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中山市179家企业职业危害因素现状调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解中山市职业危害因素分布与职业危害现状,明确职业卫生工作重点,以促进该市职业病防治工作全面开展。方法使用中国安全生产科学研究院设计的《作业场所职业危害抽样调查表》,对中山市179家企业进行调查。结果179家工业企业共有职工117998人,其中接触职业危害因素的职工有18613人,占15.77%;对存在职业危害因素的作业场所进行了监测,职业危害因素实际检测作业点数1699个,合格作业点数1305个,作业点监测合格率为76.81%,主要职业危害因素为有机溶剂(苯系物居多)、噪声、粉尘;监测合格率以有机溶剂最高,为89.02%,噪声合格率最低,为39.49%;开展职业危害因素监测较好的镇区主要在火炬开发区、三乡镇等地区。电镀行业监测率较低,为5.88%。结论中山市的职业危害因素以有机溶剂、噪声和粉尘为主,应加强对电镀行业职业危害监测方面的职业卫生监管工作。  相似文献   
朱钧  杨汀  王辰 《国际呼吸杂志》2022,42(2):118-125
目的:探讨职业暴露于蒸汽、气体、粉尘或烟雾(VGDF)等危害因素,单个暴露或复合暴露与慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的相关性。方法:全面检索PubMed、Cochrane图书馆、万方、中国知网等数据库有关职业暴露与COPD关系分析的文献,检索时限均为各数据库建库至2020年4月。采用固定或随机效应模型进行meta分析,评...  相似文献   
采用配对研究的方法对73名碳弧灯粉尘接触工人及其配对对照工人的心电图进行检查,结果显示:接尘组的心电图异常率明显高于对照组,认为可能是碳弧灯粉尘中的碳在使用或生产时不完全燃烧所释放的一氧化碳被接触工人吸人所致,结果提示碳弧灯粉尘对接触工人的心功能有一定的影响。  相似文献   
镍冶炼烟尘对中国仓鼠肺细胞毒性作用的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 观察镍冶炼烟尘对中国仓鼠肺细胞(CHL)的毒性作用。方法 以我国某镍冶炼厂电炉烟道尘为受试物,采用噻唑蓝(MTT)比色法检测CHL细胞活性。结果 不同浓度下的镍冶炼烟尘(6.25、12.50、25.00、50.00、100.00μg/ml)作用一定时间后,CHL细胞存活率下降,呈现出时间.剂量.反应关系。接触受试物36h,细胞生长半数抑制浓度IG50为21.36μg/ml。同时镜下观察细胞形态也发生改变。结论 镍冶炼烟尘可以抑制CHL细胞生长,降低线粒体代谢活性。  相似文献   
In the present study of 331 patients suffering from signs/symptoms of nasal allergy, 9 nasal polyps, allergic conjunctivitis and allergic asthma, who were referred by clinician, were taken up for diagnosis of allergy with skin prick test (Ten et al. Mayo Clin Proc 70(8):783–784, 1995) and subjective improvement of patients by immunotherapy. Out of 331 patients tested 321 patients showed significant positive results and rest of them tested negative for allergy. High incidences of positive results were noted in third and fourth decade age of patients. Dust and pollen allergens were positive in most of the patients compare to insect’s antigens. Among the pollen antigens tested, those of Parthenium hysterophorus was found to be the most common (30%) followed by Prosopis julifora (25%). 75.22% patients were positive to house dust, 19.33% patients were positive to Aspergillus moulds. D. farinae was the most common offender amongst the mites. Patients who attended, allergy clinic in Kamineni Hospitals during the last 4 years were referral patients, who had been on prolonged treatment without much relief. Immunotherapy was advised to patients who were having perineal allergy, in whom, medical treatment had become only palliative. Immunotherapy injections were administered subcutaneously, and their results were monitored.  相似文献   
目的 对长期吸入含钍稀土矿尘的矿工肺内钍的沉积量与肝功能5项指标之间是否存在阈值进行了初步研究。方法 用高灵敏度负高压人呼出气中钍射气子体收集测量系统对每名被检矿工测定其肺内钍的沉积量。结果 研究发现,当接尘矿工肺内钍的沉积量不超过7.26Bq,其肝功能5项指标不会出现异常。结论 结合国外文献报道,作者认为长期吸入含钍稀土矿尘矿工肺内钍沉积量与肝功能5项指标之间存在的阈值,可能在7.26Bq至74Bq之间。  相似文献   
Summary A magnetic method for measuring the amount of metal contaminants retained in the lungs was applied to workers in an iron- and steelmaking plant.Knowledge of properties of airborne particles is required for the calibration of the measuring method and for the estimation of the biological activities of the particles.In this study chemical composition, morphology of typical particles, and magnetic properties of dusts and fumes from different parts of the plant are presented. The amounts of contaminants retained in the lungs of 27 workers representing typical occupations in the production process were measured. The levels of lung contamination of the iron and steel workers were compared with those of manual metal arc steel welders and with those of foundry workers.In the sintering department, the dust is generated by mechanical handling of raw materials. Iron content of the dust is low, and iron is mainly in the form of magnetite.Blast furnace fumes contain mainly iron in the form of iron oxides condensed from pig iron. According to X-ray diffraction analysis, electron micrographs, and magnetic measurements, fume particles have a hematite/ magnetite shell structure. Similar iron fume particles are generated in the continuous casting process.The main part of the converter dust is glass-like slag where iron is dissolved in form of iron 11 oxides.Concentrations of toxic metals in metal fumes were low, e.g., the highest concentration of lead was 0.2%.The iron concentration of dusts and fumes was 25–59% Fe. Typical saturation magnetic moment was 42Am2/kg varying between 15 and 92 Am2/ kg. The equation between saturation magnetic moment and the iron content for dusts in the iron and steel production process was: Ms = 0.66 × Fe % + 11,r = 0.79.The mean magnetic moments of the dusts and fumes in different parts of the plant were equal so that the same calibration coefficient can be used for all dusts when measuring the amount of contaminants retained in the lungs.The approximate amount of lung-retained contaminants varied from 20–200 mg in blast furnace workers, from 10–40 mg in sintering plant workers, and from 2–20 mg in workers in continuous casting process. The mean remanent magnetic fields were in the same groups 1.4 nT, 0.47 nT, and 0.29 nT, respectively.Comparison between different occupational groups exposed to metal aerosols in different iron-based processes indicated that the level of lung contamination was lowest among iron and steel workers, next highest among foundry workers, and highest among stainless steel manual metal arc welders.  相似文献   
中国矿工吸入钍尘后健康效应的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究白云鄂博稀土铁矿接尘矿土长期吸入高浓度含钍稀土矿尘及(气土)的短寿命子体后对矿工健康的影响。方法 采用负高压呼出气中(气土)子体测定装置。结果 流行病学调查表明,接尘矿工肺癌的SM R明显高于对照组的SMR,差别十分显著。结论 首次发现接尘矿工由于长期(30 a以上)吸入高浓度含钍稀土矿尘及(气土)短寿命子体后可以诱发超额肺癌的发生。长期吸烟和采矿现场的γ外照射的协同作用不能排除。  相似文献   
目的 观察体内青石棉表面的细微变化,为进一步研究石棉致病机制提供依据。方法 大鼠体内染尘后,用电子显微镜观察其在动物体内的变化,并用红外光谱、差热分析等谱学手段分析。结果 机体蛋白质在与青石棉的相互作用过程中,组织结构对称性降低;青石棉的硅已与蛋白质中的烷基、胺基交联成键,存在明显的Si-O-C(N)、Si-R新的吸收谱带。机体以吞噬、包裹、缠绕,或以生化溶解方式排解粉尘,纤维自身则出现变短、尖部圆化、折断、分叉现象,也可以溶解、迁移、表面化学反应等。结论 石棉纤维表面基团和组织内的某些蛋白反应形成新的表面介体。肺泡内纤维的弱碳酸盐化现象是体内纤维溶解和反应的新形式。青石棉残留的粉尘仅为以Si-O为主的物质。组织膜是体内粉尘迁移的隔离阻滞带。  相似文献   
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