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IntroductionAlthough blood transfusion is common in burns, data are lacking in appropriate transfusion thresholds. It has been reported that a restrictive blood transfusion policy decreases blood utilization and improves outcomes in critically ill adults, but the impact of a restrictive blood transfusion policy in burn patients is unclear. We decided to investigate the outcome of decreasing the blood transfusion threshold.Material and methodsEighty patients with TBSA > 20% who met our inclusion criteria were included. They were randomly divided into control and intervention groups. The intervention group received packed cells only when Hemoglobin declined to less than 8 g/dL at routine laboratory evaluations. While the control group received packed-cell when hemoglobin was declined to less than 10 g/dl. The total number of the received packed cell before, during and after any surgical procedure was recorded. The outcome was measured by the evaluation of the infection rate and other complications.ResultThe mean hemoglobin level before transfusion was 7.7 ± 0.4 g/dL in the restrictive group and 8.8 ± 0.7 g/dL in the liberal group. The mean number of RBC unit transfusion per patient in the restrictive group was significantly lower than the traditional group (3.28 ± 2.2 units vs. 5.9 ± 3.7 units) (p-value = 0.006). The total number of RBC transfused units varied significantly between the two groups (p-value = 0.014). The number of transfused RBC units outside the operation room showed a significant difference between groups (restrictive: 2.8 ± 1.4 units vs. liberal: 4.4 ± 2.6 units) (p = 0.004). We did not find any significant difference in mortality rate or other outcome measures between groups.ConclusionApplying the restrictive transfusion strategy in thermal burn patients who are highly prone to all kinds of infection, does not adversely impact the patient outcome, and results in significant cost savings to the institution and lower rate of infection. We conclude that the restrictive transfusion practice during burn excision and grafting is well tolerated and effective in reducing the number of transfusions without increasing complications.Clinical Trial Registration ReferenceIRCT20190209042660N1.  相似文献   
改良超滤对婴幼儿心脏手术输血的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 观察改良超滤技术在婴幼儿体外循环心血管手术中对输血及术后出血的影响。方法  6 0例接受体外循环下心血管手术的先天性心脏病患儿 ,均分为对照组 (不接受任何超滤 )、常规超滤组 (CUF组 )和改良超滤组 (MUF组 )。观察术中库血用量、血浆用量、血球压积的变化及术后2 4h出血量 ,并用SSPS/PC进行统计学处理。结果 MUF组库血用量、血浆用量、术后 2 4h出血量显著低于对照组和CUF组 (P <0 0 1) ,且滤出水量明显多于CUF组 (P <0 0 1)。结论 在婴幼儿心血管手术中 ,改良超滤可有效排出体内水分 ,提高血球压积 ,明显减少输血及术后出血 ,是节约用血的重要手段之一。  相似文献   
目的:使输液疗法中药物不良反应降到最低限度,使患者获得安全、有效的治疗,同时,也是对有限药物资源的维护。方法:对用四类抗感染药物出现不良反应91例患者行减慢输液速度、平卧、松解领扣、按合谷穴、心理护理、保暖、进饮食等处置。结果:91例药物不良反应,有89例顺利完成输液治疗,2例无效,更换药物。结论:有责任感,加强观察护理及时发现患者反应前驱症状,迅速采取有效措施,会取得满意效果。  相似文献   
 Supportive treatment of patients with haematological disorders mainly takes the form of transfusions of blood and platelets, and sometimes palliative chemotherapy is given. Most patients are treated in hospital or at the outpatient clinic. However, it is often difficult for the patients to arrange to come to the hospital, as they need transport by ambulance or taxi and sometimes a relative to help them. Throughout 1996 we offered such patients supportive treatment at home. A nurse was employed on the project, who was supplied with a car and a mobile telephone. Treatment was given at home. In all, 17 patients were treated, with a total of 90 blood and 40 platelet transfusions. At three visits chemotherapy was administered. No complications were seen, and the patients felt safe and content. We conclude that supportive treatment at home is safe and well accepted by patients and their relatives. In addition, the costs for transportation and hospital care of this patient group were reduced.  相似文献   
强化输血管理保障安全用血   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张军 《实用全科医学》2003,1(4):338-339
目的 探讨强化输血管理 ,保障安全用血的有效措施。方法 ①强化法制观念 ;②完善管理制度 ;③提高技术水平 ;④协调供需矛盾 ;⑤健全组织完善设施 ;⑥加强宣教合理用血。结果 完善了科室的管理 ,杜绝了输血工作的隐患 ,减少了医患矛盾 ,提高了输血的诊治水平。结论 保障了输血安全 ,使输血工作走上科学、规范的轨道 ,收到良好的社会效益  相似文献   
孙荣华 《实用医技杂志》2007,14(36):4996-4997
<正>输血医学已经发展成为一门涉及多个专业的新兴学科。人们在运用输血疗法的同时。也开始关注输血的副作用、并发症和不必要的浪费。因此,要强调更新输血观念,合理用血,提高医疗用血质量,保证临床用血的安全和有效。1检验科(血库)的质量管理1.1确保血源质量合格首先要从合法渠道采血、取血。血袋的各种标签要齐全,规定检查及复检项目都要合格。其次  相似文献   
Platelet additive solutions (PASs) were first developed in the 1980s, and continued to be improved over the following years. The use of PASs as replacement for plasma has a number of benefits, both for the quality of the platelet concentrates and for the patients. However, some PASs have been associated with a lower platelet yield in the PCs, a shorter storage time, and a lower increment in the patient when compared to PCs in plasma. A number of reformulations of the PASs have taken place to counteract these disadvantages. Most PASs use acetate as nutrient for the platelets, which has the benefit of generating bicarbonate when oxidized by the platelets, thus supplying its own buffering capacity. Alternatively, glucose is used, but may cause deterioration of pH in the stored PCs due to the formation of lactic acid. Addition of other buffering substances, such as phosphate, can be added to ensure maintenance of neutral pH. An important finding was the inhibiting effect of potassium and magnesium on platelet activation. The initially developed PASs lacked these two ingredients and showed reduced storage times of the PCs in PAS when compared to those stored in plasma. However, when these constituents are included in the PAS, storage time is similar and even exceeds those seen for PCs in plasma. Considerable research is done in further formulating the optimal PAS. Bicarbonate is being considered as buffer for these PASs. Also, L-carnitine appears to have a favorable effect on stored platelets, including a reduction of platelet metabolism, and inhibition of apoptosis. Another area of optimization is lowering of plasma content needed for maintaining platelet quality. Where current PASs still need at least 30% residual plasma, there is a trend towards lowering the plasma content to less than 5% with the newer PASs. Preservation of purinergic platelet receptor functionality by ADP-degrading activities in plasma appears to play an important role in this respect. Development of PASs are usually based on in vitro studies alone. It is important to realize that only clinical studies can give definitive answers about the quality of platelets stored in PASs. Sofar, only limited clinical evaluations have been published that either studied the effectiveness of platelets in initially-developed PASs, or were specifically done in combination with pathogen reduction technologies. Thus, PASs seem to be an excellent replacement for (part of) the plasma when producing PCs, and allow extended storage with maintenance of quality, but more clinical studies are needed to substantiate in vitro results.  相似文献   
Flow cytometry immunolabeling, tube agglutination tests, and thin-layer chromatography immunostaining with two different anti-A monoclonal antibodies (anti-A mAb1 and anti-A mAb2) and one anti-B mAb were used to demonstrate differences in expression of the A and B antigens among erythrocytes from type A and four different type AB cats. Although the flow cytometric patterns of reactivity and agglutination scores for erythrocytes from types A and B cats detected with the anti-A and anti-B mAbs were consistent, reactivity among erythrocytes of different type AB cats was variable. By flow cytometric analysis, 99.9% of type A erythrocytes, no type B erythrocytes, 2.5–4.0% of erythrocytes from type AB cats 1, 3, and 4, and 60.7% of erythrocytes from type AB cat 2 had detectable A antigen when anti-A mAb1 was used. In contrast, 86.4% of type A erythrocytes, no type B erythrocytes, 20.2–38.0% of erythrocytes from type AB cats 1, 3, and 4, and 68.5% of erythrocytes from type AB cat 2 had detectable A antigen when anti-A mAb2 was used. In addition, 86.9% of type B erythrocytes, no type A erythrocytes, 83.1–96.8% of erythrocytes from type AB cats 1, 3, and 4, and 73.0% of erythrocytes from type AB cat 2 had detectable B antigen when the anti-B mAb was used. Agglutination scores of type AB cats were comparable to the percent binding on flow cytometry. Thin-layer chromatography immunostains confirmed differences in the amount of A antigen between erythrocyte glycolipids of type A and AB cats and those of type AB cats 1 and 2. These results suggest that at least two different phenotypes exist within the feline AB blood type, which differ in the amount of A antigen expressed on the erythrocyte surface.  相似文献   
Many side-effects of red blood cell transfusion have been described. They include iron-overload, as well as allo- and autoantibody formation against red cells. During storage, erythrocytes undergo complex structural and biochemical changes. It has been suggested that accelerated and/or aberrant forms of the physiological erythrocyte aging process underlie the red cell storage lesion. This storage lesion may contribute to side-effects of transfusion as endothelial damage by release of internal erythrocyte constituents, (pro)inflammatory consequences, hampered microcirculation and oxygen delivery. Understanding the process that determines the fate of red blood cells after transfusion may contribute to the prevention of side-effects after red blood cell transfusion. This should be the focus of research on red blood cell transfusion in clinical transfusion medicine.  相似文献   
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