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目的:探讨靶重建放大扫描技术对肺孤立性结节病变的诊断价值。方法:对63例患者先行常规CT平扫,选定结节处为兴趣区,行薄层靶重建放大扫描,层厚、层距为2mm,FOV为160。结果:42例恶性病变中有37例表现为深分叶,占88.1%;21例良性病变中有15例表现为浅分叶,占71.4%。恶性结节中15例内部出现条状低密度支气管征;7例出现血管集中征;8例出现空泡征;病变内部出现液化坏死13例,其中恶性病变ll例。22例出现钙化,包括12例良性病变和10例恶性病变。2例错构瘤内均见小面积脂肪性低密度影。结论:靶重建放大扫描比普通CT扫描可提供更多的信息,对良恶性病变的鉴别诊断有一定价值。恶性病变大多数为深分叶,良性病变大多数为浅分叶或无分叶。  相似文献   
论中药工业中的中试放大验证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对中药制药工程技术的四要素之一-中药施工与验证进行探讨,从中药研究成果转化为大规模生产的过程中一般都将发生质的变化,许多重大工程技术问题也往往出现在这一阶段。因此,中试放大验证至关重要,也中药现代化的关键。本文论述了在实现中药大规模生产过程中进行中试放大验证的必要性,主要技术内容,应达到的目标,并就中试放大验证平台的建设,基本功能与任务,运行等进行了详细介绍。  相似文献   
目的建立并评价一种新的小鼠气管插管方法。方法30只NIH小鼠分设A、B、C组(n=10),麻醉后特殊体位固定,在头戴式放大镜直视下施行气管插管。A组小鼠经套管注射美蓝,死后解剖判断插管成功与否;B组插管后即拔管,隔天1次,连续2周。C组仅麻醉但不插管,方法同B组。在实验的最后1天,B、C组小鼠的处理同A组。结果所有小鼠死后解剖可见气管下端至肺部均有蓝色物质浸染,插管成功率为100%,B组小鼠经多次插管操作仍能健康存活,与C组比较未发现生长迟缓、体重明显减低等情况。结论我们建立的小鼠气管插管方法操作简单、易学、可重复性强,值得推广。  相似文献   
窄带成像技术在早期胃癌内镜诊断中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨窄带成像(NBI)技术对早期胃癌的诊断价值。方法46例常规内镜发现病灶者,分别于放大内镜下行NBI及靛胭脂染色,观察黏膜腺管形态及微血管结构变化,计算清晰度评分;评价病变性质并与术后病理检查结果进行比较。结果NBI与靛胭脂染色腺管结构清晰度评分无显著差异,但微血管结构评分前者明显高于后者,P〈0.05。二者诊断早期胃癌的敏感性、特异性及与病理诊断的符合率无明显差异。结论NBI诊断早期胃癌效果确切,其优点为能清晰显示病灶微血管结构变化,从而提高诊断的精确性。  相似文献   
目的探讨如何通过放大内镜观察到的大肠粘膜腺管开口类型发现早期大肠癌及癌前病变。方法2001年8月~2002年2月结肠镜检查139例大肠病变,采用内镜下粘膜染色技术,结合放大内镜、实体显微镜观察腺管开口分型(pit分型)并与病理诊断对照,pit分型采用工藤分型。结果139例患者中发现大肠息肉124例,进展期癌9例,侧向发育型肿瘤(LST)型病变5例,ⅡC病变1例。LST直径10~50 mm,其中ⅢL型1个,Ⅳ型4个。本组放大内镜与病理、实体镜诊断符合率较高。结论大肠腺管开口对于判断肿瘤性、非肿瘤性病变以及早期大肠癌具有重要意义,如发现有Ⅴ型腺管开口时则高度提示早期癌的可能。  相似文献   
Background: The diagnostic capability of a video‐endoscope has been remarkably enhanced by using a high pixel count charge‐coupled device (CCD) and is getting closer to that of the stereomicroscope as its image quality is improved. From this standpoint, the authors have been developing high‐resolution magnifying video‐endoscopes. Methods: There are two methods available to increase the resolution of a video‐endoscope: (i) use a CCD with large pixel number and (ii) optically magnify the image impinging on the CCD. Since the video‐endoscope using a 410 Kilo (K) pixel count CCD was introduced in 1993, the authors have been developing a video‐endoscope using a large pixel count number CCD in pursuit of obtaining better image quality and resolution. Also, the technological innovations in CCD manufacturing have allowed CCDs to become much smaller in size with higher pixel numbers. As the CCD size decreases, the distal part of a video‐endoscope can be made thinner. With respect to optical magnification, two methods are available, the fixed close‐focusing system and variable focus. Results: With combined use of the variable focus magnification and the electronic magnification, a magnification more than × 100 can be achieved on a 14″ television monitor with higher resolution power and wider depth of field. Conclusions: The images captured by the latest magnifying video‐endoscope prove that the image quality of video‐endoscopy is improving and is approaching the diagnostic capability of the stereomicroscope.  相似文献   
目的:探讨放大内镜观察腺管开口分型对大肠息肉性病变的诊断价值。方法:肠镜检查中发现息肉性病变后,病灶部位喷洒0.4%靛胭脂,采用放大内镜观察病灶粘膜腺管开口形态,按Kudo分型作病灶性质判断,并与切除或活检组织病理学检查比较。结果:检出大肠息肉性病变50个,非肿瘤性息肉19个,占38%,其中增生性息肉3个(6%),炎症性息肉16个(32%);腺瘤性息肉28个,占56%;进展期大肠癌3例(6%)。非肿瘤性息肉腺管开口均为Ⅰ、Ⅱ型腺管开口;腺瘤型息肉腺管开口为ⅢL、Ⅲs、Ⅳ型分别占22%、12%、12%,3例进展期癌均表现为粘膜腺管开口破坏无结构,为ⅤN型。结论:大肠腺管开口对于判断肿瘤性非肿瘤性病变以及早期结肠癌具有重要意义,V型腺管开口高度提示癌的可能,对指导内镜治疗或手术切除具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Endocytoscopy has the potential to reduce the need for histologic examination of biopsy specimens in cases of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Up to now, two types of endocytoscope have been used: the probe type and the integrated type. In this study we examined the utility of a newly developed endocytoscope, the ‘GIF‐Y0002,’ which has a single lens allowing consecutive magnification from the conventional endoscopy level up to ×380. Using the GIF‐Y0002, we examined 24 examples of normal esophageal mucosa to clarify the appearance of the microvasculature of the normal squamous epithelium in vivo. We also examined 11 cases of esophageal cancer in the same way, employing methylene blue as a vital dye to stain the surface cells. In normal squamous epithelium, we clarified the relationship between the subepithelial capillary network, IPCLs and subepithelial venules. With methylene blue staining, we observed typical squamous cells (low nuclear density and low N/C ratio without nuclear abnormality). When cancerous lesions were observed using lower‐power magnification, we were able to visualize their microvascular architecture to the same extent as when conventional magnifying endoscopy was used. Furthermore, at higher magnification, we were able to visualize the features of blood flow in both superficial and advanced cancer. Methylene blue staining revealed an increase of nuclear density in all cases of cancer. The pathologist agreed to omit biopsy histology in 81.8% (9/11) of cancer cases considering the nuclear density and nuclear abnormality. The GIF‐Y0002 provides information on cell abnormality in addition to the features revealed by currently available magnifying endoscopy.  相似文献   
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