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Simultaneous blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples were taken from conscious sheep before, during and after parturition. Concentrations of plasma and CSF oxytocin were significantly elevated during contractions and particularly at birth. Mean prepartum CSF concentrations of oxytocin were around 55% of those found in plasma but postpartum they were up to 2-fold higher than those in plasma. Plasma concentrations of oxytocin were only significantly elevated, compared to prepartum levels, for 15 min postpartum whereas those in CSF were increased for the whole of the 120 min postpartum sampling period. Plasma, but not CSF, concentrations of arginine-vasopressin (AVP) were significantly raised during contractions and birth, and for 15 min postpartum. During the prepartum period CSF AVP concentrations were 67% of those found in plasma whereas at birth plasma levels were 10-fold higher than in CSF. In a separate experiment it was shown that 5 min of mechanical vaginocervical stimulation also stimulated significant increases in CSF and plasma oxytocin concentrations and in plasma vasopressin. Results support previous work suggesting an important role for central oxytocin release in the postpartum induction of maternal behavior and demonstrate that elevated concentrations of oxytocin in the CSF are present for a greater period than in blood. Elevated plasma AVP concentrations during contractions, birth or vaginocervical stimulation may be stimulated by stress associated with these stimuli.  相似文献   
胸腰椎压缩性骨折的护理要点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胸腰椎压缩性骨折的护理要点福建漳州市中医院(363000)郭燕玲,陈联源我院自1989年来对胸腰椎压缩性骨折实行辨证护理,收到满意效果,介绍如下。常规护理:屈曲型胸腰椎压缩性骨折,令病人仰卧在硬板床上,骨折处垫一软枕头,在耐受的情况下逐渐增加枕头高度...  相似文献   
In the present study, we examined the effect of intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) injected choline on both basal and stimulated oxytocin release in conscious rats. I.c.v. injection of choline (50–150 μg) caused time- and dose-dependent increases in plasma oxytocin levels under normal conditions. The increase in plasma oxytocin levels in response to i.c.v. choline (150 μg) was greatly attenuated by the pretreatment of rats with atropine (10 μg; i.c.v.), muscarinic receptor antagonist. Mecamylamine (50 μg; i.c.v.), a nicotinic receptor antagonist, failed to suppress the effect of 150 μg choline on oxytocin levels. Pretreatment of rats with 20 μg of hemicholinium-3 (HC-3), a specific inhibitor of choline uptake into nerve terminals, greatly attenuated the increase in plasma oxytocin levels in response to i.c.v. choline injection. Osmotic stimuli induced by either oral administration of 1 ml hypertonic saline (3 M) following 24-h dehydration of rats (type 1) or an i.c.v. injection of hypertonic saline (1 M) (type 2) increased plasma oxytocin levels significantly, but hemorrhage did not alter basal oxytocin concentrations. The i.c.v. injection of choline (50, 150 μg) under these conditions caused an additional and significant increase in plasma oxytocin concentrations beyond that produced by choline in normal conditions. These data show that choline can increase plasma oxytocin concentrations through the stimulation of central cholinergic muscarinic receptors by presynaptic mechanisms and enhance the stimulated oxytocin release.  相似文献   
Neuropeptide signals and specific neuropeptide receptors have been described in the thymus supporting the concept of a close dialogue between the neuroendocrine and the immune systems at the level of early T-cell differentiation. In this paper, we review recent data about neurohypophysial (NHP)-related peptides detected in the thymus from different species. We suggest that we are dealing in fact with other member(s) of the NHP hormone family, which seems to exert its activity locally through a novel model of cell-to-cell signaling, that of cryptocrine communication. This model involves exchange of signals between thymic epithelial cells and developing thymocytes. The NHP-related peptides have been shown to trigger thymocyte proliferation and could induce immune tolerance of this highly conserved neuroendocrine family.  相似文献   
目的 观察异丙酚无痛人工流产时静脉注射缩宫素对血压和心率的影响。 方法 将 90例Ⅰ级 (美国麻醉协会麻醉术前分级 )早期宫内妊娠的患者随机分为 3组 :A组 30例 ,应用 2~ 3mg/kg异丙酚和 1μg/kg枸橼酸芬太尼进行无痛人工流产术 ,手术后期注射缩宫素 1ml,于注射后的 3min内观察收缩压、舒张压和心率变化 ;B组 30例 ,用相同麻醉方法进行无痛人工流产 ,术中不用缩宫素 ,观察指标与方法同于A组 ;C组 30例 ,不用任何麻醉药物进行人工流产 ,在与A组相同的时间注射缩宫素 ,观察指标与方法同于A组。 结果 A组在注射缩宫素后 0 5min ,血压显著下降 ,心率显著增加 ,注射后 2 .5min时 ,血压和心率基本恢复到注射前水平。B组和C组无明显血压下降。 结论 异丙酚无痛人工流产时注射常规剂量缩宫素后可致血液循环短暂严重波动 ,应引起临床妇产科医师高度重视 ,特别是对心功能储备较差的患者更应关注。  相似文献   
We have investigated the distribution of vasopressin binding sites in the brain of male and female adult mice using a radio-iodinated ligand and film autoradiography. Vasopressin receptors were uncovered in various regions of the brain including the basal nucleus of Meynert, the substantia innominata, the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, the substantia nigra pars compacta and the hypoglossal nucleus. A sex-related difference in the expression of vasopressin receptors was seen in the medial preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus corresponding to the rat sexually dimorphic nucleus in the rat and in the hypothalamic mammillary nuclei. In both structures the autoradiographic labeling is more intense in females than in males. These observations confirm that vasopressin binding sites are present in the hypothalamic preoptic area of most species examined so far and that sex-related expression of neuropeptide receptors could trigger sex-related behavioral differences.  相似文献   
By use of a double-labeling immunofluorescence method with a confocal laser scanning microscope, we have examined whether a calcium-binding protein, calretinin, is localized in magnocellular oxytocin and vasopressin neurons of the rat hypothalamus. In the supraoptic nucleus, all oxytocin-labeled cells were stained for calretinin. However, in the magnocellular part of the paraventricular nucleus, almost all oxytocin-stained cells were devoid of calretinin immunoreactivity. All vasopressin-positive cells of both the supraoptic nucleus and the magnocellular part of the paraventricular nucleus lacked calretinin immunoreactivity. No calretinin immunoreactivity was found in oxytocin-labeled cells of the the anterior commissural nucleus or in vasopressin-labeled cells of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. We previously showed that another calcium-binding protein, calbindin-D28k, was localized in magnocellular oxytocin neurons of the supraoptic nucleus but not in those of the paraventricular nucleus. These findings suggest that, in general, magnocellular oxytocin neurons of the supraoptic nucleus and those of the paraventricular nucleus can be chemically distinguished, that is, the former contain both calretinin and calbindin-D28k but the latter lack the two calcium-binding proteins.  相似文献   
Summary Rats anaesthetised with Inactin, body temp. maintained at 37°C, were infused with mannitol-saline until both urine flow rate and conductivity reached a balanced state. In separate experiments under analogous conditions cardiac output was measured by dye dilution and organ flow rates by86Rb distribution. Doses of oxytocin of 3 ng or less, injected at or just below the carotid bifurcation, caused a highly significant natriuresis with increased tubular rejection, but no measureable haemodynamic changes. The same oxytocin dose given into the internal or external carotid artery above the bifurcation caused neither haemodynamic changes nor natriuresis. Injection of vasopressin, angiotensin and -MSH at the sensitive site did not result in natriuresis in the same dosage range. Section of the sinus nerve significantly decreased the natriuretic response to oxytocin. It is suggested that the carotid body contains a specific oxytocin receptor capable of eliciting natriuresis in the rat.  相似文献   
Oxytocin treatment in rats induces long-lasting antistress and growth promoting effects. This study investigated whether prolyl-leucyl-glycinamide (PLG) (the c-terminal tripeptide of oxytocin) or tocinoic acid (the ring structure of oxytocin) could induce some of these effects in male rats. For this purpose, PLG (2 or 10 mg/kg, s.c.) or tocinoic acid (1 mg/kg, s.c.) was administered to rats once a day for 3 or 5 days. Blood pressure, heart rate, spontaneous motor activity, nociceptive thresholds, and the survival of ischaemic musculocutaneous flaps were measured. In addition, endogenous oxytocin levels and plasma levels of some hormones known to be influenced by oxytocin were determined. PLG (2 mg/kg, s.c., but not 10 mg/kg, s.c.) decreased diastolic blood pressure (p<0.05) and locomotor activity (p<0.05). PLG (10 mg/kg, s.c.) decreased gastrin (p<0.05) and endogenous oxytocin levels in plasma (p<0.01). Tocinoic acid decreased locomotor activity (p<0.05), but did not affect any of the other parameters measured. In conclusion, this study showed that both PLG and tocinoic acid decrease locomotor activity. In addition, PLG also induced some other effects similar to those induced by oxytocin treatment but when administered in high doses it decreased oxytocin levels.  相似文献   
Summary In order to see whether septal neurones are connected to the hypothalamic neurones secreting vasopressin or oxytocin, neurones in different regions of the septum were recorded during electrical stimulation of the supraoptic nucleus. The position of the stimulating electrode within the latter was verified using lactating rats in which milk ejections could be induced by a train of electrical pulses applied to the nucleus. The responses of septal neurones to single pulse stimulation were then analysed by post-stimulus time histograms.In the septum ipsilateral to the site of stimulation, 42% of the neurones were antidromically invaded, 20% were orthodromically excited and 21% were inhibited following supraoptic stimulation. In the contralateral septum, 2% of the cells tested were antidromically invaded, 3% were excited and 16% inhibited. In the medial septum, 14% of the neurones were orthodromically excited, and 48% were inhibited.These results provide electrophysiological evidence for direct connections between septal neurones and the ipsilateral supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus, and give further support to the hypothesis of a septal influence on the activity of vasopressin- or oxytocin-releasing cells in the magnocellular system.Supported by grants I.N.S.E.R.M. CRL 79.5.372.6  相似文献   
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