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Fetal activity parameters such as movements, heart rate and the related parameters are essential indicators of fetal wellbeing, and no device provides simultaneous access to and sufficient estimation of all of these parameters to evaluate fetal health. This work was aimed at collecting these parameters to automatically separate healthy from compromised fetuses. To achieve this goal, we first developed a multi-sensor–multi-gate Doppler system. Then we recorded multidimensional Doppler signals and estimated the fetal activity parameters via dedicated signal processing techniques. Finally, we combined these parameters into four sets of parameters (or four hyper-parameters) to determine the set of parameters that is able to separate healthy from other fetuses. To validate our system, a data set consisting of two groups of fetal signals (normal and compromised) was established and provided by physicians. From the estimated parameters, an instantaneous Manning-like score, referred to as the ultrasonic score, was calculated and was used together with movements, heart rate and the associated parameters in a classification process employing the support vector machine method. We investigated the influence of the sets of parameters and evaluated the performance of the support vector machine using the computation of sensibility, specificity, percentage of support vectors and total classification error. The sensitivity of the four sets ranged from 79% to 100%. Specificity was 100% for all sets. The total classification error ranged from 0% to 20%. The percentage of support vectors ranged from 33% to 49%. Overall, the best results were obtained with the set of parameters consisting of fetal movement, short-term variability, long-term variability, deceleration and ultrasound score. The sensitivity, specificity, percentage of support vectors and total classification error of this set were respectively 100%, 100%, 35% and 0%. This indicated our ability to separate the data into two sets (normal fetuses and pathologic fetuses), and the results highlight the excellent match with the clinical classification performed by the physicians. This work indicates the feasibility of detecting compromised fetuses and also represents an interesting method of close fetal monitoring during the entire pregnancy.  相似文献   
同种异体骨支撑架微创治疗股骨头坏死的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的应用改良髓芯减压术结合同种异体骨支撑架加自体骨和脱钙骨基质(decalcified bone matrix,DBM)治疗早期股骨头坏死,探索早期股骨头坏死的微创治疗方法。方法2004年1月~2005年4月,23例24个髋关节采用经大转子下通过股骨颈钻隧道至股骨头骨坏死区,将装有自体松质骨和DBM的同种异体骨支撑架经隧道拧入骨坏死区直至软骨下骨约5mm处,隧道远端用自体髂骨填塞。观察手术前后Harris评分变化、x线影像学表现及是否需进一步治疗。结果本组所有患者均获得随访,平均随访19(12—27)个月,以最后一次随访资料作为最终评价依据。Harris评分,术前优良率为43.5%(10/23)。术后优良率为91.3%(21/23)。22侧髋关节影像学表现保持稳定,无明显并发症发生。结论同种异体骨支撑架植入结合自体松质骨和DBM治疗成人股骨头坏死,增加了股骨头负重区软骨下骨的机械支撑,成骨作用强,有利于股骨头坏死的修复与重建,同时,不破坏患者股骨头本身的血液供应,创伤小,操作简单,值得临床推广使用。  相似文献   
目的介绍一种矫治乳头内陷的新方法。方法采用乳头基底部乳腺组织三角瓣,交叉缝合支撑乳头基底,防止乳头内陷,保持乳头外凸形态。结果应用本方法矫治乳头内陷13例24侧,效果满意。随访2~8个月,乳头功能正常,外形、高度均理想,无回缩。结论本方法简单安全,效果持久,均能获得满意的效果。  相似文献   
如何从脑电信号中快速准确地识别出P300成分是脑-机接口研究中的一个热点问题.针对P300的识别问题,我们提出了一种将F-score特征选择与支持向量机相结合的判别方法,该方法采用F-score特征选择减少输入特征的维数,以克服支持向量机算法判别速度慢的缺点;然后借助支持向量机算法良好的分类性能实现P300的识别.本文在BCI Competition 2003的P300实验数据集上对该方法进行了验证,结果表明,在5次重复实验中该方法的识别准确率达到了100%,且判别速度与未经特征选择的传统支持向量机算法相比提高了近2倍.  相似文献   
医务人员的身心健康和执业满意度直接影响医疗服务质量。复旦大学附属华山医院从员工需求切入,建立并实施员工关爱计划:横向包括身心健康、社会支持、个人成长与职业生涯发展等;纵向贯彻危机前、危机中、危机后三级援助体系。实践后,员工满意度、社会支持水平、幸福感有所提升,职业倦怠阳性率有所下降。员工关爱计划在管理理念、方案完善、人才培养等方面还有待进一步改进。  相似文献   
目的:通过应用中医传承辅助平台(V 2.5)挖掘中医药治疗小儿湿疹的组方用药规律,并对高频药物、用药模式及治疗思路进行探讨。方法:搜集国家知识基础设施数据库(CNKI)、中国学术期刊数据库(CSPD)及中文科技期刊数据库(CCD)中2000—2021年应用中医药治疗小儿湿疹的相关文献,经过筛选后建立方药数据库,运用中医传承辅助平台(V 2.5)集成的改进互信息法、关联规则Apriori算法、复杂系统熵聚类与无监督熵聚类等算法对药物频次、性味归经、用药模式、规则分析及新处方等结果进行输出,并进行网络可视化展示。结果:纳入处方200首,共涉及206味中药,高频药物包括甘草、白鲜皮、薏苡仁、茯苓、生地黄、金银花、蝉蜕、地肤子、防风、牡丹皮等,药性以寒性(52.76%)居多,药味以甘(38.89%)、苦(33.37%)、辛(21.96%)味为主,归经以胃经(1 138次)、脾经(1 088次)、肝经(1 061次)居多,并且得到药物之间的关联规则,以及新处方6个。结论:小儿湿疹用药以补虚药、利水渗湿药、清热药、清热解毒药、解表药为主,治疗以疏风清热,燥湿健脾,养血活血为主要大法,分析结果与本病诊疗指南较为吻合,可为小儿湿疹的临床治疗及新药开发提供参考。  相似文献   
This paper presents further results from a study of married women in Edinburgh who had just suffered an adverse experience: either their husband's non-fatal myocardial infartion, their husband's death or their own arrival in a Women's Aid refuge for battered women. Interviews were carried out 4–6 weeks following the adverse experience and, where possible, again approximately 3 months later. Symptoms were assessed using the 30-item General Health Questionnaire and criterion-based measures of depression and anxiety derived from it. The extent and nature of crisis support from household members and from groups of people outside the household, and also of failures in expected support, was measured at first interview. A modified version of Tyrer and Alexander's (1979) personality schedule was administered at the follow-up interview, and the resulting personality data were then reduced to six factors using principal components analysis. An interviewer assessment of how well the subject was coping was made at both interviews. The vast majority of the sample received extensive practical and emotional support from family and friends, and perhaps because such positive support was so prevalent, variations in it seemed to have little effect on symptoms. However, subjects who were unexpectedly let down or criticised by friends or family tended to show higher symptom levels, although, surprisingly, this was less true for the bereaved wives than for the others. The six personality factors that emerged were labellednervousness (similar to neuroticism)impulsivity, social withdrawal, helplessness, inferiority andaggressiveness. There was evidence that subjects high on nervousness remained symptomatic longer following the adverse experience. The aggressiveness factor showed a curvilinear trend with high and low aggressives showing higher symptom levels than middle aggressives. However, for the coronary wives the trend was linear with low aggressives having high symptoms. Subjects low on impulsivity were more affected by being let down by friends and family. The interviewer-assessed coping measure was linearly related to nervousness and showed a curvilinear relationship with aggressiveness.  相似文献   
Quality of life of stroke survivors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Adaptation to stroke requires complex, long-term change in stroke survivors' lives. This study aimed at identifying those factors that influence quality of life (QOL) of geriatric stroke survivors 1–3 years post-discharge. The objectives were: to describe the overall quality of life of stroke survivors; to examine the relationships between sociodemographic variables, neurological variables, functional status, social support, perceived health status, depression, and overall QOL; and to determine the best predictors of QOL. Data were collected on 50 stroke survivors using a cross-sectional design and standardized questionnaires, including the Quality of Life Index, the Functional Independence Measure, the Social Support Inventory for Stroke Survivors and the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. The overall quality of life of the study participants was low. The most important predictors of QOL were depression, marital status, quality of social support, and functional status. Depression was the strongest predictor of QOL. By employing a multi-dimensional perspective, this study confirmed that adaptation to stroke involves much more than physical function. Thus, rehabilitation programs for this group would be more effective if they are based upon a holistic approach.  相似文献   
Objective: The symptoms of depression experienced by women during the postnatal period may have profound effects on the lifelong health of both the mother and the child. In this randomized controlled study, we systematically evaluated the effects of weekly supportive group meetings for women with postnatal distress. Methods: Sixty postnatally distressed women were randomly assigned to support (n=30) and control (n=30) groups. Women assigned to the support group participated in four supportive group sessions that comprised discussions concerning transition to motherhood, postnatal stress management, communication skills, and life planning. Results: Subjects who attended the support sessions had significantly decreased scores on the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), and significantly increased scores on the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL) as evaluated at the end of the fourth weekly session. In contrast, no significant changes were observed in the control group during this period. Conclusion: This is the first controlled study to provide evidence that participation in support groups for postnatally distressed women provides quantifiable psychosocial benefits.  相似文献   
目的 比较肠内(enteralnutrion,EN)、肠外营养(parenteralnutrition, PN)联合应用(EN+PN)和单用肠外营养(PN)对老年消化道肿瘤病人术后营养免疫状况的影响。方法 将40例老年消化道肿瘤病人随机分为肠内、肠外营养联合应用(EN+PN)组和肠外营养(PN)组,每组20例。术后第1天开始给予同热量、等氮量的营养支持一周,并检测术前和术后第8天营养指标、免疫指标。结果 两组病人术后第8天的体重均较术前下降,两组间无差异(P>0. 05),两组病人经营养支持后营养指标明显升高, (P<0. 05)。T淋巴细胞亚群在EN+PN组术后8天基本恢复到术前水平,而PN组与术前相比,尚有差异。结论 老年消化道肿瘤病人术后EN+PN或PN都能改善营养及免疫状态,EN+PN在提高机体免疫功能方面优于PN。术后早期EN是安全、可行和有效的。  相似文献   
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