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目的:探讨大学生自我分化、成人依恋与其嫉妒的关系。方法:采用方便取样从湖南某高校选取443名大学生进行大学生自我分化量表、亲密关系体验量表和布伦格尔自我报告嫉妒量表的测试。结果:1男生在情绪反应得分上显著低于女生,而在情感断绝上显著高于女生(t=2.519,-3.493;P0.01)。男生在依恋回避和依恋焦虑得分上均显著高于女生(t=4.269,3.622;P0.01);2自我分化总分与嫉妒呈显著负相关。依恋焦虑与嫉妒呈显著负相关。自我分化总分与依恋回避,依恋焦虑均呈显著负相关(r=-0.285,0.220,-0.346,-0.537;P0.01);3自我分化总分与依恋焦虑均对嫉妒有显著的预测作用(Beta=-0.239,P0.001;Beta=0.113,P0.05);4自我分化总分在依恋焦虑对嫉妒的影响作用中起到完全中介作用,中介效应量为1.199,占总效应的比例为84.49%。结论:提高大学生的自我分化水平,建立安全型依恋以减少嫉妒的消极心理影响,改善大学生人际关系。  相似文献   
目的了解酒精所致精神障碍患者嫉妒妄想的发生频率及妄想的特征,所致的攻击行为。方法对64例住院的酒精所致精神障碍患者进行了分析并对是否伴有嫉妒妄想的患者进行组间比较。结果有嫉妒妄想占60.9%,嫉妒妄想组在伴有被害妄想、幻听、幻视及对配偶攻击行为方面显著高于无嫉妒妄想组。结论伴有嫉妒妄想的酒精所致精神障碍患者具有更大的对配偶攻击危险性及更多的其他精神病性症状,应及时加强治疗与监管。  相似文献   
Jealousy and envy obviously occupy the time of childhood, but beyond this time, Jealousy and Envy characterize human beings, probably because behind these two emotional states lies the question of desire. Distinct from need and its physiological satisfaction, desire is endless/hungry and its satisfaction never total. Let us even go so far as to say that the best of desires is the one that has not yet been satisfied. Also, envy is at the heart of psychic functioning, as Mélanie Klein suggests, who traces it back to a much earlier stage of development than Sigmund Freud does. For the latter, envy is essentially part of the question of the difference between the sexes and condenses into “penis envy”. But in the daily clinical practice, jealousy and envy are revealed in the clearest way through fraternal relations what we have tried to develop, not without having previously recalled the multiple myths which illustrate this question.  相似文献   
目的 本文欲从精神分析的角度去探讨嫉妒产生的根源。方法 根据弗洛伊德的精神分析理论原理,作者寻找嫉妒产生的可能原因。结果 作者发现,很多迹象表明嫉妒的产生与人们潜意识中的恋母情结(男性)或者恋父情结(女性)有关。结论 从精神分析理论的角度来讲,嫉妒产生的根源正是人们潜意识中存在的恋母(恋父)情结。  相似文献   
Previous research has shown that both alcohol use and jealousy are related to negative relationship outcomes. Little work, however, has examined direct associations between alcohol use and jealousy. The current study was aimed to build upon existing research examining alcohol use and jealousy. More specifically, findings from current jealousy literature indicate that jealousy is a multifaceted construct with both maladaptive and adaptive aspects. The current study examined the association between maladaptive and adaptive feelings of jealousy and alcohol-related problems in the context of drinking to cope. Given the relationship between coping motives and alcohol-related problems, our primary interest was in predicting alcohol-related problems, but alcohol consumption was also investigated. Undergraduate students at a large Northwestern university (N = 657) in the US participated in the study. They completed measures of jealousy, drinking to cope, alcohol use, and alcohol-related problems. Analyses examined associations between jealousy subscales, alcohol use, drinking to cope, and drinking problems. Results indicated that drinking to cope mediated the association between some, but not all, aspects of jealousy and problems with alcohol use. In particular, the more negative or maladaptive aspects of jealousy were related to drinking to cope and drinking problems, while the more adaptive aspects were not, suggesting a more complex view of jealousy than previously understood.  相似文献   
为了解老年痴呆患者中嫉妒妄想的发生频率及妄想的特征,我们对88例住院的痴呆病人进行了分析。结果发现嫉妒妄想占15.8%,在各型痴呆中均有。所有伴有嫉妒妄想的痴呆患者与60%无嫉妒妄想的痴呆患者均至少伴有一种或一种以上的其它精神症状,嫉妒妄想组在伴有被害妄想及幻听症状中有显著性差异。提示,老年病人伴有嫉妒妄想和其它精神症状时应考虑痴呆的诊断。  相似文献   
Othello syndrome (OS) is a type of delusional jealousy, characterized by the false absolute certainty of the infidelity of a partner. This syndrome is not uncommon in Parkinson's Disease (PD), appearing as side effect of Dopaminergic Agonists (DA) therapy. We analyze the observations of five patients with OS, diagnosed in a series of 250 consecutive PD patients during two years. All patients are men, with a particularly young age at onset of PD. The mean duration of DA therapy at OS onset was 3 years. One patient had hypersexuality and another had punding. Significant cognitive impairment was present in two patients. All patients were treated with DA: two with Pramipexol and three with Piribedil. At the time of the management of the OS, three patients had already divorced their spouse. It is imperative for clinicians to know this underestimated syndrome in order to identify it early and approach it adequately to avoid irreversible negative prejudice.  相似文献   
嫉妒与自尊、一般自我效能感的相关研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
目的:探求嫉妒与自尊、一般自我效能感的关系。方法:随机抽取2所不同类型高校209名大学生进行White习惯性及关系嫉妒量表、Brinde自我报告嫉妒量表、Buunk嫉妒量表、自尊量表、一般自我效能感量表的测试。结果:①嫉妒与自尊负相关,与一般自我效能感也负相关,自尊与一般自我效能感正相关。②高自尊高效能大学生体会的嫉妒显著低于低自尊低效能大学生。③自尊水平的不同影响大学生在人际关系中体会到的嫉妒,一般自我效能感水平的不同影响大学生各种情境中广泛的自我嫉妒体验和处在爱情情境中的个体的嫉妒行为反应。结论:提高大学生自尊和自我效能以减弱嫉妒的消极心理影响,培养大学生健康人格。  相似文献   
嫉妒的心理学研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
近年来,有关嫉妒的研究比较活跃,嫉妒已经成为人际关系,情侣之爱,人格和临床心理研究中经常涉及的概念。本文简要描述和回顾了嫉妒的基本概念,嫉妒的有关理论以及对于嫉妒和嫉妒反应的有关评定方面的研究进展情况。  相似文献   
目的:探讨自恋与嫉妒两方面的关系。方法:随机抽取济南市172名大学生进行自恋人格问卷及大学生嫉妒量表测试。结果:大学生自恋总分、显性自恋、隐性自恋和嫉妒均不存在性别差异。显性自恋的分维度优越感、嫉妒心理的分类学业嫉妒和就业嫉妒存在显著的户籍差异(t=-2.087,2.209,2.384;P0.05)。隐性自恋的分维度易感质和嫉妒心理的分类经济嫉妒在出生顺序上存在显著差异(F=3.065,3.320;P0.05)且均为第一个出生的孩子高于独生子女及第二个出生的孩子,独生子女与第二个出生的孩子之间无差异。大学生显性自恋与嫉妒心理之间不存在显著的相关关系;大学生隐性自恋与嫉妒心理之间存在显著的相关关系(r=0.334,P0.01)。大学生隐性自恋及易感质、特权感对嫉妒心理有正向的预测作用。结论:显性自恋对嫉妒心理的影响微乎其微,隐性自恋和嫉妒心理的关系更为密切。  相似文献   
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