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遥感技术在蚊虫孳生地监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
遥感技术作为一种快速、有效的监测工具,目前在国外已越来越多地应用于蚊虫调查和防治研究中。本文就遥感技术的原理、方法、以及在蚊虫研究中的应用作一概述,并对遥感在我国蚊虫研究的应用前景予以展望。  相似文献   
目的探讨被转入的人SR-AI基因的整合与复制情况及其对小鼠繁育的影响.方法采用类似系祖建系的方法,对人SR-AI转基因小鼠的2、3534、3560、3638、3639五个系列进行了繁育.并用PCR和Southermblot的方法,检测五个系列小鼠尾组织的DNA样品.结果五个系列小鼠共产仔431只,PCR检出阳性小鼠178只,阳性率为41.2%.在3639系的F1、F2、F3代及纯合子转基因鼠中PCR阳性率分别为47.8%、71.3%、75%和100%.结论人SR-AI基因在子代鼠中能稳定遗传,且对生殖和发育无明显影响.  相似文献   
目的对广州地区西藏小型猪的繁殖性能和繁殖行为进行了观察研究。方法以广州地区雌雄西藏小型猪为研究对象,根据其繁殖卡的详细资料进行分类统计。结果雄性西藏小型猪阴茎首次伸出日龄为(39.50±2.63)d,此时体重为(3.26±0.87)kg;其射精日龄为(65.22±3.69)d,体重为(5.34±1.03)kg。雌性西藏小型猪初情日龄为(142±5.3)d,成年母猪发情周期为(20.35±0.72)d,发情持续期(4.2±0.31)d;其妊娠期约为114 d左右。初产雌性西藏小型猪产仔数为(2.30±0.82)头,2月龄断乳存活率为86.5%;而经产雌性西藏小型猪产仔数为(5.70±1.00)头,其2月龄断乳存活率为91.4%。哺乳期雌性西藏小型猪母性强,护仔行为强烈。结论广州地区西藏小型猪生长发育繁殖正常,产仔率和2月龄存活率等繁殖性能指标与原产地一致。  相似文献   
中国野生獐资源保护与饲养   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
关磊  苏铁 《中药材》2004,27(1):5-6
我国现存的四大野生獐种群不容乐观,它们的分布区已大为缩小并分割成块,栖息地遭到破坏,种群数量过少.因而保护应以栖息地为重点,人工饲养可以成为解决目前野生獐种群保护与利用之间平衡的一种有效手段.  相似文献   
目的 诱变选育L-鸟氨酸高产菌株.方法 以谷氨酸棒杆菌S9114为出发菌株,经60Co γ射线和紫外线复合诱变处理,选育出L-鸟氨酸的高产菌株,研究其最佳发酵条件.结果 选育出一株L-鸟氨酸的高产菌株HG106-25,遗传标记为精氨酸营养缺陷型 磺胺胍抗性(Arg- SGr).结论 突变株HG106-25在优化发酵条件后,摇瓶发酵4-5 d,L-鸟氨酸平均产量为14.7 g·L-1,达较高水平,可进行放大试验.  相似文献   
摘要:目的 通过对新硫肽类抗生素166A产生菌小单孢菌TMD166进行诱变选育研究,以期获得产166A的高产菌株。方 法 使用多功能等离子体诱变系统(multifunctional plasma mutagenesis system, MPMS)对出发菌株TMD166的孢子进行等离子体-紫 外(MPMS-UV)复合诱变,单孢子悬液经照射处理、涂布培养后获得单菌落,并以牛津杯固体发酵高通量筛选方法对菌株进行初 筛,之后对高产菌株进行摇瓶复筛,利用突变株摇瓶发酵的化学效价筛选出正突变菌株。结果 对比MPMS-UV不同诱变剂量发 现,MPMS105s-UV60s复合诱变剂量获得的正突变率最高,达到41.43%,相应致死率为99.88%。最终筛选出一株166A高产突 变株TMD166-MU1,在培养温度为28℃、210 r/min的条件下,经过96~120 h培养后,166A产量相比出发菌株提高了7.47倍。结 论 采用MPMS-UV复合诱变方式,再结合牛津杯固体发酵高通量筛选方法和摇瓶复筛,可高效筛选获得166A高产菌株。  相似文献   
Although medicinal plants have been historically used for diabetes treatment throughout the world, few of them have been validated by scientific criteria. Recently, a large diversity of animal models has been developed to better understand the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus and new drugs have been introduced in the market to treat this disease. The aim of this work was to review the available animal models of diabetes and some in vitro models which have been used as tools to investigate the mechanism of action of drugs with potential antidiabetic properties. In addition, a MEDLINE/PUBMED search for articles on natural products, pancreatectomy and diabetes mellitus treatment published between 1996 and 2006 was done. In the majority of the studies, natural products mainly derived from plants have been tested in diabetes models induced by chemical agents. This review contributes to the researcher in the ethnopharmacology field to designs new strategies for the development of novel drugs to treat this serious condition that constitutes a global public health.  相似文献   
云南省永胜县总管田村是1981年才发现的血吸虫病较小流行区。该村的钉嫘主要分布在河边田,在历史上河边田从未灭过螺,其钉螺的分布情况纯属原始分布状态。我们对河边田的钉螺分布状态进行了详细地调查,证实了河边田的钉螺原始分布状态呈孤立、分散的岛状分布。其状况与大理福星村的钉螺分布状态一致。  相似文献   
目的掌握福建对台口岸蚊媒种类以及滋生环境,为对台口岸卫生检疫防止蚊传疾病传入传出提供依据。方法采用幼虫调查法、人诱法、牛诱法相结合,幼虫饲养后成蚊鉴定。结果此次调查蚊媒8种滋生环境,经鉴定隶属于2亚科7属24种,并在口岸旧船舱中首次发现有三带喙库蚊滋生。结论福建作为对台的重要口岸,在卫生检疫中建议针对性加强对登革热以及乙脑等相关蚊传疾病监测。  相似文献   
NAb are defined as antigen binding antibodies present without a known previous exposure to this antigen. NAb are suggested to enhance specific antibody (SpAb) responses, but consequences of different NAb levels on immunization are largely unknown. Layer chickens were divergently selected and bred for keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)-binding NAb titers, resulting in a High line and a Low line. In this study, we investigated: (1) the relation of NAb levels with SpAb titers; and (2) the effect of immunization on NAb titers. The 50 highest females of the High line and the 50 lowest females of the Low line of generation 2 were intramuscularly immunized at 33 weeks of age with 1 mL phosphate buffered saline (PBS) containing one of four treatments: (1) negative control (no antigen), (2) 500 µg KLH, (3) 100 µg avian tuberculin purified protein derivative of Mycobacterium avium (PPD), or (4) 250 µg human serum albumin (HuSA). IgM and IgG titers of NAb and SpAb in plasma were determined prior to immunization and weekly for 5 weeks post immunization by indirect ELISA. In addition, antibody affinity was investigated. No differences in SpAb and NAb response against KLH and PPD were observed as a consequence of different NAb titers, but increased and prolonged SpAb and NAb titer responses against HuSA were observed for the High line compared to the Low line. Different natural antibody titers did not impair SpAb dynamics and SpAb affinity. NAb titers were not, or for only short-term, affected by immunization. We show here that NAb may enhance SpAb responses, but that this effect is antigen-dependent. We hypothesize that NAb play a role in general disease resistance through enhancement of the humoral adaptive immune response.  相似文献   
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