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目的 探讨纯氧和空气复苏对新生儿发育的影响,为新生儿复苏用氧选择提供依据.方法 对2005年1月-2007年1月在保定市妇幼保健院进行窒息复苏的30例患儿在24个月时进行随访,依据复苏用氧浓度分为纯氧复苏组(20例)和空气复苏组(10例),内容包括出生时胎龄、出生体重、身长、头围、阿氏评分(1 min,5 min)、心率(1 min,5 min)、随访时体重、身长、头围及运动发育标志(坐、爬、站、走时间).结果 出生时患儿身体数据差异无统计学意义,24个月随访,患儿身高、体重、头围及运动发育标志差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 空气复苏对新生儿窒息患者是安全有效的.  相似文献   
脐带脱垂26例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的  探讨脐带脱垂与高危因素的关系 ,提高围产儿存活率。方法  回顾性分析 2 6例脐带脱垂与胎位异常、分娩方式以及围产儿的预后等方面的关系。结果  脐带脱垂发生率为 0 .2 9% ,头先露、臀先露和肩先露脐带脱垂的发生率分别为 0 .0 7%、3.2 7%和 13.6 4% ,3者比较 ,有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 1) ;脐带脱垂合并 2种以上并发症者 9例 ;以剖宫产围产儿存活率最高 ;脐带脱垂的围产儿死亡率为 19.2 3%。结论  脐带脱垂与胎位异常有关 ,围产儿的死亡率与分娩方式及脐带受压的程度和脱垂的时间长短密切相关。早期诊断脐带脱垂 ,及时娩出胎儿 ,是提高围产儿存活率的关键  相似文献   
目的 探讨广州地区围产儿脏器重量及大小的发育规律 .方法 选择 6 2 5例胎龄准确的单胎 ,除外明显浸软、IUGR、水肿儿、巨大胎、有胸腹水者 ,新生儿除外先天性心脏病及有明显疾病的脏器 .根据胎龄分为 6组 ,分别测量围产儿体重、身长和各脏器重量、长度 .进行统计分析 .结果 胰腺、肺发育最早 ,肾脏与肺发育最快 ,出生后脑增长最少而胰腺增长最快 ,肠变异最大等规律 .结论 围产儿脏器资料用于围产儿病理研究有一定意义  相似文献   
广州市至灵学校167名学员智残原因的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文以广州市至灵学校(智低)167名学员为研究对象,完成智力测验、体格检查和染色体分析.并且追溯围产期和出生后的种种异常.询查智力低下的家族史。综合分析有关资料,显示围产期的某些不利因素、遗传与先天疾病,以及婴幼儿中枢神经系统疾病是主要的发病原因。从而指出,加强优生咨询、重视围产期保健、提高产前诊断和产程中的监护水平、早期防治胎婴儿中枢神经系统损伤和疾病等,是降低智残儿发生率的重要措施。  相似文献   
148例新生儿眼结膜炎与产妇阴道病原感染相关性的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解自然分娩产妇产道细菌性感染(不包括衣原体)对于新生儿眼结膜炎的发病影响,加强围产期保健,防止婴幼儿视力损害。方法对148例新生儿眼结膜炎患者作结膜囊渗出物细菌培养和药敏试验,根据培养结果将患儿分为A组:培养阴性(无菌生长)组,B组:培养阳性组(有菌生长),同时相应将A组、B组患儿母亲分为产妇A组和产妇B组,作阴道分泌物涂片革兰染色检查相对照。结果产妇A组检出病原菌者5例(17.2%),清洁度正常,未检出病原菌及滴虫者24例(82.8%)。患儿B组检出淋病奈瑟氏菌13株(10.9%),其它各属菌株106株(89.1%)。产妇B组涂片见有白细胞内外革兰阴性双球菌者11例(9.2%);其它病原菌及念珠菌、滴虫感染者76例(63.9%),清洁度正常,未检出病原菌及滴虫者32例(26.9%)。产妇A组产道感染阳性率17.2%,B组阳性率73.1%,两者比较差异有极显著性(P〈0.001)。结论新生儿眼结膜炎与产妇产道感染有密切相关性,应加强对妊娠中晚期孕妇的生殖道感染防治,减少新生儿经产道感染的几率。  相似文献   
A series of experiments examined the behavioral and pituitary-adrenal response to novelty of perinatally malnourished rats tested as adults after nutritional rehabilitation begun at weaning. Neither the behavioral measures of ambulation, rearing and defecation, nor the plasma corticosterone response to a brief exposure to an open field differentiated the previously malnourished subjects from controls. Similar to controls, previously malnourished subjects were also capable of displaying a graded corticoid elevation to environments increasingly different from the home cage. However, exploratory behavior, as measured by head-dip frequency and duration in the hole-board, was reduced in the previously malnourished rats. Although latency and amount of fluid consumed in a novel environment did not differ, previously malnourished rats were unable to use the cues associated with a consummatory behavior to modulate the pituitary-adrenal response to novelty. Thus, perinatal malnutrition does not influence either the behavioral or physiological activational response to novel stimulation but appears to alter the ability of the animal to use a consummatory behavior to modulate this response.  相似文献   
Summary Two unrelated patients with severe arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) who died perinatally, are presented. In both, postmortem examination revealed an intact nervous system and striking dystrophic muscle changes, consistent with congenital muscular dystrophy (CMD). Few similar cases have been reported before, but since the condition is not well known, it seems probable that in the past many have been labeled as mere multiple malformations. The possibility of an underlying muscular disorder, either primary myopathic or neurogenic should be considered in any patient with early lethal AMC. Our findings confirm that the fetal akinesia-arthrogryposis sequence is a nonspecific clinical syndrome resulting from various causes of muscular inactivity in utero. The main objective of this report is to provide reasonable guidelines on how to approach the problem of classification. We favor a pathogenetic approach, depending upon careful sampling of the central nervous system and skeletal muscles at autopsy.  相似文献   
Summary The ultrastructure of neuroglial fatty metamorphosis (GFM) has been investigated in the telencephalic white matter of 12 premature and mature infants (gestational age 22–40 weeks; survival 0–96 days). GFM was found in all cases apart from a 22-week-old fetus, and involves predominantly astrocytic cells (68.8%), then glioblasts (43.5%), but only 7.4% of oligodendrocytes. GFM, therefore, seems to be independent of the myelination process and indicates the vulnerability of the immature neuroglial population in the metabolic and circulatory disorders of the perinatal period. Since GFM is found in almost all children dying within the early postnatal period, this subtle alteration reflects a special form of minimal brain damage. The relationship between GFM, astrocytic hypertrophy and periventricular leucomalacia and their role in the telencephalic leucoencephalopathy are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die Gliazellverfettung im unreifen Großhirn-Marklager wurde bei 12 Kindern ultrastrukturell untersucht (Gestationsalter 22–40 Wochen; Überlebenszeit 0–96 Tage). Die fettige Metamorphose der Neuroglia (Virchow) fand sich in allen Fällen, ausgenommen den 22 Wochen alten Feten, und betrifft vorwiegend junge Astrozyten (68,8%), ferner zu 43,5% unreife Vorstufen, jedoch nur zu 7.4% die (z.Z. der Geburt erst in Erscheinung tretende) Oligodendroglia. Die Fett-Metamorphose der unreifen Glia stellt einen sensiblen Indikator für metabolisch-zirkulatorische Störungen der Perinatalperiode dar und erfolgt unabhängig von dem Prozeß der Markscheidenbildung. Zusammen mit einer oft auffälligen Astroglia-Proliferation ist die intracytoplasmatische Akkumulation nicht membrangebundener Lipide Ausdruck einer temporären Differenzierungsstörung der unreifen Neuroglia. Die resultierende Reifungsdissoziation mit Unterdrückung der oligodendrozytären Zellinie führt zur retardierten Markscheidenbildung und dem Bild der telencephalen Leucoencephalopathie.
云南省1999-2003年围产儿出生缺陷监测结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的为了解云南省围产儿出生缺陷的发生种类及分布情况,寻找影响出生缺陷的相关因素.方法 1999年1月-2003年12月监测云南省多所医院住院分娩孕28w-产后7d的围产儿.按全国出生缺陷统一标准要求,由医院逐季上报<围产儿数季报表>,<出生缺陷登记卡>至省妇幼保健院.结果围产儿出生缺陷率为10.26‰(1013/98690),指(趾)畸形;唇腭裂;神经管畸形是云南省围产儿出生缺陷前3位高发种类,男性出生缺陷发生率为10.84‰(561/51732)高于女性9.41‰(442/46958),城市高于乡村,产妇年龄≥35岁是出生缺陷的高发风险因素.结论进一步开展婚前生殖健康教育和医学检查,指导新婚妇女服用小剂量叶酸预防神经管畸形,加强全民健康教育,提高环境意识,做好婚前保健,优生和孕产期保健,开展产前筛查或产前诊断是减少出生缺陷发生的有力措施.  相似文献   
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