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目的 探索青少年网络成瘾和睡眠时长在受校园欺凌与抑郁关系之间的中介作用,为青少年抑郁的预防干预提供依据。 方法 使用青少年健康相关危险行为问卷及CES - D抑郁量表,采用多阶段整群抽样法抽取徐州市4 190名青少年进行问卷调查。结果 在控制人口学等变量后,受校园欺凌、网络成瘾、睡眠时长对抑郁均有预测作用(r = 0.283,P<0.01;r = 0.331,P<0.01;r = - 0.184,P<0.01)。路径分析表明,网络成瘾在受校园欺凌和青少年抑郁之间起中介作用;网络成瘾和睡眠时长在受校园欺凌和青少年抑郁间起链式中介作用。结论 受校园欺凌不仅直接影响青少年抑郁,还通过网络成瘾和睡眠时长的链式中介作用间接影响青少年抑郁。可通过减少青少年网络使用和提高睡眠时长来降低受校园欺凌对青少年抑郁的影响。  相似文献   
目的 探讨大学前不同阶段同伴欺凌经历对大学生生活质量的影响。方法 2018年10月采用分层整群抽样方法选取安徽省合肥市4所高校4 034名在校大学生作为研究对象,调查研究对象大学前不同阶段同伴欺凌经历和当前的生活质量。采用t检验和方差分析比较不同组各维度得分差异,采用多元线性回归模型分别分析大学前不同阶段欺凌经历、不同欺凌种数与大学生生活质量的关系。结果 4 034名大学生生活质量4个维度(生理、心理、社会关系和环境)得分分别为12.61±2.02、14.09±2.62、13.72±2.71和13.77±2.46。多元线性回归分析(控制相关混杂因素)结果显示,大学生在小学(β=-0.21)、中学(β=-0.27)和两阶段(β=-0.56)被言语欺凌、中学阶段被关系欺凌(β=-0.21)、中学阶段被躯体欺凌(β=-0.38)和两阶段躯体欺凌(β=-0.67)均与大学生生活质量生理维度得分呈负相关;大学生在两阶段被言语欺凌(β=-0.41)和中学阶段被关系欺凌(β=-0.42)与大学生生活质量心理维度得分呈负相关;大学生在中学阶段被关系欺凌(β=-0.32)、中学(β=-0.51)和两阶段被躯体欺凌(β=-0.57)均与大学生生活质量社会关系维度得分呈负相关;大学生在小学和两阶段被言语欺凌(β=-0.20、-0.46)和关系欺凌(β=-0.35、-0.90)均与大学生生活质量环境维度得分呈负相关,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。欺凌受害指数与大学生生活质量生理、心理、社会关系和环境4个维度得分呈负相关(β=-0.33、-0.36、-0.30、-0.33);实施欺凌指数与大学生生活质量4个维度得分也呈负相关(β=-0.28、-0.31、-0.23、-0.28),相关性差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论 大学前不同阶段欺凌经历均与大学生生活质量各维度得分降低有关联,应加强大学前不同阶段同伴欺凌的预防控制。  相似文献   
目的 了解实习护生工作场所欺凌现状及其影响因素,为针对性干预工作场所欺凌行为提供参考。 方法 以便利抽样方法抽取实习护生315名,采用中文版负性行为问卷进行调查。 结果 实习护生工作场所欺凌得分为31.43±9.92,在过去6个月中遭受工作场所欺凌的实习护生107人(33.97%)。不同学历层次、生源地、学习成绩、就读护理专业原因的实习护生感受的工作场所欺凌得分比较,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。多元逐步回归分析显示,就读护理专业原因、生源地、学历层次是实习护生感受工作场所欺凌的主要影响因素(P<0.05,P<0.01)。 结论 实习护生感知工作场所欺凌的比例偏高,护理管理者和教育者应当予以重视,采取有效防范措施和针对性教育,减少工作场所欺凌的发生。  相似文献   
There is a growing body of empirical research indicating a significant co-occurrence of multiple forms of experiences with violence among US youth. However, very little information is available about shared risk factors across forms of violence. Current analyses were based on cross-sectional data from the 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). The YRBS includes a nationally representative sample (n = 16,410) of high-school students in 9–12th grades in the US. Multinomial regression analyses were conducted to test the associations between risk factors and reports of multiple violence exposures (i.e. physical fights, dating violence, forced sex, and being bullied at school). Among high-school students, 33.0% reported one experience, 11.4% reported two experiences, and 4.0% reported 3–4 experiences with violence. Multinomial regression analyses indicate that experience with 3–4 forms of violence were highly associated with sadness, feeling too unsafe to go to school, early alcohol use, binge drinking, drug use, weapon carrying, asthma, low academic grades, and suicide attempts relative to those who did not report any experience with violence. These findings underscore that multiple experiences with violence are relatively common among US high-school students. Moreover, multiple experiences with violence are associated with a relatively broad range of risk factors. Youth who report multiple experiences with violence seem to be particularly vulnerable and in need of assistance, in particular because of the strong association between multiple violent experiences and suicidal behaviors.  相似文献   
Work-related stress is becoming a significant problem in Italy and it is therefore essential to advance the theory and methodology required to detect this phenomenon at work. Thus, the aim of this paper is to propose a new method for evaluating stress at work by measuring the discrepancies between employees’ perceptions of stress and their leaders’ evaluation of the stress of their subordinates. In addition, a positive impression scale was added to determine whether workers might give socially desirable responses in organizational diagnosis. Over 1,100 employees and 200 leaders within several Italian organizations were involved in this study. Structural equation modeling was used to test such new method for evaluating stress in a model of stress at work that incorporates relationships among individual (positive impression), interpersonal (workplace bullying) and organizational factors (working conditions, welfare culture, training). Results showed that the leaders’ capacity to understand subordinates’ stress is associated with subordinates’ psychological well-being since higher disagreement between self and leaders’ ratings was related to lower well-being. We discuss the implications of healthy leadership for the development of healthy organizations.  相似文献   
Bullying remains a pervasive problem in healthcare, and evidence suggests systems in place are not utilised due to perceptions of ineffectiveness and inequity. This study examines bystander responses to bullying and factors that influence decisions to intervene. We explore relationships between bystanders’ perceptions of psychological safety across three levels (organisation, supervisor and colleague) and reactions to witnessing bullying. We suggest psychological safety would be positively associated with the decision to intervene. Findings indicate the most pervasive reaction to witnessing incidents of bullying is to discuss with colleagues, a low‐involvement reaction. We find perceptions of supervisory and organisational safety/support are positively related to high‐involvement decisions such as formal reporting of the incidents, highlighting the importance of support from those in power. However, perceptions of collegial support may lead to low‐involvement responses, which risk reinforcing and underpinning dysfunctional organisational dynamics by providing informal social and emotional responses that may substitute more formal organisational responses to this persistent problem. This study highlights the importance of support from individuals in power if bystanders are to feel comfortable making high‐involvement interventions.  相似文献   
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