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The health care delivery system in Pakistan is in a process of rapid growth, and it consists of public and private sectors. The provincial government is preliminarily responsible for providing health care facilities within its province except in federally administered areas. In Pakistan, there are three tiers of governmental healthcare delivery systems, which comprise government, semi-government, and parastatal organizations. The purpose of this study is to understand the rapid increase in influx of patients in major city hospitals of the Punjab province. The reasons for patient flow towards the major city areas can vary, but our point of focus is mainly on those patients who are prescribed to get a computed tomography (CT) scan done for better diagnosis and early treatment, including but not limited to roadside accident cases. The study targets the define, measure, analyze, improve and control (DMAIC) problem solving approach to assess the potential cause of CT patient flow and the challenges that the health department is facing to cater to such a patient niche and process while minimizing the congestion in city government hospitals. The approach in this study summarizes with numerous quality tools like Voice of Customer (VOC) which is customer feedback, Customer Output Process Input and Supplier (COPIS) processes use for high-level process map to know what your customer value, Approver Resource Member Interested (ARMI) chart which is use to analyze the stakeholders on management of the project, evaluation with the help of fishbone diagram and house of quality, and for process improvement methodology we use the team brainstorming technique and the kaizen 5-why technique. The technique came up with an idea of a public-private partnership (PPP) project—partnership between public agency and private firm, as the health care industry in Punjab province is going through budgetary issues. In a PPP project, the Government will allocate the space to a private firm to build the facility on their own and provide quality service for CT scan diagnosis to the public of Punjab. The study identified the top 10 critical factors that the patients have expected from the government to be provided on priority. The Kaizen process improvement methodology has been adopted to provide the possible solution of government budgetary issues. The set of tools in this study can be adopted by other PPP projects to enhance the project performance.  相似文献   
目的:探讨应用精益六西格玛对随访再住院患者入院检查流程改造的效果。方法选取肿瘤中心二区随访再住院患者为对照组,按照改造前入院检查流程进行入院检查;选取肿瘤中心一区随访再住院患者为观察组,应用精益六西格DMAIC模型进行流程改造,比较两组入院检查时间、住院时间、患者满意度等指标。结果改进后观察组与对照组患者入院检查时间、住院时间、患者满意度比较,差异均有统计学意义( P<0.05)。结论运用精益六西格玛法可有效缩短随访再住院患者入院检查时间和住院时间,提高患者满意度。  相似文献   
目的:寻找减少静脉用药集中配置各环节差错的有效途径。方法:利用六西格玛改进方法分5个阶段评价静脉药物配置中心原有排药流程,去除原有的标签分篮环节和复核环节,将原有的排药品、贴输液标签环节分成"粗排"和"细排"2个步骤,并增加了统计单控制单个病区用药数量。结果与结论:干预后静脉药物配置中心的排药差错率由2.21次/日降到0.49次/日,比目标值(1次/日)低约50%。新流程更简单、省时,可操作性更好,在差错的预防和监控方面较之原流程有很大的优势,从而提高了静脉用药的准确性和安全性。  相似文献   
目的:采用DMAIC流程管理提高医院Ⅰ类切口手术围手术期预防性使用抗菌药物的合理水平,并对该管理方法的有效性做出评价。方法:从2016年10月起采用DMAIC流程管理,对2016年10月-2017年4月期间的Ⅰ类切口手术病历进行专项点评并进行用药干预;对管理前后Ⅰ类切口手术抗菌药物预防使用合理率进行对比分析。以2016年10月结果作为对照,将2017年3月点评结果作为一轮干预后结果,2017年4月点评结果作为二轮干预后结果。结果:经DMAIC流程管理后,预防用药品种、给药时机、术中追加、术后用药、方案的合理率分别由22.61%、57.01%、81.53%、85.03%、86.62%提高至79.71%、75.36%、99.28%、93.48%、96.38%,差异具有显著性(P<0.05);用药率和指征合理率相对持平;两轮干预后预防用药品种排名前3名均为合理药物。结论:医院Ⅰ类切口手术预防使用抗菌药物的合理性经DMAIC流程管理后得到显著提高,该管理方法有效,并可作为持续改善合理用药水平的工具。  相似文献   
The recent outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has exposed the weakness of the existing healthcare facilities in developing countries, and Pakistan has no exception. The increasing amount of patients has made this condition more vulnerable to failure. It became difficult for health care management to handle the surge of patients. This case study is based on the XYZ hospital system of Pakistan. The hospital initiates passive immunization as a savior in the absence of a vaccine. The process initiates numerous challenges as the same facility was using for passive immunization and routine operations of the hospital. DMAIC lean sig-sigma problem-solving methodology has been adopted to Define, Measure, Analyze, Implement and Control the improvement process for smooth special and routine activities. The staff and patients were interviewed, their issues were listed, and a comprehensive solution was suggested to deal with operational uncertainties. The results identified various factors through VOC and SIPOC processes, prioritized using fishbone diagram, analyzed through Kano model, and finally proposed process improvement by incorporating Kaizen process improvement methodology. Other industries could use this set of tools to evaluate and optimize routine problems, which ultimately enhances the quality and reduces cost.  相似文献   
六西格玛(6σ)是一项以数据为基础,注重流程,追求几乎完美无瑕的质量管理的理论和方法.采用六西格玛管理的DMAIC方法体系来评价并改进临床检验学课程的实验教学,可以取得不错的效果,很大程度地提高教学质量.  相似文献   
目的 为提高我国制药企业的仿制药小试研究水平,避免许多药企在研发过程中存在的缺陷,探究在小试过程中运用六西格玛质量改善模型(DMAIC)的可行性。方法 通过查阅文献和实例的方式,利用DMAIC模型,以某仿制原料药还原工艺为例,评估其实施效果。结果 DMAIC模型在该案例中得到成功运用。该模型有助于合理进行小试团队建设,帮助研发人员找到关键质量属性和关键工艺参数等,保证实验数据的真实性和完整性,可为后续工业生产提供宝贵经验并满足注册申报要求。结论 DMAIC模型可以有效解决诸如统筹安排差、与生产衔接不畅、管理不规范等问题,体现质量源于设计(QbD)的理念,对国内仿制药小试研究有良好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
目的:缩短住院病人急诊生化检验报告时间。方法:运用6Sigma管理方法,对住院病人急诊生化检验报告时间较长的问题进行调查分析,找出导致时间长的关键原因,采取针对性措施进行过程改进。结果:住院病人急诊生化检验报告时间由88min缩短到43min,合格率由33.4%提高到91.1%,DPMO由666084ppm降低到88582ppm。结论:6Sigma方法的应用显著缩短了住院病人急诊生化检验报告时间,优化工作流程,提高工作效率,提升医院的社会和经济效益。  相似文献   

Rationale, Aims, and Objectives

The work is a part of a project about the application of the Lean Six Sigma to improve health care processes. A previously published work regarding the hip replacement surgery has shown promising results. Here, we propose an application of the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control) cycle to improve quality and reduce costs related to the prosthetic knee replacement surgery by decreasing patients' length of hospital stay (LOS)


The DMAIC cycle has been adopted to decrease the patients' LOS. The University Hospital “Federico II” of Naples, one of the most important university hospitals in Southern Italy, participated in this study. Data on 148 patients who underwent prosthetic knee replacement between 2010 and 2013 were used. Process mapping, statistical measures, brainstorming activities, and comparative analysis were performed to identify factors influencing LOS and improvement strategies.


The study allowed the identification of variables influencing the prolongation of the LOS and the implementation of corrective actions to improve the process of care. The adopted actions reduced the LOS by 42%, from a mean value of 14.2 to 8.3 days (standard deviation also decreased from 5.2 to 2.3 days).


The DMAIC approach has proven to be a helpful strategy ensuring a significant decreasing of the LOS. Furthermore, through its implementation, a significant reduction of the average costs of hospital stay can be achieved. Such a versatile approach could be applied to improve a wide range of health care processes.  相似文献   
目的:探讨应用精益六西格玛对 TPR 测量流程改造的效果研究。方法应用精益六西格玛 DMAIC 模型进行 TPR 测量流程改造,观察试点科室改进前后 TPR 测量时间、准确率、差错率等指标验证效果。结果改进前后 TPR 测量时间、准确率、差错率均有显著统计学差异(P <0.01)。结论运用精益六西格玛方法可有效提高 TPR 测量的效率和质量。  相似文献   
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