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Attachment is a behavioral and physiological system, which enables individual’s dynamic adaptation to its environment. Attachment develops in close interaction between an infant and his/her mother, plays an important role in the development of the infant’s brain, and influences the quality of interpersonal relationships throughout life.Security of attachment is believed to influence individual response to stress, exposing insecurely organized individuals to deregulated autonomic nervous system and exaggerated hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity, which, in turn, produces increased and prolonged exposure to stress-hormones. Such stress responses may have considerable implications for the development of diverse health-risk conditions, such as insulin resistance and hyperlipidemia, shown by numerous studies.Although the mechanisms are not yet fully understood, there is compelling evidence highlighting the role of psychological stress in the development of type 1 diabetes (T1D). One of the possible contributing factors for the development of T1D may be the influence of attachment security on individual stress reactivity. Thus, the suggestion is that insecurely attached individuals are more prone to experience increased and prolonged influence of stress hormones and other mechanisms causing pancreatic beta-cell destruction.The present paper opens with a short overview of the field of attachment in children, the principal attachment classifications and their historic development, describes the influence of attachment security on individual stress-reactivity and the role of the latter in the development of T1D. Following is a review of recent literature on the attachment in patients with T1D with a conclusion of a proposed role of attachment organization in the etiology of T1D.  相似文献   
Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) is a rare congenital condition. It responds well to early diagnosis and treatment, but otherwise the prognosis is poor. We present our case series of 12 patients (mean age, 2 ± 2.58 yr; age range, 2 mo–8 yr), emphasizing the diagnostic process and discussing our surgical results. The diagnosis of ALCAPA should be suspected in infants who have dilated cardiomyopathy with electrocardiographic changes that suggest ischemia, and in older children who have isolated mitral regurgitation. When clinical suspicion is high, the results of 2-dimensional echocardiography combined with color-flow Doppler studies in expert hands can establish the diagnosis, thus avoiding angiography in critically ill infants. The treatment of choice in our patients was transfer and reimplantation of the left coronary artery onto the ascending aorta. There were 2 deaths: both were infants in extremis who underwent emergency surgery. An older child with severe ventricular dysfunction was given mechanical ventricular assistance and then heart transplantation. As of this report, all 10 survivors remained well and asymptomatic.  相似文献   
The inflammatory response induced by cardiopulmonary bypass decreases vascular tone, which in turn can lead to vasoplegic syndrome. Indeed the hypotension consequent to on-pump cardiac surgery often necessitates vasopressor and intravenous fluid support. Methylene blue counteracts vasoplegic syndrome by inhibiting the formation of nitric oxide.We report the use of methylene blue in a 75-year-old man who developed vasoplegic syndrome after cardiac surgery. After the administration of methylene blue, his hypotension improved to the extent that he could be weaned from vasopressors. The use of methylene blue should be considered in patients who develop hypotension refractory to standard treatment after cardiac surgery.  相似文献   
Using hierarchical cluster analysis, applied to 47 cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) incident in South-West Stockholm (SWS) during the period from January 1973 to June 1992, we identified three major clinicoepidemiological subgroups. The first subgroup, 25.5% of the cases (26.7 ± 6.7 years), recorded a peak incidence at ages 20–29 years and presented significant differences from other subgroups, a high proportion of cases with onset at low age preceded by respiratory infection (83.3%) and with normal motor conduction velocity (50.0%). Also found, were less affected biological parameters, a rapidly progressive course and independence in gait at one month after onset. A second subgroup, 27.7% of cases, was severely affected, clinically and functionally. It consisted predominantly of young individuals (22.7 ± 11.1 years), with a high incidence (69.2% of cases) in autumn. A third subgroup, comprising 40.47; of cases, was older (61.1 ± 11.0 years) and, in general, also severely affected. The incidence of this form appeared to be invariant with time.  相似文献   
高度近视的病因学研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
贾丁  瞿佳 《眼视光学杂志》2003,5(2):123-125
高度近视发生的内因、外因,包括遗传倾向,相关基因定位,巩膜胶原白体免疫学说,视网膜生物活性物质失调学说,环境因素等,本研究就这些因素对高度近视发病的影响做一综述。现统一的认识有:①高度近视具有明显的遗传倾向。②迄今为止,已找到4个高度近视相关基因,它们的遗传方式均为常染色体显性遗传。③高度近视的巩膜组织病理改变和胶原代谢障碍引发了人们对高度近视免疫相关基因的深入研究。已发现HLAⅡ类基因与部分高度近视具有相关性。④视网膜中存在的生物活性物质直接或间接参与了形觉剥夺性近视的形成。⑤环境因素并非高度近视发病的决定因素,它仅起一定程度的促进作用。将今后的工作重点放在高度近视基因定位的研究,基因表达的调控及巩膜胶原代谢、网膜生物活性物质之间的关系研究上,无疑会进一步揭示高度近视的病因,为防治高度近视开辟新途径。  相似文献   
本文从21只实验性矽肺家兔中筛选出5只胸片有细网状阴影者,用病理与 X 线对照观察的方法,探讨了实验性矽肺尘细胞灶与死后胸片细网状阴影形成的关系。证明,分布在肺细叶内直径约1mm 的尘细胞灶,其分布密度为113个/cm~2以上时,可构成胸片细网状阴影。实验排除了弥漫性肺间质纤维化的结论。并对胸片细网状阴影的形成从肺细叶解剖与 X 线投影进行了讨论。  相似文献   
目的 回顾性研究终末期肾脏疾病(end stage renal disease,ESRD)血液透析病人原发疾病构成及其相关因素。方法 收集ESRD血液透析病人1108例,分析其原发疾病构成、年龄、性别、透析治疗持续时间、转归、生存率和死亡原因。结果 301例病人透析时间超过3个月,其中43.9%仍在进行血液透析治疗,最长者已存活13年;13.0%病人已行肾脏移植;19.9%转至外院治疗;7.3%改为腹膜透析;1.3%因经济困难放弃治疗;14.6%病人死亡。ESRD维持性血液透析病人1年生存率为93.53%,3年生存率为68.92%。5年生存率62.51%。死亡原因为心血管事件占54.5%,脑血管意外占20.5%。结论 本组病人以中、老年为主,男性多见。ESRD血液透析病人主要原发疾病为慢性肾小球肾炎,主要死亡原因为心血管事件和脑血管意外。  相似文献   
新生儿胃穿孔14例治疗体会   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨新生儿胃穿孔的发病特点和治疗方法。方法 对我院近 10年治疗的 14例新生儿胃穿孔进行回顾性分析。结果  14例新生儿胃穿孔皆行手术治疗 ,术后死亡 7例。结论 新生儿胃穿孔多因先天性胃壁肌层发育不良及胃内张力增高缺血缺氧所致。早期诊断 ,及时手术 ,减少并发症及术后加强支持疗法是提高本病治愈率的关键  相似文献   
目的:研究开He患者的舌位置有无特征性变异。方法:利用舌背碘油造影方法,增加头颅侧位定位X线片上舌背的显影效果,在头颅侧位定位X线片上以舌体在固有口腔内的相对位置确定舌体的位置,通过开He与正常He者知位置的团体t检验比较,找出开He患者的舌位置变异特性。结果:开He患者与正常He者比较,舌根部与悬雍垂之间的间隙增大,舌背部与腭表面之间的间隙减小,舌尖部更靠近牙齿,结论:开He个体相对于正常He个体舌位置有向前,向上的变化特点,这可能是开He的病因之一。  相似文献   
胰腺分裂与慢性胰腺炎的病因学关系及发病机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨胰腺分裂(PD)在慢性胰腺炎病因学中的作用及其发病机制。方法:将32只犬随机分为4组(每组8只)。Ⅰ组:部分结扎背-腹胰管间的交通支。Ⅱa组:切断并结扎交通支。Ⅱb组:在背胰管注入小乳头前2mm处将其切断并结扎断端。Ⅲ组:假手术对照组,除不结扎交通支外,其余操作同上。于手术前检测各组犬血清磷脂酶(PLA2)和淀粉酶(Ams)活性及背、腹胰管基础压并在胰泌素激发后15、30、45、60和90分钟各测压一次。于术后180天再行胰胆管测压和造影并观察背、腹胰和十二指肠乳头的病理改变。结果:⑴Ⅰ、Ⅱa组和Ⅱb组术后5-80天血清PLA2和Ams活性显著升高。⑵处死时Ⅰ、Ⅱa组腹胰管和Ⅱb组背、腹胰管压力在激发后30-60分钟显著高于注药前(P<0.01);在60分钟后,前两组压力恢复到术前水平(P>0.05),而Ⅱb组仍较高(P<0.05),该组压力在90分钟后恢复正常。⑶光镜:Ⅱb组犬背、腹胰小叶间或/和胰管周围显著纤维组织增生,腺细胞结构破坏和炎细胞浸润。Ⅰ和Ⅱa组腹胰见轻度上述改变。⑷电镜:Ⅰ、Ⅱa组腹胰和Ⅱb组背、腹胰腺细胞粗面内质网脱颗粒、融合和扩张。酶原颗粒减少,线粒体肿张。Ⅰ和Ⅱa组背胰及Ⅲ组背、腹胰未见异常。结论:PD是慢性胰腺炎的病因学因素之一,其引发胰腺炎的机制是在胰液分泌的高峰期副乳头功能性梗阻。  相似文献   
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