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目的 探讨糖尿病合并结核潜伏感染的研究现状、热点与前沿。方法 收集Web of Science核心合集于2000年1月1日至2021年11月20日发表的糖尿病合并结核潜伏感染的相关文章,运用CiteSpace 5.8.R3软件进行可视化分析。结果 共纳入英文文献148篇,近20年来该领域发文量呈上升趋势。美国发文量最多(46篇, 31.08%),机构间合作情况的可视化分析共得到个340节点、929条连线,网络密度为0.0161,作者间合作关系的知识图谱共得到790个节点、2425条连线,网络密度为0.0078,关键词共现分析结果显示,糖尿病合并结核潜伏感染的危险因素、患病率、诊断和治疗是该领域的研究热点和趋势。结论 糖尿病合并结核潜伏感染的发文量不断增加,机构间、区域内和国际范围内的合作有待进一步开展。立足国情,探索慢病共病的管理模式将有助于优化共病管理,进一步推动慢病管理的进程。  相似文献   
PurposeBibliometric studies have been established methods of analysing publications on a particular topic. These studies have been done on various orthopaedic topics and are increasing. The advantages of these studies have been highlighted in previous publications. Although some studies have been done on Indian publications from other specialties, those analysing Indian Orthopaedic Publications are lacking.MethodsWe performed a search in Scopus to look for all publications related to orthopaedics from India. Our search strategy in Scopus included ((TITLE-ABS-KEY(Orthopaedics OR Orthopaedics) AND AFFIL(India)) AND PUBYEAR > 2009 AND PUBYEAR < 2020) which resulted in 3270 articles on 02/11/2021. We analyzed the most publishing universities, city, state, specialty, authors, and anatomic location of these publications. We also mined the data to draw word clouds based on data obtained from the titles of articles, keywords and the affiliations of each of the articles published.ResultsTamil Nadu and New Delhi and their institutes appear to be the epicenter of publication activities in Orthopaedics in India. There has been a healthy trend of growth of articles in the orthopaedic specialty. Since there is a significant overlap of technology and engineering, it is not surprising to see engineering and technology institutes among the top 10 published institutes and even journals for the publications on orthopaedics.ConclusionThere has been a steady increase in the number of publications in the last decade. New Delhi and its Universities and Institutes appear to contribute the majority of citations and publications related to orthopaedics. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma was the most publishing journal for Indian authors on Orthopaedic related articles.  相似文献   
鲍雨婷  王琴  陈金  魏力  郝雅楠 《天津护理》2020,28(6):648-652
目的: 应用文献计量学方法,分析国内外医用粘胶相关性皮肤损伤(Medical adhesive-related skin injuries,MARSI)文献的研究主题和热点。方法: 检索Cochrane Library、PubMed、EMbase、Web of science、sinoMed、CNKI、Wanfang、VIP等数据库MARSI相关文献,检索时限为建库至2019年5月。采用SPSS 22.0 软件进行文献计量分析,利用gCLUTO统计对国内外高频主题词进行聚类分析。结果: 共纳入论文103篇,其中外文文献占总文献量的27.18%,中文文献占总文献量的72.82%。聚类分析将国内外高频主题词聚为4大类,依次为皮肤损伤及损伤类型、相关危险因素、风险评估及风险管理、护理干预措施。结论: MARSI仍是国内外研究的热点,其发病机制研究仍处于探索阶段,目前尚缺乏有效的预防策略,研究领域较局限。在今后的研究中,应加强MARSI预防的研究、注重多学科合作。  相似文献   
目的 分析中国防痨杂志来稿及刊登情况,进一步提高杂志质量,加快防痨学术交流。方法 以编辑部1998—2002年稿件登记本和1998—2003年出版的《中国防痨杂志》29册为样本,统计来稿和刊登稿件的数量以及出版时滞。结果 5年共来稿2592篇,年平均518.4篇,刊出759篇,平均刊登率为30.4%。但出版时滞稍长。结论 中国防痨杂志的稿源比较充足,但来稿质量仍需提高。出版时滞尚需改进。  相似文献   
非典型肺炎的文献计量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从文献计量学角度对SARS肆虐期间MEDLINE收录的有关SARS文献进行分析,旨在了解世界各国在这方面的研究进展情况和为科研人员了解国内外SARS的研究动态信息提供参考.  相似文献   
Rehabilitation is under-represented in the neurological literature on disabling diseases. A Medline search was conducted to retrieve the articles published between January 1991 and June 1994 under the main headings of Stroke, Parkinson's disease, Multiple sclerosis, Brain injury, Ataxia and Dementia. These were then combined with the sub-heading Rehabilitation. The former search yielded 27724 articles, the latter 1272 (4.6%). In 1992, the Journal of Citation Reports (JCR) assigned to Journals publishing rehabilitation papers an average Impact Factor (IF) of 0.7–2.8 (median 1.8): that is, 31–90% (depending on the various main headings, median 68%) of the average IF given to Journals publishing non-rehabilitation papers. In the present study, the weight of the literature was defined as the product of the number of articles multiplied by the IF of the corresponding Journal (IF=0 for non-JCR Journals). Across the various neurologic conditions, the weight of the Rehab literature was 0.1–7% (median 2%) of the weight of the non-Rehab literature. The results suggest that neurology is still reluctant to face the disability challenge.
Sommario La riabilitazione è scarsamente rappresentata nella letteratura neurologica sulle patologie che causano disabilità. Gli Autori hanno interrogato la banca-dati Medline nella ricerca degli articoli pubblicati fra il Gennaio 1991 ed il Giugno 1994 sotto le parole-chiave Stroke, Parkinson's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Brain injury, Ataxia e Dementia. È stato poi eseguito un incrocio con la parola-chiave secondaria Riabilitazione.La prima ricerca ha prodotto 27724 articoli mentre la seconda ne ha prodotti 1272 (4.6%). Nel 1992 il Journal of Citation Reports (JCR) ha attribuito alle Riviste che hanno pubblicato articoli con tema riabilitativo un Impact Factor (IF) medio di 0.7–2.8 (mediana 1.8), pari al 31–90% (a seconda della parola-chiave principale: mediana delle percentuali 68%) dell'IF medio attribuito alle Riviste che hanno pubblicato soltanto articoli su temi non riabilitativi. In questo studio è stato definito come peso della letteratura il prodotto del numero di articoli per l'IF delle rispettive Riviste (IF=0 per le Riviste non censite dal JCR). A seconda delle diverse patologie neurologiche, il peso della letteratura riabilitativa variava fra 0.1 e 7% (mediana 2%) del peso della letteratura non riabilitativa.I risultati suggeriscono che la Neurologia sia ancora riluttante ad affrontare la sfida che le pone la disabilità.
背景 农村订单定向医学生(简称定向医学生)的免费培养工作是缓解农村地区基层医生匮乏、提升基层医疗卫生队伍整体素质和水平的重要举措。目的 探索我国定向医学生培养的研究热点、研究动态和未来趋势,为后续研究提供参考。方法 于2022-02-15,在中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台、维普网中检索2010-01-01至2021-12-31发表的关于定向医学生培养相关论文,统计其发文量,运用Cite Space软件对样本文献作者、研究机构、关键词进行知识图谱的可视化分析。结果 共纳入598篇文献,关于定向医学生培养研究的文献量呈上升趋势,2018年达到历年顶峰(n=81)。该领域存在5个大的作者群,发文量排在前3位的机构为赣南医学院[113篇(18.9%)]、广西医科大学[40篇(6.7%)]及新乡医学院[28篇(4.7%)]。关键词词频排在前3位的分别是“订单定向”(70次)、“定向生”(57次)、“人才培养”(44次)。关键词聚类图谱得到“#0学习动力”“#1教学模式”“#2定向培养”“#3影响因素”“#4全科医学”“#5基层”“#6医学院”“#7医学生”8个聚类主题。最强突现词显示,排在前3位...  相似文献   
背景 随着人口老龄化进程的加快,同时患有多种慢病已成为老年人的常态,老年多重慢病相关研究也不断丰富,但鲜有对其研究进展及热点进行分析。目的 分析国内外老年多重慢病的研究热点,揭示近十年来(2010—2021年)老年多重慢病领域研究前沿的热点主题,为相关研究者追踪前沿信息提供参考。方法 基于文本挖掘技术和文献计量学等方法,检索Web of Science核心合集、Scopus、中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台、维普网、PubMed、中华医学会期刊全文数据库、APA-PsycINFO美国心理学会数据库中老年多重慢病领域的相关文献,检索时间为2010—2021年。使用CiteSpace 6.1.3、PASW 18、BICOMB 2.04等软件对文献的发文量趋势、来源、作者、机构、关键词等方面进行分析及可视化,并绘制战略坐标图对领域研究热点进行分析。结果 最终纳入老年多重慢病相关文献9 392篇,其中外文文献5 776篇,中文文献3 616篇。2010—2021年老年多重慢病领域中外文献发文量均呈指数型增长,中文文献年增长率为13.27%,外文文献年增长率为15.84%,该领域正处于发展阶段。中...  相似文献   


To describe the scientific production in medical education in Latin America in Scopus, in the period 2011-2015.


Bibliometric cross-sectional study. A search of scientific papers for the period 2011-2015 was carried out in Scopus, using terms related to medical education and specifying that at least one author should be affiliated with a Latin American country. Each paper was reviewed to select original papers that have studied medical education topics. Finally, its features were recorded and analysed using Microsoft Excel 2010.


In the period 2011 - 2015, a total of 850 original medical education papers were published with authors from Latin America in Scopus, of which 49.1% had an author from Brazil. The number of publications per year was stationary. The most frequent study population were medical students (54.0%). The most frequent topic was the evaluation of competences (30.7%). Of the papers found, 21.1% were of international collaboration, but there was little (4.1%) collaboration with authors from other Latin American countries.


Research in medical education in Latin America in the period 2011-2015 is still deficient and stationary. The main topic was the assessment of competences, while the most frequent studied population were medical students. International collaboration was low, and collaboration among Latin American countries was lower than collaboration with countries outside Latin America.  相似文献   
时间治疗学的计量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以《中国生物医学文献光盘数据库》(CBM)、《中文生物医学期刊文献数据库》(CMCC)和 OVID为数据源 ,全面检索时间治疗学的文献信息 ,利用文献管理软件 Pro Cite5辅助以手工方法对获取的信息进行管理和计量分析 ,以纳入文献的年代、期刊、著者、主题、国别和机构分布等科学和文献计量学指标全面揭示和评价时间治疗学的研究现状和发展趋势。研究结果显示 :时间治疗学的中文文献 91篇 ,分布于 73种期刊中 ,主题分布于中医学、心血管系统疾病、肿瘤、哮喘、消化性溃疡、糖尿病和时间治疗学总论等方面 ;同时纳入来自 35个国家和地区的有关外文文献 4 80篇 ,主要数据来源于 EMBASE和 MEDL INE,分布于 2 85种期刊中 ,收录时间治疗学文献 5篇以上的期刊有 14种 ,著者包括 12位 ,收录时间治疗学文献前 11名的机构分别为鲍尔勃罗斯医院、德州大学、康涅狄格州医学院、日本自治医学院、明尼苏达大学等。有关时间治疗学的研究 ,国内尚处于临床应用初期 ,国外已经形成核心著者、核心期刊和核心研究机构 ,主要分布在欧美等发达国家 ,已经在多个方面取得成绩。  相似文献   
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