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内蒙古啮齿动物分布聚类区初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将内蒙古55种啮齿动物在本自治区8个动物地理省中的有或无分布作为二元属性,表征动物地理省间种类组成的相似性用联合系数表示,并以类平均法进行聚类。根据聚类结果,讨论了分布聚类与动物地理区划的关系。  相似文献   
浙江省在鼠中检测到埃立克体及无形体DNA片段并测序分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解鼠中自然感染埃立克体及无形体的状况。方法:用巢式PCR扩增鼠中埃立克体属及嗜粒细胞无形体属16S rDNA的5′末端片段,对阳性产物克隆后测序。结果:在浙江省金华市金东区捕到鼠128只。在黄毛鼠中检到阳性4份,阳性率为3.125%,并对其进行克隆后测序。与Genbank上比对分析,三份与牛埃立克体相同基因区最为接近,属无形体科,无形体属。一份与反刍动物埃立克体相同基因区最为接近,属无形体科,埃立克体属。均为国内首次报道。结论:初步认为浙江省存在埃立克体及无形体病原。黄毛鼠可能为埃立克体及无形体宿主,尚需进一步调查。  相似文献   
Prolonged exposure to manganese in mammals may cause an extrapyramidal disorder characterized by dystonia and rigidity. Gliosis in the pallidal segments underlies the well-established phase of the intoxication. The early phase of the intoxication may be characterized by psychic, nonmotor signs, and its morphological and electrophysiological correlates are less defined. In a rat model of manganese intoxication (20 mg/ml in drinking water for 3 months), neither neuronal loss nor gliosis was detected in globus pallidus (GP). However, a striking vulnerability of manganese-treated GP neurons emerged. The majority of GP neurons isolated from manganese-treated rats died following brief incubation in standard dissociation media. In addition, patch-clamp recordings in the whole-cell configuration were not tolerated by surviving GP neurons. Neither coeval but untreated GP neurons nor striatal ones manifested analogous susceptibility. Using the perforated-patch mode of recording we attempted at identifying the functional hallmarks of GP vulnerability: in particular, voltage-gated calcium currents and glutamate-induced currents were examined. Manganese-treated GP neurons exhibited calcium currents similar to control cells aside from a slight reduction in the dihydropyridine-sensitive current facilitation. Strikingly, manganese-treated GP cells--but not striatal ones--manifested peculiar responses to glutamate, since repeated applications of the excitatory amino acid, at concentrations which commonly promote desensitizing responses, produced instead an irreversible cell damage. Possible mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the investigations of Prof. L. V. Krushinsky and his colleagues into the genetics of complex behaviors in mammals. The ability of animals to extrapolate the direction of a food stimulus movement was investigated in wild and domesticated foxes (including different fur-color mutants), wild brown rats, and laboratory rats and mice. Wild animals (raised in the laboratory) were shown to be superior to their respective domesticated forms on performance of the extrapolation task, especially in their scores for the first presentation, in which no previous experience could be used. Laboratory rats and mice demonstrated a low level of extrapolation performance. This means that only a few laboratory animals were capable of solving the task, i.e., the percentage of correct solutions was equivalent to chance. The brain weight selection program resulted in two mice strains with a 20% (90-mg) difference in brain weight. Ability to solve the extrapolation task was present in low-brain weight mice in generations 7–11 but declined with further selection. Investigation of extrapolation ability in mice with different chromosomal anomalies demonstrated that animals with Robertsonian translocations Rb(8,17) 1lem and Rb(8,17) 6Sic were capable of solving this task in a statistically significant majority of cases, while mice with fusion of other chromosomes, as well as CBA normal karyotype mice, performed no better than expected by chance. Mice with two types of partial trisomies and animals homo- and heterozygous for translocations were also tested. Although mice with T6 trisomy performed no better than expected by chance, animals with trisomy for a chromosome 17 fragment solved the task successfully. Thus, a genetic component underlying the ability to solve the extrapolation task was demonstrated in three animal species. The extrapolation task in animals is considered to reveal a general capacity for elementary reasoning. The genetic basis of this capacity is very complex.  相似文献   
It has been shown that long-term administration ofl-sulpiride induces a down-regulation of receptor-associated adenylate cyclase activity in the frontal cortex of rats, an adaptive response that is typically associated with the chronic administration of antidepressants. Here we show that in two animal models of depression-like behavior (forced swim in rats and tail suspension in mice), the long-term (21 days) administration ofl-sulpiride at a non-neuroleptic dose (2 mg/kg IP twice a day) significantly decreases the duration of immobility, the effect being similar to that of desipramine (20 mg/kg IP). The same dose (2 mg/kg) ofl-sulpiride, acutely administered, has no effect at all. On the other hand, either chronic (21 days) or acute administration of neuroleptic doses ofl-sulpiride have an opposite effect, and indeed increase the duration of immobility. These results are an in vivo support to the in vitro findings suggesting that low doses ofl-sulpiride may have antidepressant-like activity.  相似文献   
目的 调查黑龙江省逊克县火山熔岩地区啮齿动物携带病原体状况.方法 2014年4-9月,采集啮齿动物样本107只,解剖取脏器肺、肾、肝、肾和膀胱样本,采用PCR方法分别扩增10种鼠传病原体的特异性核酸片段,通过基因测序进一步鉴定.结果 在107份鼠肺中共检出汉城型汉坦病毒RNA核酸阳性样本5份,感染率为4.67%;107份鼠肾中共检出钩端螺旋体DNA核酸阳性样本6份,感染率为5.61%;107份鼠脾中共检出巴尔通体DNA核酸阳性样本7份,感染率为6.54%,嗜吞噬细胞无形体4份,感染率为3.74%;107份鼠肝、鼠脾中鼠疫菌、巴贝西原虫、斑点热群立克次体、恙虫病立克次体、莫氏立克次体的DNA核酸检测结果均为阴性;107份鼠膀胱中伯氏疏螺旋体的DNA核酸检测结果为阴性;在鼠体内还存在复合感染情况,感染率为2.80%.结论 黑龙江省逊克县火山熔岩地区啮齿动物中存在汉坦病毒、钩端螺旋体、巴尔通体和嗜吞噬细胞无形体的感染.  相似文献   
目的 全面掌握中越边境口岸鼠类的种类和组成,为口岸鼠类科学管理提供基础资料.方法 采用夹夜法和笼夜法捕获鼠类.结果 东兴口岸捕获鼠类4种498只,凭祥口岸捕获14种756只,水口口岸捕获6种75只,龙邦口岸捕获8种173只,褐家鼠为各口岸的优势鼠种.结论 褐家鼠是各口岸重点监测和控制的对象.  相似文献   
〔目的〕掌握新疆乌拉斯台口岸地区啮齿动物及体外寄生物的种群组成及分布。〔方法〕调查以口岸为中心,在不同生境采用5m夹线法,捕获啮齿动物和采集其体外寄生物。〔结果〕共捕获啮齿动物307只,经鉴定隶属4科9属9种;共采集啮齿动物体外寄生蚤768只,经鉴定隶属4科14属21种。〔结论〕西伯利亚五趾跳鼠和灰仓鼠为优势种,其中灰仓鼠的主要寄生蚤短须双蚤和距细蚤为该地区的优势蚤种。  相似文献   
本文根据中俄联合监测小组对中俄边境口岸地区鼠形动物监测调查资料,编撰2008年中俄边境满洲里-后贝加尔口岸地区鼠类名录,旨在为该地区的公共卫生工作及相关鼠传疾病的防治提供基础资料。结果满洲里口岸地区鼠形动物为2目6科8属8种,后贝加尔口岸地区鼠形动物为2目4科6属7种。  相似文献   
The neuropeptides vasopressin (VP) and oxytocin (OT) and their receptors in the brain are involved in the regulation of various social behaviors and have emerged as drug targets for the treatment of social dysfunction in several sex-biased neuropsychiatric disorders. Sex differences in the VP and OT systems may therefore be implicated in sex-specific regulation of healthy as well as impaired social behaviors. We begin this review by highlighting the sex differences, or lack of sex differences, in VP and OT synthesis in the brain. We then discuss the evidence showing the presence or absence of sex differences in VP and OT receptors in rodents and humans, as well as showing new data of sexually dimorphic V1a receptor binding in the rat brain. Importantly, we find that there is lack of comprehensive analysis of sex differences in these systems in common laboratory species, and we find that, when sex differences are present, they are highly brain region- and species-specific. Interestingly, VP system parameters (VP and V1aR) are typically higher in males, while sex differences in the OT system are not always in the same direction, often showing higher OT expression in females, but higher OT receptor expression in males. Furthermore, VP and OT receptor systems show distinct and largely non-overlapping expression in the rodent brain, which may cause these receptors to have either complementary or opposing functional roles in the sex-specific regulation of social behavior. Though still in need of further research, we close by discussing how manipulations of the VP and OT systems have given important insights into the involvement of these neuropeptide systems in the sex-specific regulation of social behavior in rodents and humans.  相似文献   
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