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Movement-related potentials were recorded preceding self-paced voluntary movements in patients with Parkinson's disease and in healthy subjects of the same age group. We compared the Readiness Potential preceding joystick movements in a fixed direction and preceding joystick movements in freely selected directions. In normal subjects the Readiness Potential amplitude was higher preceding freely selected movements than preceding movements in a fixed direction. The Readiness Potential in Parkinson patients failed to be modified by the different modes of movement selection. The modulation of the Readiness Potential by different ways of preparing for movement might be due to the supplementary motor area (SMA) being more strongly engaged by tasks requiring internal control of movements than by tasks that are externally structured. The results suggest that this task-dependent variation of SMA activity is reduced in Parkinson's disease. A failing capacity to adapt SMA activity to different task demands has previously been suggested by evidence from positron emission tomography studies using similar tasks.  相似文献   
笔者根据海南省脊髓灰质炎历年的发病情况,以常规免疫和省内及全国强化免疫资料,对该省消灭脊髓效果进行了评价。结果表明:1993、1994年两年全国强化免疫活动日的效果显著,海南省从1994年以来无脊灰野毒感染病例发生。实验室资料也证实,全国强化免疫活动日,起到了阻断Ⅰ型野毒株循环的作用。  相似文献   
Memorised sequences of saccades are cortically controlled by the supplementary motor area (SMA), as shown in animal experiments and in humans with isolated SMA lesions. We applied transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in eight healthy subjects executing memorised sequences of saccades. Sequences of three targets were presented. Then, upon a go-signal, the subjects had to execute the appropriate sequences. Ten to fifteen sequences were performed in each experiment, and the number of errors were counted. The number of errors increased significantly if TMS was given 80 ms before or 60 ms after the go-signal, with the stimulation coil overlying the SMA. There was no significant increase in errors if different stimulation intervals were chosen (160ms and 120ms before the go-signal; 100 ms, 140 ms or 240 ms after the go-signal), if the coil was positioned inappropriately (e.g. over the occipital cortex), or if the stimulator output was too low. We conclude that TMS can interfere specifically with the function of the SMA during a critical time interval close to the go-signal.  相似文献   
Summary The corticospinal projections from areas 4 and 6 were investigated in the raccoon using the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) retrograde tracing technique. Multiple injections of lectin bound HRP and HRP were made into either the cervical or lumbar cord in 7 anesthetized raccoons. Retrogradely labeled neurons were observed throughout a wide extent of areas 4 and 6a. The HRP positive cells were most numerous within the dorsal bank of the cruciate sulcus within area 4 and continued around the fundus to occupy the lateral two-thirds of the ventral bank of the cruciate sulcus within area 6a. No labeled cells were observed in the more medially located area 6a. Although the HRP positive cells observed following the lumbar cord injections were situated slightly more medial and caudal to those observed following the cervical cord injections, considerable overlap between the two projections was noted. The corticospinal projections arising from areas 4 and 6a in the raccoon largely correspond in location to the regions functionally defined as the primary motor cortex and the supplementary motor area, respectively.  相似文献   
In two experiments movement-related cortical potentials preceding voluntary movement were recorded. In experiment 1, subjects performed four motor tasks involving joystick movements. The four tasks differed in complexity (single vs sequential movements) and in the mode of movement selection, i.e., whether a movement or movement sequence was made in fixed or in self-determined directions. The choice of these tasks was based, firstly, on previous electrophysiological studies suggesting an effect of task-complexity on the amplitude of the readiness potential (RP) and, secondly, on previous positron emission tomography (PET) studies showing that activity of the supplementary motor area (SMA) is influenced by the mode of movement selection. The results show that, for single movements, RP amplitude is higher preceding freely selected movements than preceding movements in a fixed direction. In experiment 2 this effect was replicated using button presses instead of joystick movements. The results converge with PET evidence obtained in similar tasks and establish that the RP is modulated by the mode of movement selection. This modulation is probably related to differential involvement of the SMA.  相似文献   
Summary An earlier retrograde double-labeling study in cat showed that up to 30% of the corticospinal neurons in the medial and anterior parts of the precruciate motor area represent branching neurons which project to both the spinal cord and the reticular formation of the lower brain stem. These neurons were found to be concentrated in the rostral portion of the motor cortex, from where axial and proximal limb movements can be elicited. In the present study the findings in the macaque monkey are reported. The fluorescent retrograde tracer DY was injected unilaterally in the spinal cord at C2 and the fluorescent tracer FB was injected ipsilaterally in the medial tegmentum of the medulla oblongata. In the contralateral hemisphere large numbers of single DY-labeled corticospinal neurons and single FBlabeled corticobulbar neurons were present. A substantial number of DY-FB double-labeled corticospinal neurons were also found, which must represent branching neurons projecting to both the spinal cord and the bulbar reticular formation. These neurons were present in: 1. The anterior portion of the cingulate corticospinal area in the lower bank of the cingulate sulcus; 2. The supplementary motor area (SMA); 3. The rostral part of precentral corticospinal area; 4. The upper portion of the precentral face representation area; 5. The caudal bank of the inferior limb of the arcuate sulcus; 6. The posterior part of the insula. In these areas 10% to 30% of the labeled neurons were double-labeled. The functional implications of the presence of branching corticospinal neurons in these areas is discussed.Abbreviations A nucleus ambiguus - AS arcuate sulcus - C cuneate nucleus - Cing. S. cingulate sulcus - corp. call. corpus callosum - CS central sulcus - Cx external cuneate nucleus - DCN dorsal column nuclei - dl dorsolateral intermediate zone - IO inferior olive - IP intraparietal sulcus - Lat. Fis. lateral fissure - LR lateral reticular nucleus - LS lunate sulcus - ML medial lemniscus - MLF medial longitudinal fascicle - mn motoneuronal pool - MRF medial reticular formation - Occ. occipital pole - P pyramid - PG pontine grey - PS principle sulcus - RB restiforme body - RF reticular formation - S solitary nucleus - SPV spinal trigeminal complex - STS superior temporal sulcus - Sup. Col. superior colliculus - TB trapezoid body - VC vestibular complex - vm ventromedial intermediate zone - III nucleus oculomotorius - VI nucleus abducens - VII nucleus, n. facialis - X motor nucleus n. vagus - XII nucleus hypoglossus Supported in part by grant 13-46-96 of FUNGO/ZWO (Dutch organisation for fundamental research in medicine)  相似文献   
It is an important issue to address the mode of information processing in the somatic motor circuit linking the frontal cortex and the basal ganglia. In the present study, we investigated the extent to which corticostriatal input zones from the primary motor cortex (MI), the supplementary motor area (SMA), and the premotor cortex (PM) of the macaque monkey might overlap in the putamen. Intracortical microstimulation was performed to map the MI, SMA, and dorsal (PMd) and ventral (PMv) divisions of the PM. Then, two different anterograde tracers were injected separately into somatotopically corresponding regions of two given areas of the MI, SMA, PMd, and PMv. With respect to the PMd and PMv, tracer injections were centered on their forelimb representations. Corticostriatal input zones from hindlimb, forelimb, and orofacial representations of the MI and SMA were, in this order, arranged from dorsal to ventral within the putamen. Dense input zones from the MI were located predominantly in the lateral aspect of the putamen, whereas those from the SMA were in the medial aspect of the putamen. On the other hand, corticostriatal inputs from forelimb representations of the PMd and PMv were distributed mainly in the dorsomedial sector of the putamen. Thus, the corticostriatal input zones from the MI and SMA were considerably segregated though partly overlapped in the mediolateral central aspect of the putamen, while the corticostriatal input zone from the PM largely overlapped that from the SMA, but not from the MI. Received: 30 June 1997 / Accepted: 2 October 1997  相似文献   
Summary In the first part the case of a then 27 year old female patient with right-sided infantile spastic hemiplegia after left-sided porencephaly is described, in whom hemispherectomy was performed 25 years ago. The postoperative state and the development are described as well as the social outcome and the present neurological status. A computer-tomogram shows the actual state of the brain.The second part is devoted to a scientific discussion of the supplementary motility after pyramidal lesions which is defined as the action of descending subcortico-spinal pathways starting probably in the mesencephalon, whereas an ipsilateral pathway is unlikely. Comparative neurological experiments serve to support such a concept as well as similar observations in traumatic cerebral lesions in man. In the light of the far more skilled motility in cerebral lesions of the young as well as the possibility of a shift of neuropsychological functions of the dominant to the contralateral hemisphere in children up to the age of 8–10 the possibility is discussed that plasticity — the concept of Albert Bethe — could form the mechanism of auxiliary function.Furthermore the surprising sensory performances in some of the patients with hemispherectomy are emphasized and the possibilities of anipsilateral substratum are discussed; however, this contrasts with the concepts formulated for the auxiliary motility after pyramidal lesions. Clarification of these problems will probably follow only after further experimental work.
Zusammenfassung Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird der Fall einer damals 27-jährigen Patientin beschrieben, die eine rechtsseitige infantile spastische Hemiplegie nach linksseitiger Porencephalie hatte. Bei ihr war 25 Jahre zuvor eine Hemisphärektomie durchgeführt worden. Der postoperative klinische Status und die Entwicklung der Syndrome wird beschrieben und über die soziale Situation berichtet. Schließlich wird der derzeitige neurologische Status genau wiedergegeben. Erstmalig zeigt ein Computer-Tomogramm den Zustand des Hirns nach diesem Zeitraum.Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird die Entstehung der Ersatz-Motilität diskutiert, die als eine Aktion deszendierender subkortiko-spinaler Bahnen definiert wird, die wahrscheinlich vom Mittelhirn ihren Ausgang nehmen, während die Tätigkeit ipsilateraler Systeme für unwahrscheinlich gehalten wird. Vergleichende Tierexperimente am Hirn unterstützen eine solche Auffassung, ebenso wie auch die Beobachtung bei umschriebenen Hirnverletzungen des Menschen.Dann wird die Möglichkeit von Ersatzfunktionen durch Plastizität diskutiert — ein Begriff von Albert Bethe. Dies erscheint im Lichte vieler Beobachtungen wichtig, da die Ersatz-Motilität bei Hirnläsionen junger Menschen sehr viel höhere Geschicklichkeit ermöglicht als bei Läsionen von Älteren; weiter ist zu beachten, daß neuropsychologische Funktionen bei einer Hirnläsion vor dem 8. bis 10. Lebensjahr von einer dominanten Hemisphäre noch auf die andere Seite verlegt und dort lokalisiert werden können. Schließlich wird bei diesen Patienten auf die erstaunlichen Fähigkeiten der sensiblen Systeme nach Hemisphärektomie hingewiesen und hier die Möglichkeit eines ipsilateralen anatomischen Apparates diskutiert. Jedoch können bei der Sensibilität so genaue funktionell-morphologische Vorstellungen noch nicht formuliert werden, wie sie sich z. Zt. schon für die Ersatz-Motilität nach Pyramidenbahnläsion ergeben. Erst genauere Experimente im Tierversuch können weitere Aufklärung bringen.
The initiation of voluntary movements by the supplementary motor area   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The hypothesis is formulated that in all voluntary movements the initial neuronal event is in the supplementary motor areas (SMA) of both cerebral hemispheres.Experimental support is provided by three lines of evidence. 1. In voluntary movements many neurones of the SMA are activated probably up to 200 ms before the pyramidal tract discharge. 2. Investigations of regional cerebral blood flow by the radioactive Xenon technique reveal that there is neuronal activity in the SMA of both sides during a continual series of voluntary movements, and that this even occurs when the movement is thought of, but not excuted. 3. With voluntary movement there is initiation of a slow negative potential (the readiness potential, RP) at up to 0.8 s before the movement. The RP is maximum over the vertex, i.e. above the SMA, and is large there even in bilateral Parkinsonism when it is negligible over the motor cortex.An account is given of the SMA, particularly its connectivities to the basal ganglia and the cerebellum that are active in the preprogramming of a movement. The concept of motor programs is described and related to the action of the SMA. It is proposed that each mental intention acts on the SMA in a specific manner and that the SMA has an inventory and the addresses of stored subroutines of all learnt motor programs. Thus by its neuronal connectivities the SMA is able to bring about the desired movement.There is a discussion of the manner in which the mental act of intention calls forth neural actions in the SMA that eventually lead to the intended movement. Explanation is given on the basis of the dualist-interactionist hypothesis of mind-brain liaison. The challenge is to the physicalists to account for the observed phenomena in voluntary movement.Dedicated to Prof. Richard Jung on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   
河北省2003年维持无脊髓灰质炎状态进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河北省 2 0 0 3年急性弛缓性麻痹 (AFP)病例监测系统报告AFP病例 375例 ,<1 5岁儿童非脊髓灰质炎 (脊灰 )AFP病例报告发病率 2 34/1 0万 ,全部排除脊灰。病例分布于 1 4 6个县 (市、区 )。合格粪便标本采集率为95 47%,各项监测指标均达到世界卫生组织和卫生部的要求。 2 0 0 3/2 0 0 4年度全省开展 2轮口服脊灰疫苗强化免疫 ,第 1轮强化免疫报告应种儿童 2 4 71 90 8人 ,实种儿童 2 4 3871 7人 ,接种率 98 6 6 %;第 2轮报告应种儿童2 5 1 36 97人 ,实种儿童 2 4 86 0 97人 ,接种率 98 90 %。  相似文献   
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