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Abstract: Our current understanding of human haematopoietic stem cell biology is based in part on the characterization of human CD34+ bone marrow cell differentiation in vitro. CD34 is highly expressed on early stem cells and haematopoietic progenitor cells with clonogenic potential and is gradually lost during differentiation and commitment. However, CD71 (transferrin receptor) is expressed at low levels on early stem cells and generally increases during haematopoietic progenitor cell proliferation. We reasoned that the combination of these surface markers would provide a useful framework for the simultaneous analysis of multiple lineage differentiation of CD34+ haematopoietic progenitor cells in liquid culture. In this report, we identify the phenotype of distinct subpopulations of myeloid, erythroid and lymphoid cells in liquid suspension culture using differential expression of CD34 vs. CD71 in combination with specific lineage markers. Freshly isolated human CD34+ bone marrow cells were introduced into suspension culture and monitored over a 6-d period using 3-colour flow cytometry. This is the first demonstration that differential expression of CD34 vs. CD71 can be used to simultaneously monitor differentiation of multiple haematopoietic cell lineages in liquid suspension culture, facilitating the study of cytokine-, drug- or chemical-induced alterations in haematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation in vitro.  相似文献   
We designed experiments in this study to test the hypothesis suggested by recent purification data that blood basophils comprise two populations of different density, which circulate in numbers characteristic for each human subject. Basophils were separated into two density bands by single step centrifugation on a discontinuous Percoll gradient. Band 1 cells were at the interface between plasma and Percoll of density 1.070 gm/ml. Band 2 cells were at the Percoll 1.070 to 1.080 interface. When the number of band 1 basophils was expressed as a percentage of the total in bands 1 and 2, this relative amount generally remained in a narrow range for blood obtained from the same donor on 3 successive days but differed markedly in different individuals. In a series of leukapheresis experiments, we demonstrated that the percentage of band 1 basophils in postleukapheresis venous blood was strikingly similar to the preleukapheresis value. If basophils that repopulated the leukapheresis-depleted circulation came from the bone marrow, we can conclude that blood levels of basophils in bands 1 and 2 are under physiologic control and that the two types of basophils are released in amounts characteristic for each human subject. Additional evidence for two distinct blood basophil populations was provided by histamine measurements. The histamine content per basophil was consistently higher in cells from band 1 than from band 2, the mean difference between pairs of values for 30 subjects being 0.3 +/- 0.04 pg or about 27% of the band 1 basophil histamine content of 1.1 pg.  相似文献   
Enterovirus 71 (EV71) infections can lead to devastating clinical outcomes in children, with an increasing number of severe cases worldwide. The genetic and antigenic variability of EV71 strains isolated in Taiwan in 1998-2005 was evaluated using partial nucleotide sequence analysis of the VP1 gene and the neutralisation assay. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that most EV71 isolates from the 1998 epidemic belonged to sub-genogroup C2, with a minority belonging to sub-genogroup B4. Between 1999 and 2003, isolates belonging to sub-genogroup B4 predominated, followed by a change to sub-genogroup C4 in 2004 and 2005. Antibodies raised in rabbits or collected from infected patients were able to neutralise EV71 virus stocks at high dilutions, regardless of the sub-genogroup of the virus being challenged. The presence of phylogenetically distinct yet antigenically similar populations of EV71 in Taiwan is of concern in the context of herd immunity and vaccine development.  相似文献   
An interlaboratory study was performed to validate an anti-CD71/flow cytometry-based technique for enumerating micronucleated reticulocytes (MN-RETs) in mouse peripheral blood. These experiments were designed to address International Workshop on Genotoxicity Test Procedures validation criteria by evaluating the degree of correspondence between MN-RET measurements generated by flow cytometry (FCM) with those obtained using traditional microscopy-based methods. In addition to these cross-methods data, flow cytometric MN-RET measurements for each blood sample were performed at two separate sites in order to evaluate the reproducibility of data between laboratories. In these studies, groups of male CD-1 mice were treated with vehicle (saline or vegetable oil), a negative control (saline or vegetable oil), or four dose levels of five known genotoxicants (clastogens: cyclophosphamide, benzo[a]pyrene, 5-fluorouracil, methotrexate; aneugen: vincristine sulfate). Exposure occurred on 3 consecutive days via intraperitoneal injection, and blood samples were obtained approximately 24 hr after the final treatment. MN-RET frequencies were determined for each sample based on the analysis of 2,000 (microscopy) and 20,000 (FCM) reticulocytes. Regardless of the method utilized, each genotoxic agent was observed to cause statistically significant increases in the frequency of MN-RETs, and each response occurred in a dose-dependent manner. Spearman's correlation coefficient (rs) for FCM versus microscopy-based MN-RET measurements (nine experiments, 252 paired measurements) was 0.740, indicating a high degree of correspondence between methods. The rs value for all flow cytometric MN-RET measurements performed at the two independent sites was 0.857 (n = 248), suggesting that the automated method is highly transferable between laboratories. Additionally, the flow cytometric system offered advantages relative to microscopy-based scoring, including a greater number of cells analyzed, much faster analysis times, and a greater degree of objectivity. Collectively, data presented in this report suggest that the overall performance of mouse peripheral blood micronucleus tests is enhanced by the use of the flow cytometric scoring procedure.  相似文献   
Summary Hemorrhage through the pancreatic duct is a form of upper gastrointestinal bleeding that is rarely described in the literature. Since 1981, we have observed ten cases of hemosuccus pancreaticus due to pancreatitis and one as a complication of an islet-cell carcinoma. The diagnosis of hemosuccus was made ten times preoperatively: eight times by checking the ERP; six times blood was seen coming out of the papilla of Vater/papilla minor; in five cases there were typical findings in the pancreatogram. Angiography showed extravasation in five cases. In our opinion, partial pancreatectomy should be the treatment of choice for pancreatitis in combination with hemosuccus pancreaticus.Zusammenfassung Blutungen über den Ductus Wirsungianus gehören zu den selten beschriebenen Blutungsursachen im oberen Gastrointestinaltrakt. Seit 1981 konnten wir insgesamt 11 Fälle von Pankreasgangblutungen, 10 davon bei Pankreatitiden, beobachten. Achtmal konnte die Diagnose Haemosuccus pancreaticus mittels ERP gestellt werden: Blutaustritt bei der Duodenoskopie sechsmal, typische Kontrastmittelaussparungen im Röntgenbild fünfmal. In der Angiographie zeigten sich bei fünf Patienten Extravasate. (Keine präoperative Diagnose in einem Fall.) Die Teilresektion des Pankreas halten wir für die Therapiemethode der Wahl bei Pankreatitiden mit dieser Komplikation.
目的 结合手足口病后遗症造成的经济损失与健康寿命损失,评估EV71疫苗接种的流行病学效果与成本效益。方法 构建Markov模型,采用成本效益分析,比较1 500万新生儿在30%覆盖率接种与不接种疫苗两种策略下的临床事件与经济学结果,模型参数来源于公开数据库或已发布数据。结果 1 500万新生儿接种EV71疫苗(覆盖率30%)可以避免1 210 434例手足口病发病,4 757例重型,242例后遗症以及72例死亡,挽救38 762.94个质量调整寿命年(QALYs)。成本仅包括疫苗接种成本与手足口病疾病负担时,增量成本效益比(ICER)为27 792.01元/QALY。成本包括后遗症经济损失时,疫苗接种人均净效益为396.70元。敏感性分析提示,疫苗价格阈值为397.05元每剂。结论 接种EV71疫苗能减少手足口病临床事件发生,具有成本效益,有利于改善手足口病疾病现状,降低疾病负担。  相似文献   
Single-channel measurements were performed with the aim of constructing a detailed molecular scheme for the reaction between -aminobutyric acid (GABA) and a chloride channel of crayfish deep extensor abdominal muscle (DEAM). GABA was applied in pulses to outside-out patches of muscle membrane, and, based on the dose-response of the peak currents and of their rise times, a linear model with five binding steps has been proposed. Evaluation of the single-channel kinetics indicated at least three open states. Two of them originate most probably from the fully liganded receptor state and are grouped in mixed bursts due to their different life times. The third one appears independently, outside the bursts, and originates from a lower liganded receptor state. Simulations of the dose-responses and the open time distributions with this model led to a set of rate constants which generated relatively optimal fits.  相似文献   
Experiment 1. Gerbils were trained in a T-shaped maze to discriminate the effects produced by pentobarbital (P-barb. 15 mg/kg, i.p.) and the effects of saline. The response, a left or right turn in the maze, was thus contingent upon the prevailing training condition (P-barb. or saline). The criterion of performing 8 correct first trial choices in 10 consecutive sessions was reached within 20 training sessions. Tests with descending doses of P-barb. yielded an ED50 of 9 mg/kg. Tests with phenobarbital (40 mg/kg) or diazepam (2 and 4 mg/kg) solely maintained the drug response. P-barb. discrimination was reversed by megimide (ED50: 8.5–9.6 mg/kg) and metrazol (ED50: 24.9–27.9 mg/kg). Thus megimide was approximately 3 times more effective than metrazol. Metrazol (40 and 80 mg/kg) also counteracted the phenobarbital and diazepam response. Picrotoxin (2.5 and 5 mg/kg) was less effective whereas caffeine (100 mg/kg) and piracetam (100–1000 mg/kg) did not upset P-barb. discrimination. Experiment 2. Naive gerbils had to discriminate mixtures of P-barb. (15 mg/kg) plus either 40 or 80 mg/kg of metrazol from saline already at the start of the discriminative training. The drug combinations produced discriminable effects since most gerbils reached the acquisition criterion (8/10), although more slowly than gerbils trained with P-barb. solely. Gerbils trained without a drug stimulus (saline vs. saline) never attained the criterion during 60 consecutive sessions. In conclusion, reversal of established discrimination (Expt. 1) does not necessarily mean that the same drug combination lacks discriminable effects as demonstrated in Experiment 2.  相似文献   
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