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目的 探讨脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)和神经营养因子3(NT-3)在扬子鳄大脑胚后发育中的时序表达。方法 用免疫组织化学染色和
Western blotting法观察BDNF和NT-3在0岁、1岁和2岁的扬子鳄大脑皮质中的定位和含量变化。结果 免疫组织化学显示,0岁扬子鳄大脑皮质
外网状层移行区。这与Western blotting检测结果一致。0岁扬子鳄大脑皮质区内可见NT-3阳性细胞,主要集中在细胞层和外网状层。到1岁时,
增多。这一结果与Western blotting检测一致。结论 BDNF和NT-3参与了扬子鳄胚后2年内大脑皮质区神经细胞的生长发育。  相似文献   
目的;为不同种系松果腺超微结构的比较及有关方面的深入研究提供必要的形态学依据。方法:采用光、电镜观察。结果:扬子鳄松果腺已进化成实质性腺体,其实质主要由腺细胞构成,腺细胞体积较大,突起较多,核呈圆形、卵圆形、或不规则形,异染色质较少且靠近核膜。低电子密度的胞浆内含有丰富的高尔基复合体、粗面内质网及滑面内质网。清亮小泡及线粒体亦较多见,偶见脂滴、溶酶体、中心粒、微管、微丝及膜层样结构。间质内毛细血管较丰富,偶见神经胶质细胞。结论:两栖爬行类动物──扬子鳄确有松果腺存在,其松果腺已进化成实质性腺体。  相似文献   
Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) are ubiquitous in aquatic environments with well‐established endocrine‐disrupting effects. A data matrix of 559 water samples was queried to identify two commonly occurring CECs mixtures in Great Lakes tributaries. One mixture consisted of eight agricultural CECs (AG), while another contained 11 urban CECs (UB). The known estrogenic compounds bisphenol A, estrone and nonylphenol were present in both mixtures. According to the EPA Tox21 in ToxCast database, AG and UB mixture at an environmentally relevant concentration were estimated to account for 6.5% and 3.4% estrogenicity of the model endocrine disruptor estradiol‐17β, respectively. Two isoforms of the estrogen receptor (Esr1 and ‐2, former Erα and Erβ) cloned from fathead minnow, bluegill sunfish, American alligator and human, responded differently to AG and UB mixtures. Human and bluegill Esr1 were the most sensitive to AG and UB mixtures, respectively. Fathead minnow Esr1 and Esr2b were the least sensitive to 10× AG and UB in estrogen dose equivalents, respectively. Even at environmentally documented concentrations, UB significantly activated bluegill Esr1. Moreover, 100× concentrated UB hyperstimulated fathead minnow Esr1 beyond the maximum induction of estradiol‐17β. These results indicate that efficacious receptors and species differ in their response to CEC mixtures. Furthermore, estrogenicity may be present in some CECs not previously considered estrogenic, or, alternatively, estrogenicity of a mixture may be enhanced through chemical interactions. Our study highlights the need for further studies of CECs utilizing a variety of receptors cloned from diverse species.  相似文献   
In this study, the regional distribution and histological localization of somatostatin (SS) immunoreactive (IR) perikarya and fibers was investigated for the first time in the brain of adult Chinese alligator by immunohistochemical method. The results showed SS‐IR perikarya and fibers were widely distributed in various parts of the brain except for olfactory bulbs. In the telencephalon, SS‐IR perikarya were predominantly located in the cellular layer and deep plexiform layer of dorsomedial and medial cortex, less in the dorsal and lateral cortex, while SS‐IR fibers were found in all layers of the cerebral cortex. SS‐IR perikarya and fibers were also detected in the dorsal ventricular ridge, hippocampus cortex, accessory olfactory bulb nuclearus, lenticular nucleus, and caudate nucleus. In the diencephalon, SS‐IR perikarya and fibers were mainly present in supraoptic nucleus, paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus, recessus infundibular nucleus, median eminence, the pineal gland and pituitary gland, in which the IR‐fibers were abundant, appearing dot‐shaped and varicosity‐like. In the mesencephalon, they were present in tectum cortex, ependyma of cerebral aqueduct and the periaqueductal grey matter. Additionally, they were also detected in Purkinje's cellular layer of cerebellum, in the reticularis nucleus and raphe nucleus of medulla oblongata. The distribution pattern of SS‐IR perikarya and fibers in the brain of Chinese alligator is generally similar to that reported in other reptiles, but also has some specific features. The wide distribution indicated that SS might be a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator which acts on many kinds of target cells with a wide range of physiological functions. Anat Rec, 300:507–519, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
用ABC法显示扬子鳄食管壁的5-羟色胺(5-HT)能神经。在肌内丛和粘膜下丛内见有5-HT能神经细胞。粗、细不等的膨体纤维在肌内交织成网,粘膜下层内散在的5-HT能神经细胞和膨体纤维围绕血管和伸向上皮之间。粘膜下层、固有层内还见有5-HT阳性反应的内分泌细胞和肥大细胞。实验结果对神经比较解剖学的研究、神经内分泌和神经免疫调节机制的研究提供了形态学依据。  相似文献   
目的 观察暹罗鳄鱼鳞胶原蛋白多肽对小鼠免疫功能的影响.方法 采用环磷酰胺为免疫抑制剂,获得免疫功能低下的小鼠动物模型.比较小鼠服用胶原蛋白前后,小鼠T淋巴细胞增殖功能、NK细胞的杀伤功能以及小鼠碳粒廓清能力.结果 胶原蛋白多肽对免疫功能低下小鼠T淋巴细胞的增殖功能、NK细胞的杀伤活性,均具有免疫增强作用(P <0.05),并呈剂量依赖性.结论鳄鱼鳞胶原蛋白多肽具有正向调节小鼠免疫功能的能力.  相似文献   
暹罗鳄鱼鳞胶原蛋白多肽对小鼠免疫功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察暹罗鳄鱼鳞胶原蛋白多肽对小鼠免疫功能的影响。方法采用环磷酰胺为免疫抑制剂,获得免疫功能低下的小鼠动物模型。比较小鼠服用胶原蛋白前后,小鼠T淋巴细胞增殖功能、NK细胞的杀伤功能以及小鼠碳粒廓清能力。结果胶原蛋白多肽对免疫功能低下小鼠T淋巴细胞的增殖功能、NK细胞的杀伤活性,均具有免疫增强作用(P<0.05),并呈剂量依赖性。结论鳄鱼鳞胶原蛋白多肽具有正向调节小鼠免疫功能的能力。  相似文献   
诱发扬子鳄大肠癌的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验旨在观察二甲肼(DMH)是否可使扬子鳄致癌。实验分3组;常用量实验组,2岁龄幼鳄20条。DMH用量每次为20mg/kg。大剂量实验组,2岁龄幼鳄20条,DMH用量加倍,每次为40mg/kg。对照组,小鼠20只,DMH用量与常用量实验组相同。3组均在颈部皮下注射。每周1次,共16次。5个月后处死动物。结果发现,对照组小鼠100%诱发大肠癌。而常用量与大剂量两实验组40条幼鳄,无1例致大肠癌,通过致癌性试验说明扬子鳄有较强的抗癌能力  相似文献   
目的:了解扬子鳄要腺内生长抑素免疫反应物质的存在和分布规律。方法:应用ABC免疫组化方法,对5条扬子鳄松果腺内生长抑素免疫反应阳笥纤维和细胞进行了观察。结果:扬子鳄松果瓣南表面可见生长抑素免疫反应阳性神经节及膨体状阳性纤维。实质内可见点线状细长的生长抑素阳性纤维分布,以爱柄侧较丰富,小血管及窦样间隙的可见了生长抑素免疫反应阳性纤维。结论:扬子鳄松果腺内生长抑素免疫反应阳笥纤维和细胞的数量虽较哺乳类  相似文献   
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