. The neurons began to discharge either with the onset of the movement, during the movement period, or well before the onset of electromyogram (EMG) activity and movement, and could be active for the entire duration of EMG activity. While the discharge pattern of some of these'reach'neurons was not different for movements to different target positions, other cells showed graded changes in activity depending on the direction of movement. The peak discharge rate could rise to > 100 impulses/s. Some units received somatosensory input; other reach cells exhibited a visual response and/or presaccadic activity. It is likely that the primate superior colliculus is not only involved in the initiation and control of orientating movements of the eyes but also in reaching movements of the arms.  相似文献   
复方18甲女用长效口服避孕药对恒河猴的远期安全性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用40例成年健康雌性恒河猴(Macaca mulatta)为实验对象,随机将猴均分为两组。服药猴每月定日喂复方18甲1次,剂量按体重计算,约为妇女月用量的两倍。连续给药6年,停药观察4年。对照猴不给药,在相同条件下饲养观察10年。10年内先后进行了药物与肿瘤学、细胞遗传学和生殖内分泌学等方面的观察。结果表明:该药未能诱发猴的恶性肿瘤;没有造成猴子宫内膜超微结构的明显变化和损伤;不引起猴淋巴细胞染色体的畸变率和SCE 频率发生有统计学意义的改变;服药期间猴的排卵被抑制,停药一段时间后,排卵恢复,并能生育,说明恒河猴长期用该药是安全的。  相似文献   
The distributions of neurons displaying immunoreactivity for two calcium binding proteins, parvalbumin and 28Kd calbindin, were studied in the thalamus of M. fascicularis. Colocalization experiments were carried out to determine the extent to which parvalbumin- and calbindin-like immunoreactivity was found in the same cells and the extent to which either was localized in GABAergic interneurons. Anterograde and retrograde tracing experiments involving the fluorescent tracer, fast blue, were also used to determine that cells expressing the calcium binding proteins projected upon the cerebral cortex. In the dorsal thalamus, nuclei are distinguished by different patterns of parvalbumin-like and calbindin-like immunoreactivity. In certain nuclei, for example the lateral dorsal and anterior pulvinar, neurons express immunoreactivity for only one of the calcium binding proteins. In others, neurons in different layers, for example the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, or in different compartments, for example the intralaminar nuclei, express immunoreactivity for either parvalbumin or calbindin; in other nuclei, for example the ventral group, neurons are mixed and immunoreactivity for parvalbumin and calbindin is commonly colocalized. In the ventral thalamus and epithalamus, similar patterns are observed. Colocalization of parvalbumin- and GABA-immunoreactivity is found in all cells of the reticular nucleus but only in certain cells in selected nuclei of the dorsal thalamus, namely the dorsal lateral geniculate and magnocellular medial geniculate. No calbindin-positive cells are also GABA-positive. Most parvalbumin and/or calbindin positive cells in the dorsal thalamus project to the cerebral cortex, as indicated by the retrograde tracing studies, and many parvalbumin positive fibres entering the cerebral cortex could also be shown to contain fast blue anterogradely transported from a thalamic injection. Most of the major sensory and motor pathways entering the dorsal thalamus express parvalbumin immunoreactivity. The optic tract also expresses calbindin immunoreactivity but most other calbindin positive fibres entering the thalamus ascend in the midbrain tegmentum. The differential distributions of parvalbumin and calbindin implied by these results suggest that thalamic cells belonging to different functional systems and projecting differentially upon the cerebral cortex can be distinguished by differential expression of these or closely related calcium binding proteins. This may yield clues to their differential responsivity to afferent driving.  相似文献   
During (January) 1986–(May) 1988, we examined 272 eyes in 136 rhesus monkeys in the closed Cayo Santiago colony of the Caribbean Primate Research Center of the University of Puerto Rico. Seventy-eight eyes were less than 10 years of age. One hundred and ninety-four were aged 10–28 years. The fundi were examined and photographed. Fluorescein angiography was performed in some eyes. Selected cases were evaluated for acuity loss by recording of pattern-evoked retinal and cortical signals. Light and electron microscopy were used to evaluate the pigment epithelium of some animals. Thirty-eight percent of all eyes had posterior pole drusen. Incidence was highly age-related. When late-stage lesions were found, we did not see neovascularization, but late hyperfluorescence was consistent with degenerative scarring and atrophy. Electrophysiology demonstrated moderately reduced acuity in the presence of numerous macular drusen. Electrooculograms were low normal. Histopathology showed changes identical to those reported in human age-related macular degeneration. No eyes less than 10 years of age had confluent drusen or disciform-like lesions. The incidence of drusen in samples of some social groups was much higher than others.  相似文献   
The influence of dominance on the pituitary-adrenal and gonadal systems was evaluated in male squirrel monkeys. Basal and stress levels of plasma cortisol and testosterone were determined in eight male pairs across a 5-week period. The data indicated that squirrel monkeys have unusually high levels of steroid hormones in comparison to other species. Dominant males had higher levels of cortisol and testosterone and showed a smaller stress response than did subordinate males.  相似文献   
本实验选用具有生育力成年雄性猕猴7只,在直视下行双侧HFMC输精管内注射,每侧剂量分别为30mg1只,60mg和100mg各3只;于注射后2.5年和3.5年分别处死动物,取睾丸组织进行光镜和电镜观察.结果发现:猕猴注射HFMC2.5年后,睾丸光镜大部分曲细精管生精上皮结构完整,排列整齐。仅见局部少数管腔生精上皮层数减少,上皮细胞轻度水样变性等病理改变。电镜下曲细精管内除支持细胞内脂褐素增多,轻度基底膜增厚和精母细胞内质网扩张外,各级生精细胞,支持细胞及细胞间连接复合体等超微结构未见明显异常。注射HFMC3.5年后猕猴的光镜、电镜结果与注射后2.5年结果相似,但局部改变较2.5年组轻。上述结果表明:猕猴输精管内注射一定剂量HFMC节育不会引起睾丸组织的严重病理改变。但是,由于注射HFMC后,HFMC释放H+及其对输精管的暂时阻塞,改变了精子生存的内环境,使睾丸出现局部轻度病理改变,随着HFMC逐渐溶解排出,睾丸功能相继恢复正常,配对产仔。为HFMC应用提供了安全性依据。  相似文献   
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