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19世纪末的文学忧郁和悲观等病症对20世纪现代派文学的影响是深远的,现代派文学经历了从以丑为美到迷惘、异化、荒诞和虚无的文学创作轨迹,显示了从19世纪末传染到的综合症状以及作家们改革和拓荒的勇气.现代派文学对心灵的解剖是深刻的,语言形式的反叛也是彻底的.  相似文献   
行为主义是最典型地坚持了实证主义原则的心理学流派,它为心理学设定了突出客观性的学科性质、研究对象和研究方法等。而后现代主义对此大胆质疑,否定了行为主义提倡的心理学的自然学科性质,主张心理学的研究对象不以可观察的对象为限,质疑行为主义推崇的客观实证法的唯一性,并促使整个心理学产生了意义深远的转变。但后现代主义自由中伴随的虚无主义这一不足,决定了行为主义及整个心理学发展的新走向将是现代主义与后现代主义的融合。  相似文献   
家族经过时代的洗礼,已发生了结构性和功能性的变迁,尤其是家族主体---现代农民赋予的“制度创新”,使家族的内涵和外壳均已发生了形变。家族被复制到城市,血缘网络已经改造成一个吸纳了姻缘(亲缘)、友缘、业缘等大的集合体,但先赋性传统的血缘关系仍然是流动网络的基础和模本。家族成员不再囿于伦理因素和长辈权威,将新的智力、能力、财务等因素融入家族中,其行为的意义图式、文化安排、文化秩序不再以传统的方式进行排列,他们按照能力原则、利益原则等进行新的组合,宗亲间伦理性的约束力量正在不断消减。他们的能动性和创新行为赋予了家族网络以新的内涵,体现了当代家族走势的现代性向度。  相似文献   
WARD F. Nursing Inquiry 2010; 17 : 128–141
A road not taken: the proposal for a Harvard School of Nursing The modernist orientation of nurse leaders in the late nineteenth century directly impacted the future of nursing in the USA. Their orientation is explored in this article as a factor that may have contributed to the failure of the Harvard School of Nursing proposal – a road not taken in nursing education, a road that would have afforded nursing an early central role within the Harvardization of American post‐secondary education. The backlash resulting from the attention that was given to Alfred Worcester and Annette Fiske’s radical call for contextualization is explored. Modernist tropes of thought that enabled early nurse leaders to weld nursing education to hospitals through the actions of nursing superintendents are described. Outcomes resulting from this welding are delineated, including idolatry of the hospital as nursing’s icon, subservience to physicians, a monastic on‐duty mantra, the development of a standardized curriculum linked to hospitals, and the framing of state registration within a philosophy that disenfranchised nurses. A non‐teleological, narrative analysis of this case is offered to enable nursing to heighten the tensions between the tropes of modernism and those of contextualism, and thus, to empower leaders in the re‐invention of America’s twenty‐first century healthcare delivery system.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to explore the role that modernism in the arts might have in articulating the uselessness and incomprehensibility of physical and mental suffering. It is argued that the experience of illness is frequently resistant to interpretation, and as such, it will be suggested, to conventional forms of artistic expression and communication. Conventional narratives, and other beautiful or conventionally expressive aesthetic structures, that presuppose the possibility and desirability of an harmonious and meaningful resolution to conflicts and tensions, may fundamentally misrepresent the patient’s experience. By drawing on the work of Emmanuel Levinas (on useless suffering) and the aesthetic theories of Nietzsche and T. W. Adorno, it will be argued first that a faith in the possibility of harmonious resolution of suffering is misplaced and does violence to the experience of suffering. Second, it will be argued that the expression of suffering lies not in finding words, images or sounds that communicate the experience of that suffering to others, but rather in the persistent and radical disruption of any illusion of meaning and coherence that might be imposed upon the experience, so that the very possibility of communication is also disrupted.  相似文献   
AIMS: This paper seeks to consider the utility of Bourdieu's "Theory of Practice" in nursing, and considers specifically its use as a framework for research exploring nurses' conceptualizations of illness and the patients in their care. Bourdieu's work uses the concepts of field, capital and habitus to explain interactions within the social world. This paper describes these concepts and their relationship with nursing is discussed using dementia care as an example. BACKGROUND: The work of French scholar Pierre Bourdieu has contributed to debates throughout the social sciences, but has had relatively little attention in the nursing literature. Pierre Bourdieu's work developed against a backdrop of change in the academic world. The emergence of the social sciences and the debate around objective and subjective styles of research were influential in the development of his "Theory of Practice". DISCUSSION: The importance of the conceptualization process is discussed, and the considerable potential influence of conceptualization on patient care is highlighted. Reflexivity is a cornerstone of Bourdieu's work, and is an important feature of nursing research. Examples of health care research using his work as a framework are discussed, and some of the challenges of the approach are outlined. CONCLUSIONS: The use of Bourdieu's "Theory of Practice" as a research framework could allow nurse researchers to explore the interactions of nurses with the structures, agents and symbols of illness within the field of care. This work could enhance understanding of how nurses view and react to patients in their care, and promote the development of practice innovations and policy change. The theory may, therefore, have much to offer future nursing research.  相似文献   
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