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山楂丹参合用调节血脂作用的实验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的探讨山楂、丹参合用对血脂的调节作用.方法采用高脂饲料动物造模,空白组8只给予普通饲料喂养(空白对照组);高脂饲料组42只,饲以高脂饲料;将造模组随机分为5组,分别为模型组,舒降之组,山楂组,丹参组,山楂、丹参合用组。第14天后分别测定血清TC、TG、HDL-C、LDL-C含量;血浆SOD活性。结果山楂、丹参合用能降低TC、TG、LDL,升高HDL含量,有明显降低SOD活性作用.结论山楂、丹参合用有调节血脂作用。  相似文献   
Different honey types were collected in Croatia during 2010 and 2011: 7 multifloral orchard honeys, 7 multifloral meadow honeys, 19 black locust, 9 chestnut, 11 lime and 6 sage honeys. Elements were measured using graphite (As, Cu, Cd, Pb, Se) and flame atomic absorption spectrometer (Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, Zn) and by mercury analyser (Hg). Significant differences in Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Zn, As and Hg levels were observed between honey types. In chestnut honey were determined (K, Ca, Mg: mg kg−1; Hg, Ad, Cd: μg kg−1): the highest concentrations of K 2824.4, Ca 486.7, Mg 59.1 and Hg 2.52; the lowest of As 24.1 and Cd 2.52. Lime honey has been shown the highest content of Cu (20.6 mg kg−1), Zn (6.78 mg kg−1), Cd (2.14 μg kg−1) and Pb (810.3 μg kg−1). The lowest levels of following elements were determined in black locust honey (Fe, K, Mg: mg kg−1; Hg: μg kg−1): Fe 2.77, K 304.7, Mg 8.02 and Hg 0.82. Sage honey had the lowest Ca and Na content (173.9 and 31.8 mg kg−1). Among the multifloral honeys, the following was determined (Fe, Na, Cu: mg kg−1; As, Pb: μg kg−1): orchard honey – highest of Fe 5.17 and As 276.1, lowest Pb 301; meadow honey – highest Na 36.1, lowest Cu 4.38. The average Ca, Cu and Pb levels found in multifloral honey types were much higher than those reported in other European countries. Calcium levels in lime, chestnut and black locust were higher than those from other countries.  相似文献   
[目的]观察祛瘀化痰法合酮替芬治疗小儿咳嗽变异性哮喘的临床疗效。[方法]将95例咳嗽变异性哮喘患儿随机分为两组。治疗组35例予祛瘀化痰法联合酮替芬治疗;对照组32例予特布他林口服治疗,两组治疗时间均为14d。[结果]治疗组与对照组总有效率分别为94.3%和78.1%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。[结论]祛瘀化痰法联合酮替芬治疗小儿咳嗽变异性哮喘有较好疗效。  相似文献   
黄庆  方芸 《中国药房》2008,19(9):657-659
目的:研究复方荔枝草颗粒的抗菌消炎作用。方法:采用体内和体外抗菌、二甲苯致小鼠耳肿胀及二甲苯致小鼠腹部毛细血管通透性实验,研究复方荔枝草颗粒的抗菌消炎作用。结果:复方荔枝草颗粒在体外对金黄色葡萄球菌、绿脓杆菌、大肠杆菌及变形杆菌有不同程度的抑制作用;能够显著降低变形杆菌感染小鼠的死亡率,但对大肠杆菌感染小鼠的死亡率没有显著作用;能显著抑制二甲苯所致小鼠耳肿胀和小鼠腹部毛细血管通透性增加。结论:复方荔枝草颗粒体内、外均具有良好的抗菌消炎作用。  相似文献   
对30例静脉输液渗漏致疼痛的患者,采用两种不同的治疗方法进行自体对照观察。结果采用丹参红花醇液外敷治疗30例次,其显效率为63.3%;热敷治疗30例次,显效率为6.66%,两组间有显著性差异(P<0.005)。说明外敷丹参红花醇液疗效明显优于热敷治疗。  相似文献   
[目的]观察参附汤内服加复方丹参注射液静点辅助治疗新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征的临床效果。[方法]将42例呼吸窘迫综合征患儿随机分为两组,对照组21例采用经鼻持续气道正压通气(CPAP)给氧、保暖、保湿、升压、抗菌等综合治疗法;治疗组21例在采用CPAP给氧、保暖、保湿、升压、抗菌治疗的同时,用参附汤煎剂内服加复方丹参注射液静点。治疗7d后,比较治愈率。[结果]治疗组存活率95.23%,治愈率71.4%;对照组存活率80.95%,治愈率47.62%。治疗组在临床症状、体征、血气分析及X线检查结果等情况明显优于对照组(P〈0.05)。[结论]参附汤内服加复方丹参注射液静点可以帮助改善新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征临床症状和体征,使患儿度过肺泡表面活性物质缺乏期。  相似文献   
复方丹参注射液不良反应及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]探讨复方丹参注射液不良反应的发生规律和特点。[方法]检索1995年至2009年国内有关丹参注射剂不良反应报道及分析。[结果]复方丹参注射剂可致免疫、心血管、消化、泌尿、神经等系统不良反应,尤以变态反应为主。究其成因与成分提取、溶液配伍、联合用药、个体差异等因素有关。[结论]临床医生应增强预防意识,了解其不良反应特点,合理用药,避免不良反应发生,以期达理想的治疗效果。  相似文献   
荔枝草不同提取部位的体外抑菌作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的比较荔枝草不同提取部位的体外抑菌作用。方法分别以水、95%乙醇、乙酸乙酯、石油醚作为溶剂,提取荔枝草的有效成分:采用琼脂稀释法观察荔枝草不同提取部位对11种细菌的抑菌作用,并分别测定其最小抑菌浓度(MIC)。结果荔枝草4个提取部位对金黄色葡萄球菌(耐药菌)、金黄色葡萄球菌(敏感菌)、肠球菌、表皮葡萄球菌、鲍曼不动杆菌均有不同程度的抑制作用,其中95%乙醇提取部位的抑菌作用最强。结论荔枝草的抑菌活性部位主要存在于95%醇提取部位。  相似文献   
Thujone is a natural substance found in plants commonly used in foods and beverages, such as wormwood and sage, as well as in herbal medicines. The current limits for thujone in food products are based on short-term animal studies from the 1960s, which provided evidence for a threshold-based mechanism, yet only allowed for the derivation of preliminary values for acceptable daily intakes (ADI) based on the no-observed effect level (NOEL). While the 2008 European Union Regulation on flavourings deregulated the food use of thujone, the European Medicines Agency introduced limits for the substance in 2009. The present study re-evaluates the available evidence using the benchmark dose (BMD) approach instead of NOEL, and for the first time includes data from a long-term chronic toxicity study of the National Toxicology Program (NTP). The NTP data provide similar results to the previous short-term studies. Using dose–response modelling, a BMD lower confidence limit for a benchmark response of 10% (BMDL10) was calculated as being 11 mg/kg bw/day for clonic seizures in male rats. Based on this, we propose an ADI of 0.11 mg/kg bw/day, which would not be reachable even for consumers of high-levels of thujone-containing foods (including absinthe). While fewer data are available concerning thujone exposure from medicines, we estimate that between 2 and 20 cups of wormwood or sage tea would be required to reach this ADI, and view that the short-term medicinal use of these herbs can also be regarded as safe. In conclusion, the evidence does not point to any need for changes in regulations but confirms the current limits as sufficiently protective for consumers.  相似文献   
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