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目的:分析公立医院引入民营化管理对改善公立医院法人治理结构和绩效变化情况,并提出相关政策建议。方法:采用案例研究方法,通过焦点组访谈、个人深度访谈、问卷调查等,分析北京市门头沟区医院改革的做法与效果。结果:门头沟区医院2010年引入社会资本后法人治理结构得以优化,主要包括:建立医院法人治理结构,建立政府、监事会、第三方评估的多元监管体系和医院绩效考核指标体系,实施医院内部综合绩效考核制度,建立多元化投入机制等。结论与建议:改革后,医院在决策权、市场准入程度、问责机制、剩余索取权、社会功能等方面均发生改变,取得了初步效益,但也面临着一定的体制约束。公立医院治理机制改革需要创造良好的外部政策环境,进一步优化内部管理机制与考核制度,并注意在引入社会资本过程中保证提供服务的公益性。  相似文献   
After almost a century of the evolution of welfare capitalism in the liberal-democratic countries, and the spread of government intervention in the financing and provision of health services, the debate is now whether or not government can, or should, be as all-encompassing as it has clearly become. What is emerging with greater force is a pattern of private insurance and private provision, though its future is not easy to predict. What is clear, however, is that a modified version of a politically acceptable concept of equity will have to be formulated.  相似文献   
This article presents a case study of a US Agency for International Development-sponsored privatization effort in Bolivia. This privatization effort differs from AID's more common approach in that rather than merely helping already existing organizations to expand, this project has created a new organization. More ambitious and encompassing, this approach is also preferable because it directly addresses one of the most serious bottlenecks to economic development, viz., organizational development. The article describes the evolution of PROSALUD, a private, non-profit network of 17 community-sponsored health centers. The article describes factors and characteristics which have either conditioned or have directly contributed to PROSALUD's success. First, PROSALUD's health care environment is analysed, starting with a broad brush profile of select characteristics and trends which exist throughout the health sector of Bolivia, then narrows the focus to the local health sector. The structure and operations of PROSALUD are then analysed, focusing on the organization's managerial practices and financing and the series of tradeoffs it has been forced to strike: in its pricing strategy, between striving for financial viability and maintaining access to care; between, on the one hand, responding to community needs and demands and improving coverage by opening more facilities, and, on the other hand, focusing managerial efforts and outreach on a more limited number of clinics and neighborhoods; between providing a socially desirable mix of services--in particular, continuing to provide a great deal of free preventive care--and focusing care on more lucrative curative services; between maintaining commitments to neighborhoods and communities and eliminating the less economically viable (especially rural) clinics.  相似文献   
我国公立医疗机构民营化的政策选择分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以民营化作为我国公立医疗机构改革的政策选择,在给予其合法性分析的基础上.进而指出可以以,公立医疗机构的产权革新和公共民营合作制的非产权变动作为进入路径,来突破政府对医疗保健服务的行业垄断和医疗服务供给体系的歧视性安排.重构医疗保健服务制度体系。  相似文献   
Many Western European countries are moving toward privatization of their health care systems. The United States' health care system, since it is almost entirely privatized, is therefore worthy of study. Doing so raises several questions. How is privatization being managed in the US? How could its management be improved? What management lessons must be kept in mind if it is to be used effectively? What potential pitfalls should European countries consider as they move toward greater privatization? With operating costs, European countries must avoid the mistakes that have led to dramatic increases in annual health care costs in the US, simultaneous with reductions in access and quality. Doing so requires designing systems that promote hospital behavior consistent with a country's health objectives. With capital costs, an approach must be designed that allows policy-makers to work closely with both managers and physicians in order to make strategically sound choices about access and quality. Such an approach will require physicians to incorporate their clinical judgments into community standards of care, and to adopt a regional (rather than an institutional or personal) perspective in the determination of any incremental capital expenditures. By making regulation proactive and strategic, rather than punitive, health policymakers in Western Europe can achieve the best privatization has to offer without feeling the sting of its unintended consequences. In so doing they can help to move their health systems toward achieving the multiple and illusive goals of access, quality and reasonable cost.  相似文献   
Can private sector participation (PSP) in the piped water sector improve child health? I use child-level data from 39 African countries during 1986–2010 to show that PSP decreases diarrhea among urban-dwelling, under-five children by 2.6 percentage points, or 16% of its mean prevalence. Children from the poorest households benefit most. PSP is also associated with a 7.8 percentage point increase in school attendance of 7–17 year olds. Importantly, PSP increases usage of piped water by 9.7 percentage points, suggesting a possible causal channel explaining health improvements. To attribute causality, I exploit time-variation in the private water market share controlled by African countries’ former colonizers. A placebo analysis reveals that PSP does not affect respiratory illness, nor does it affect a control group of rural children.  相似文献   
There is a strong connection between the mental health and criminal justice systems. This research empirically tested whether the privatization of the inpatient mental health system alters this relationship, contributing to jail population growth. Using state-level panel data on U.S. states and the District of Columbia for the years 1985–1998, this study analyzed the relationship between the size of jail populations and private share of hospital psychiatric beds, first for overall private beds and then separately by private for-profit and nonprofit. Empirical models controlled for changes in mental health financing and resources, variations in criminal justice practice, and demographic and socio-economic factors as well as state and year fixed effects. A method of instrumental variables was employed to make a stronger case for causal inference. Results show that a one-percentage point increase in the private for-profit share of psychiatric beds contributes to the growth of jail inmates by approximately 2.3% annually. A greater private nonprofit share of psychiatric beds does not appear to influence the size of jail populations. These findings suggest that the increased private for-profit share of inpatient psychiatric resources undermines the safety-net and some control function of the mental health system and leads to a greater number of jail inmates.  相似文献   
One of the major policy trends in recent decades has been the privatization of social services. This trend has also reached Sweden, a welfare state with health care and social service sectors that previously had almost no private providers. One of the most affected areas is elderly care, i.e. home-help services and residential care provided to citizens older than 65 years, where the proportion of private providers increased from 1% in 1990 to 16% in 2010. The ongoing privatization in Sweden and many other countries has raised important questions regarding the consequences of this policy transformation. In this paper, we present a cross-sectional study comparing the quality of services in private and public elderly care. Using statistics from 2007 displaying a variety of quality dimensions covering over 99% of all elderly care residents in Sweden, we were able to show that privatization is indeed associated with significant quality differences. Structural quality factors such as the number of employees per resident was significantly smaller (-9%) in private elderly care. On the other hand, the proportion of residents participating in the formulation of their care plan (+7%), the proportion of elderly with a reasonable duration between evening meal and breakfast (+15%), and the proportion of elderly offered different food alternatives (+26%) were significantly in favour of private contractors. Our conclusion is that private care providers seem to emphasize service aspects rather than structural prerequisites for good care.  相似文献   
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