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<正>我国结核患者在2011年统计已达500万例,仅次于印度位居世界第二[1]。临床多见抗结核药物引起肝损害及过敏反应,对眼部的副反应关注较少[2]。笔者临床中发现部分结核患者在抗结核治疗早期可出现视物模糊、异物感、干涩及视物不持久等类似干眼的主诉,眼科常规检查未发现明显视神经病变,更多为眼表的改变。笔者观察抗结核药物对眼表的毒副反应,报道如下。1资料与方法1.1研究对象收集2012年1月—2014年10月  相似文献   
Adenovirus infections are a major cause of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC), which can lead to corneal subepithelial infiltrates and multifocal corneal opacity. In the current study, we investigated the use of an E1/E3-deleted adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) vector as a vaccine administered intramuscularly (IM) or intranasally (IN) against subsequent challenges with a luciferase-expressing Ad5 (Ad5-Luci) vector via eyedrop. We evaluated the adaptive immune response to Ad5 vector vaccination and confirmed a robust polyfunctional CD8 T cell response in splenic cells. Neutralizing Ad5 antibodies were also measured in the sera of vaccinated mice as well as Ad5 antibody in the eye wash solutions. Upon challenge with Ad5-Luci vector 8 weeks post the primary immunization, transduction was significantly reduced by > 70% in the vaccinated mice, which was slightly better in IM- vs. that in IN-vaccinated animals. Resistance to subsequent challenge was observed 10 months post primary IM vaccination, with sustained reduction up to 60% in the Ad5-Luci vector transduction. Passive immunization of naive mice with antisera from IM to vaccinated mice subsequently challenged with the Ad5-Luci vector resulted in approximately 40% loss in transduction efficiency. Furthermore, the mice that received IM immunization with or without CD8 T cell depletion showed > 40% and 70% reductions, respectively, in Ad8 genomic copies after Ad8 topical challenge. We conclude that Ad-vector vaccination successfully induced an adaptive immune response that prevented subsequent Ad transduction in the cornea and conjunctiva-associated tissues in a mouse model of adenovirus keratoconjunctivitis, and that both cellular and humoral immunity play an important role in preventing Ad transduction.  相似文献   
Mutations in PAX6/Pax6 lead to a variety of ocular anomalies in humans and mice. The aim of the study was to characterise the ocular abnormalities caused by the missense Pax6Leca4 mutation and compare them to published observations on Pax6 alleles that are functionally equivalent to Pax6 null alleles (such as Pax6Sey and Pax6Sey-Neu) and human inherited eye diseases. Ocular features of homozygous Pax6Leca4/Leca4 and heterozygous Pax6Leca4/+ embryos at E12.5-E18.5, heterozygous Pax6Leca4/+ young mice at P18 and heterozygous Pax6Leca4/+ adults at 12 weeks were analysed histologically with their wild-type Pax6+/+ littermates. Homozygous Pax6Leca4/Leca4 fetuses died perinatally with no eyes although an optic cup rudiment with pigmented cells developed. Pax6Leca4/+ mice were microphthalmic and a range of other severe ocular phenotypes affected both the anterior and the posterior segments. In contrast to Pax6+/−, the Pax6Leca4/+ eyes had no goblet cells in the corneal epithelium, the iris was not hypoplastic and there was no lens-corneal epithelial plug. However, microphthalmia was more severe, corneal vascularisation occurred earlier (during fetal stages), pigmented cells were present in the vitreous and corneal stroma and the ciliary body was malformed or abnormal. These results show that, although Pax6Leca4/+ lacked some eye abnormalities commonly seen in Pax6Sey/+ and Pax6Sey-Neu/+ eyes, in most respects their eyes were more severely affected. These differences probably reflect both differences between the Pax6Leca4 and the Pax6Sey-Neu mutations and differences in modifier gene expression in different genetic backgrounds. The presence of pigmented cells in the cornea is a novel observation. Some Pax6Leca4/+ ocular abnormalities were similar to those present in human Peters' anomaly and persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV) so Pax6Leca4/+ mice provide a useful model for some inherited eye diseases.  相似文献   
由于病变和外伤等原因,使一些人眼球摘除,留下外现缺陷。医学上使用义眼台植入眼眶,在上面按装义眼以矫治外形。从前使用的义眼台用玻璃球或硅橡胶制作,使用中均有种类不同的缺点,即无生物活性、密度大等。医学界希望有新型医用材料临床应用。采用液态化学方法合成羟基磷灰石,使羟基磷灰石和微晶玻璃混匀,制成生物活性材料。生物材料和粘结剂、造孔剂,辅助剂一同制成生坯,以适当的温度焙烧成多孔结构义眼台。对材料进行了动物实验与临床应用。动物实验表明,材料具有优异的生物相容性和一定的生物活性。临床应用效果良好。本材料是制备义眼台的新材料。本文就材料研究、动物实验、义眼台的生产工艺进行了探讨。  相似文献   
报告 2例先天性无险裂囊性眼的B超图像,例 1左眼球前后径 28.2 mm,横径 31.3 mm,未见角膜、前房、虹膜及晶体回声,整个眼球均为暗区;例2右眼球均为暗区,前后径16.6 mm,未见角膜、前房、虹膜及晶体回声,眼球前外方另见13.8 mm×9.1 mm 的暗区。并对其发病机理与B超图像的关系进行讨论。  相似文献   
The visual pursuit test is a method that collects and analyzes the characteristics of pursuit eye movements and examines the function of the eye movement system. This paper analyzes the model parameters of the smooth pursuit eye movement system in order to explore a method for improving the analysis. The input-output relationship of the smooth pursuit system can be expressed by a quasilinear model. We compute the model parameters (gain, phase, spectral purity, cross covariance) by digital signal processing. Eye movement is recorded by electrooculogram. Both eyes are tested individually. The visual target moves at frequencies of 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, and 1.6 Hz. Ranges are gain, 1.01 to 0.70; phase, -0.1 ° to -66 °; spectral purity, 0.97 to 0.70; and cross covariance, 0.99 to 0.26. We tested 40 normal subjects as well as patients with ataxia (8), vertigo (18), and ophthalmoplegia (9). The oculomotor system of normal subjects functions as a linear system in the performance of this test at 0.2 to 0.8 Hz. The spectral purity dropped to about 0.70 at 1.6 Hz. The variability of all measures increases greatly at 1.6 Hz, which indicates that this target motion exceeds the tracking ability of many normal subjects and that the oculomotor system of normal subjects functions as a nonlinear system in this condition. Statistical tests show no significant differences between sex, age, and the two eyes. The model parameters tentatively proved effective in clinical application.  相似文献   
目的:观察儿童羟基磷灰石义眼台植入的临床效果。方法:回顾性分析不同原因造成眼球摘除的31例患儿,其中男性 21例,女性 10例,年龄 3岁~14岁,平均 8.2岁,采用义眼台一期植入 20例,义眼台二期植入 11例,植入直径 18mm义眼台者 17例,植入 20mm义眼台者 14例。结果:31例患儿术后 1例结膜裂开,5例出现轻度上睑沟凹陷,随访 1年~8年,所有患者无感染、无排斥、无义眼台暴露,运动好,外观满意。结论:儿童患者应尽可能一期植入义眼台,采用巩膜包裹义眼台植入的 3岁~6岁患儿选择 18mm直径的义眼台,而 7岁~14岁患儿尽量接近成人选用 20mm直径的义眼台。注意手术操作、术后用药及护理可减少术后并发症。  相似文献   
Pseudomonas aeruginosa commonly colonizes the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). However, the occurrence of bacteremia with metastatic infection to the eye causing endogenous endophthalmitis is very rare. In the setting of lung transplantation, the significance of P. aeruginosa bacteremia in patients with CF whose airways are colonized before transplantation is unknown. We report a case of bilateral P. aeruginosa endogenous endophthalmitis in a patient with CF after lung transplant without documented bacteremia. The patient presented with acute eye symptoms in the presence of a left atrial thrombus and the disease followed a rapidly progressive course requiring aggressive medical-surgical treatment. Typically P. aeruginosa endophthalmitis has been associated with a poor visual prognosis. However, with combined medical-surgical management this patient retained useful vision in one eye without having retinal detachment or requiring enucleation. Endogenous endophthalmitis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of ocular complaints in patients with CF after lung transplant.  相似文献   
Concern about short- and long-term ultraviolet radiation (particularly UVB) damage to the eye has led to increased research in this area. Numerous studies have confirmed the pathogenic enhancing roles of reflected ultraviolet (UV) and visible radiation in our environment. There is concern that conventional sunglasses do not protect the eye adequately from reflected rays (albedo), especially on the lateral aspect, from behind and from below. Using eye models and computer ray tracing methods, the pathways of oblique rays incident at the temporal peripheral cornea have been plotted by Maloof, Ho and Coroneo.1 These rays are refracted and focused and theoretically can result in up to 20 times the concentration of incident irradiance at the nasal anterior chamber angle and nasal equatorial cortex of the crystalline lens. The purpose of this study was to determine the limits of angular subtense of the incident peripheral light which is refracted in this manner in human subjects and to investigate the relation between corneal shape and certain ocular parameters to the limits. A statistically significant positive correlation was found between temporal entrance angle and anterior chamber depth (r = 0.70, P< 0.0006). The entrance angle ranged from 15 degrees to 30 degrees and was located 10 degrees to 45 degrees posterior to the coronal plane. Our results support Maloof and colleagues' predictions for the implication of focused peripheral UV and high intensity visible radiation in the pathogenesis of pterygium and cortical cataract and emphasise the need for lateral eye protection in conditions of high ultraviolet albedo.  相似文献   
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