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We examined two recently developed measures of positive automatic thought, the Positive Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire (ATQ-P) and the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire—Revised (ATQ-RP). Internal consistency, concurrent validity, and convergent and discriminant validity were addressed. Two hundred one undergraduates completed self-report measures of positive automatic thoughts, negative automatic thoughts, depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and positive affectivity. The ATQ-P and ATQ-RP both showed high internal consistency, strong negative associations with depressive symptoms, specificity to depressive symptoms rather than anxiety symptoms, an average state-of-mind (SOM) ratio in the positive dialogue range, and a stronger relation with each other than with a measure of positive affectivity. The only notable difference between the measures was a significantly lower mean score (correcting for number of items) on the ATQ-RP. This paper is based on a thesis completed by the first author, under the supervision of the second author, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Arts degree at American University. We are grateful to thesis committee members Lorah Dorn and Jim Gray for feedback on this material.  相似文献   
Research shows that clients with automatic thoughts (dysfunctional thinking) often do not think of alternative explanations in relation to negative events. Furthermore, these automatic thoughts are characterized by a broad global, self-evaluative and ambiguous nature that could make disputing (or changing the ways they think) the most difficult part of the therapeutic process. This paper proposes a two-stage practise-based disputing model, guided by research, that aims to 'bring' an automatic thought to a specific, objective, quantifiable and concrete level at which not only is the particular aspect(s) of the automatic thought that causes emotional disturbances finely focused, but the disputing is also likely to be effective and manageable. Furthermore, it will also generate alternative explanations that are helpful in reducing emotional disturbances and in facilitating problem solving approach. In this paper, the authors use a case example to discuss the rationale that underpins the conceptualization of the model and to illustrate the process in which the strategies of the model are effectively used.  相似文献   
本文选取我校医学检验系93~96年级170余名本科在校学生作为调查研究对象(第一专业志愿与非第一专业志愿考生比例约为1:2),通过对这两部分学生专业志愿与在校专业思想,学习成绩及政治表现等综合素质方面的关系调查分析,结果表明:专业志愿不是影响学生专业思想、学习成绩和综合素质的主要因素,学生在校专业思想受在校教育和多种因素影响。提示招生录取新生时不应歧视非第一专业志愿考生。  相似文献   
Certain parental cognitions about child sleep and bedtime behaviours used with their child have been linked to poorer child sleep. However, previous research has focused on mothers and explored only a limited range of sleep-related cognitions and practices. The present study investigated whether parental cognitions and sleep-related practices (both in connection with their own sleep and their child's sleep), alongside the bedtime behaviours used with their child were associated with and/or were predictive of their child's sleep. Mothers and fathers from 44 families (with a child aged 12–24 months) separately completed questionnaires reporting (i) their cognitions (about their own sleep and their child's sleep), (ii) sleep-related practices (used in connection with their own and their child's sleep) and (iii) bedtime behaviours used with their child. Child sleep was assessed through parental report and actigraphy. Both parents’ cognitions about their own sleep predicted cognitions about their child's sleep. Mothers’ own sleep-related practices predicted the types of practices they used with their child. Different patterns of maternal and paternal variables influenced parental perceptions of their child having a sleep problem. The present findings highlight the importance of including mothers and fathers in child sleep research. Parents’ dysfunctional cognitions (their own sleep) and broader sleep-related practices (their own and child sleep) should be considered when exploring influences on child sleep. Results have possible implications for targets of interventions for child sleep problems and also potential implications for theoretical models of child sleep.  相似文献   
被忽视的中西医汇通大家祝味菊   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述近代名医祝味菊著作《伤寒质难》中的学术思想,指出其关于中西医汇通方面的思想具有一定的先进性,但尚未引起中医界足够的重视。祝氏以《伤寒论》六经辨证论治为例,指出中医治法的本质为顺应或增强人体的自愈、自调节能力。其中,人体的阳气是人体患感染性疾病时主要的自愈能力,因此祝氏在治疗时重视扶阳,擅用附子等温热药物。此外,祝氏将外感内伤病的中医辨证概括为“五段八纲”。总之,在中西医汇通史上,祝氏作出了极为重要的贡献,对于指导临床思维和中医药的现代研究,具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   
目的:调查慢性酒依赖患者的负性自动思维及其社会支持状况,探讨两者之间的相关性,为临床心理干预提供科学依据。方法:采用负性自动思维问卷(ATQ)和社会支持评定量表(SSRS)对96例慢性酒依赖患者(研究组)和96例健康志愿者(对照组)进行评定,并进行相关分析。结果:(1)研究组ATQ评分明显高于对照组(P<0.01),研究组SSRS评分明显低于对照组(P<0.01);(2)ATQ与SSRS之间存在负相关。结论:慢性酒依赖患者负性自动思维现象严重,社会支持水平较低,提高社会支持水平有助于降低负性思维。  相似文献   
谈钰濛  胡骏  倪青 《世界中医药》2021,16(5):726-729
寒热错杂证指寒证、热证错杂并存于机体的一类证候群.《伤寒论》完善了寒热错杂证的辨治体系,形成了"寒热并用"理论,创立一系列寒热同调的方剂.在糖尿病中寒热错杂型的患者也占有一定比例,现在病因、病机等方面论述糖尿病寒热错杂证,并联系《伤寒论》中相关条文及临床上"寒热并用"经方治疗糖尿病的经验,总结了针对该型糖尿病的治疗思路...  相似文献   
杨明  郑琴  万娜 《世界科学技术》2007,9(5):12-15,24
复方释药系统是当今医药界研究的热点.中药复方释药系统一般是以精制的提取物入药,设计成同步释放、均衡释放、两步定位释放或pH梯度释放,以期达到药物的协同配伍或延长效用等目的.现代中药复方释药系统应从方剂中寻找设计依据,通过中药复方组分配伍的变化以适应不同征候、不同治疗时期的用药为目的.运用现代制剂手段使中药复方配伍理论和作用通过改变复方中效用组分的不同释药行为得到最大限度的体现和发挥,充分表达原中药复方的组方意图和功效.  相似文献   
王秀娟  刘强  高琴  郭涛 《天津中医药》2022,39(8):961-964
银屑病作为常见皮肤病变,临床治疗难度大,寻找行之有效的银屑病防治方案已成为皮肤病领域亟待解决的现实问题。中医药方法防治该病,疗效确切,具有良好而广泛的应用前景。作为中国中西医结合诊疗皮肤病奠基人之一的名老中医边天羽教授,对银屑病的中医药治疗颇有心得,并逐步形成特色学术经验。文章拟从理、法、方、药等方面,初步归纳总结相关特色学术内容,以期为银屑病的临床防治提供更多参考。  相似文献   
文章从中医阴阳哲学观互根互用,离合消长等特性出发,探讨范冠杰教授"动-定序贯"的学术思想根源。阐释"动-定序贯"理论是源于中医阴阳哲学观,围绕中医辨证论治和整体观念的核心,结合临床,在糖尿病防治领域提出的一整套从治疗到管理的辨证思维方法。  相似文献   
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