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目的 了解贫困家庭子女心理健康状况。方法 利用中国人心理健康量表对2013名学生进行测量、统计和对比分析。结果 贫困家庭子女的总体平均分、各因子平均分以及中度症状的比例均高于非贫困家庭子女。结论 家庭经济状况是影响子女心理健康的一个重要因素,贫困家庭子女更需要心理卫生服务。  相似文献   
为全面了解和准确掌握南通市各行各业、中小学校健康知识的知晓情况,对创建国家卫生城市健康教育工作进行效果评估。调查显示,南通市11个片区健康知识的总知晓率居民为93.42%,学生为91.08%。要真正提高全体市民的健康教育水平,下一步必须采取三大对策,即:形成“抓反复、反复抓”的常态机制;加大健康教育投入;教育部门加强全市学生的健康知识普及工作,对卫生部门列入学校卫生的指标加以考核。只有这样,南通市的健康教育工作才能跃上新台阶。  相似文献   
谈大学新生的心理健康教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学新生的心理健康教育是大学生的心理健康教育的重要内容,大学新生由于环境的变化其心理问题表现出与老生不同的特点,本文对新生常见的心理问题和教育措施提出一些自已的观点和看法.  相似文献   
During the 1998 Neurolab mission (STS-90), four astronauts were exposed to interaural centripetal accelerations (Gy centrifugation) of 0.5g and 1g during rotation on a centrifuge, both on Earth and during orbital space flight. Subjects were oriented either left-ear out or right-ear out, facing or back to motion. Binocular eye movements were measured in three dimensions using a video technique. On Earth, tangential centrifugation that produces 1g of interaural linear acceleration combines with gravity to tilt the gravitoinertial acceleration (GIA) vector 45° in the roll plane relative to the head vertical, generating a summed vector of 1.4g. Before flight, this elicited mean ocular counterrolling (OCR) of 5.7°. Due to the relative absence of gravity during flight, there was no linear acceleration along the dorsoventral axis of the head. As a result, during in-flight centrifugation, gravitoinertial acceleration was strictly aligned with the centripetal acceleration along the interaural axis. There was a small but significant decrease (mean 10%) in the magnitude of OCR in space (5.1°). The magnitude of OCR during postflight 1g centrifugation was not significantly different from preflight OCR (5.9°). Findings were similar for 0.5g centrifugation, but the OCR magnitude was approximately 60% of that induced by centrifugation at 1g. OCR during pre- and postflight static tilt was not significantly different and was always less than OCR elicited by centrifugation on Earth for an equivalent interaural linear acceleration. In contrast, there was no difference between the OCR generated by in-flight centrifugation and by static tilt on Earth at equivalent interaural linear accelerations. These data support the following conclusions: (1) OCR is generated predominantly in response to interaural linear acceleration; (2) the increased OCR during centrifugation on Earth is a response to the head dorsoventral 1g linear acceleration component, which was absent in microgravity. The dorsoventral linear acceleration could have activated either the otoliths or body-tilt receptors that responded to the larger GIA magnitude (1.4g), to generate the increased OCR during centrifugation on Earth. A striking finding was that magnitude of OCR was maintained throughout and after flight. This is in contrast to most previous postflight OCR studies, which have generally registered decreases in OCR. We postulate that intermittent exposure to artificial gravity, in the form of the centripetal acceleration experienced during centrifugation, acted as a countermeasure to deconditioning of this otolith-ocular orienting reflex during the 16-day mission. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
医院“一院多区”运营存在问题主要集中在学科布局不合理、人力资源配置及管理模式不科学、同质化不够、运营成本过高、绩效分配不平衡等。针对以上问题,结合医院整体发展实际,从科学设置学科、强化人力资源管理、完善管理机构设置、推进一体化管理、加强成本控制等方面入手,取得显著效果。改革后,院区诊疗人数、经济收入等指标均有明显提高(P<0.05)。认为“一院多区”医院要将新老院区作为整体进行科学统筹,确保一体化和同质化,注重学科长远发展,进而形成科学、合理、可持续的“一院多区”管理模式。  相似文献   
现代信息技术对高校图书馆的影响与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现代信息技术的应用为我国高校图书馆事业的发展创造了机遇,同时也向图书馆传统服务方式、馆员队伍提出了挑战。本文论述了面向知识经济与现代信息技术的挑战,高校图书馆建设与发展趋势及应采取的对策。  相似文献   
〔目的〕寻求符合社会现有的可利用资源和适合现实社会经济状况的最佳信息 ;探索出低投入、高收益效果的肠道寄生虫防治对策。〔方法〕在豫南黄淮平原地区遂平县 ,选择三个行政村各以 80 0人口范围为现场观察点 ,分别采用周期性全民化疗 ,虫卵阳性者选择化疗 ,健康教育加卫生目标责任制奖罚的防治对策 ,分别监测逐年感染率并核出各年度投入的人力、物力价值 ,采用费用—效果分析法 (CEA)评估卫生经济学价值。〔结果〕不同防治对策的效果及卫生经济学价值具有显著性差异。〔结论〕在当前现有条件下 ,充分发挥和利用农村乡村医生医疗保健网作用 ,实施健康教育下的卫生目标责任制奖罚措施 ,是防治肠道寄生虫的低价值投入 ,高价值收益的最佳对策。  相似文献   
广西人体华支睾吸虫病流行现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解广西华支睾吸虫病流行现状,提出适合其流行特点的对策。方法采用改良醛醚法或Kato-Katz法调查人群感染率;收集广西两次全国人体寄生虫调查数据及其他既往资料作回顾性分析。结果广西华支睾吸虫病流行区在扩大,人群感染率在升高,感染度在加重。全区89个县市中59个有本病,比1994年增加了14个县市;全省14个地级市中13个市的城区有本病流行;2002年调查9个流行县市感染率为9.76%,中重度感染所占比例达52.2%。7县18个调查点中,本虫已成为优势寄生虫虫种。提出了“成瘾型”流行区华支睾吸虫病的防制对策。结论广西华支睾吸虫病流行有蔓延、加重的趋势,应采取相应对策加以控制。  相似文献   
目的探讨县级卫生执法监督机构建设。方法系统分析县级卫生执法监督机构存在的执法主体与执法队伍相分离、卫生监督力量薄弱、职责职能不明确等主要问题和产生的原因。结果对进一步加强基层卫生执法监督工作提出了相应的建议和对策。  相似文献   
病历质量管理中存在的问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
病历质量反映一个医院的整体水平,但目前国内在病历质量管理中仍存在着种种的问题。病历书写字迹潦草、记录不及时、病案首页填写不合规定、病史采集不详细、体格检查、阴性资料记录不全面、阳性资料分析不够、授权委托书和知情同意书落实不好、进修实习生书写病历不符合要求、代签字现象。病案管理方式落后、管理人员整体素质低、观念落后。建议和对策:培养专业人才;主管部门和医疗机构领导要重视;要提高医务人员的法律维权意识、培养医务人员的敬业负责精神;建立切实可行的病历质量考核制度;合理简化病历书写内容。  相似文献   
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