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《新雕孙真人千金方》考略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《新雕孙真人千金方》是现今尚存于世的《千金方》古本之一。其篇目结构,文字内容,较诸宋本有较大的不同,更为接近孙氏原著的旧貌,具有较高的文献价值和学术价值。本文着重就其流传概况、版本特点以及刊行年代等进行了探讨。  相似文献   
孙申田教授养生原则可概括为欲要有度,性易豁达,顺应自然,动静适宜,饮食有节5个方面,既知足常乐,又乐观开朗,坚持长期适当运动和适量用脑相结合的生活方式,是其享受充满人生价值和健康长寿之乐的养生要领。在临床中,其一指出"神"在防治疾病、诊断疾病及疾病的预后中占有极其重要的地位,运用各类调神之法以指导养生,其二提倡药补不如食补,补药应当慎用,且要辨证施补的养生理念。  相似文献   
国医大师孙光荣在临证中对如何抓住“观其脉证”的重点深有研究,认为“观其脉证”是中医诊法的高度概括,是四诊合参获知的“主证”,并形成歌诀阐述其内涵:辨证元素记心中,四诊最重基本功;望诊本是第一诊,观其有否精气神;目鼻舌甲需仔细,闻问详参辨假真;脉探生死与逆顺,再参数据诊如神.  相似文献   
对名老中医药前辈学术思想与临证经验的继承与发展,是创新和发展中医药事业的一条重要途径.孙善德老药工从事中药炮制工作近50年,在中药炮制方面造诣精深.其自创立的沙参与桔梗、青果与西梅、蟅虫与黄蜂的鉴别方法,以及自制的新四制香附、龟甲、鳖甲、海狗肾等炮制要诀独具特色.在中药炮制传承人才紧缺的背景下,老药工炮制经验的传承显得极为必要,对研究新的炮制方法、拓宽炮制思路,显得意义非凡.  相似文献   
This study describes a new molecular condition in the alpha(2)-globin gene (HBA2) found in six unrelated families from Southern Italy (Campania and Sicily). This new double mutant form of haemoglobin is called Hb Southern Italy and originated from the coexistence of two known mutations occurring in the same globin gene, HBA2 26 G-->A (Hb Caserta) and HBA2 130 G-->C (Hb Sun Prairie). Hb Sun Prairie was originally observed in Indian patients in either the homozygous state, with severe hemolytic anemia, and in the heterozygous state with microcytosis, or in asymptomatic cases as an alpha-thalassemia carrier phenotype. Hb Caserta was observed for the first time in a Casertian family (South Italy) that displayed a slowmigrating haemoglobin upon investigation. We report the clinical phenotype and molecular study of this new double mutant form of haemoglobin in heterozygous and homozygous subjects, as well as in association with alpha degrees delectional thalassemia.  相似文献   
目的:研究合并主动脉疾病的孕产妇在围术期给予兼顾各主要系统功能和孕产妇需求特点的重症集束化治疗,观察治疗效果。方法:收集2012年12月1日至2018年8月31日,北京安贞医院心脏大血管外科收治合并主动脉疾病并行手术治疗的孕产妇,术后返回心外科监护室(ICU)的18例患者,术后给予集束化治疗。包括:①循环系统:维持心排、调整血管张力、根据容量状态失液成分调整补液速度与种类;②呼吸系统:抗炎性反应、减少肺间质渗出、循环平稳后翻身体疗、中低水平肺复张、拔管后氧合指数PaO2/FiO2<200者行无创正压通气至少6 h;③生殖系统:产妇予催产素、管理宫腔水囊、回奶等治疗,孕妇有分娩先兆与妇产科配合决定分娩方式等;④其他出凝血与神经、内分泌系统治疗;维护肝肾功能,急性肾损伤(AKI)尽早行连续性肾脏替代治疗(CRRT);加强心理护理与ICU早期康复。结果:处理后与入ICU时(0 h)比较:①心率24 h时上升,48 h之后下降;平均动脉压(MAP)24 h时上升,48 h之后下降;乳酸:24 h时较0 h时有明显升高(P<0.05),之后下降,出ICU时明显减低(P<0.05);②呼吸频率无显著性差异;与0 h时比较PaO2/FiO224 h时下降[(235.6±45.7)vs.(167.3±27.5),P<0.05],48 h仍有降低[(235.6±45.7)vs.(186.6±23.2),P<0.05],72 h时无明显差异;③主要合并症:谵妄3例(16.7%),切口愈合不良3例(16.7%),二次气管插管2例(11.1%),肺部感染2例(11.1%),急性呼吸窘迫综合症1例(5.6%);④住院时间(15.0±4.4)d,ICU时间(5.6±2.5)d。结论:主动脉疾病围术期孕产妇呼吸系统及循环系统不稳定于术后24 h时高发,积极集束化处理可有效改善,各系统并发症发生率较高,需注意谵妄发生率及切口愈合情况,综合制定围术期管理方案。  相似文献   
The present study examined theoretical mediators of a parent-based intervention on sunbathing tendencies and sunburn frequencies based on the work of Turrisi et al. [Turrisi, R., Hillhouse, J., Heavin, S., Robinson, J., Adams, M., & Berry, J. (2004). Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 27, 393–412.]. Three hundred and forty parents in two regions of the United States were educated about the dangers of risky sun behavior and how to convey information about skin cancer prevention to their children. Attitudes toward sunbathing, health beliefs, appearance beliefs, and social normative beliefs were examined and found to be significant mediators of program effects on sunbathing tendencies and sunburn frequencies. The findings are discussed with respect to maximizing the effectiveness of future skin cancer interventions with children.  相似文献   
目的评估欧洲评分Ⅱ是否能够有效预测急性Stanford A型主动夹层孙氏术后机械通气时间,探索孙氏术后机械通气时间延长的危险因素。方法自2009年12月至2012年2月共240例急性Stanford A型主动脉夹层的患者纳入研究。术后呼吸机机械通气时间超过48 h定义为机械通气时间延长。计算所有患者的欧洲评分。欧洲评分的区分能力采用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线评估,校正能力采用Hosmer Lemeshow拟合优度检验评估。结果急性Stanford A型主动脉夹层孙氏术后院内总体病死率为10.0%(24/240),术后平均呼吸机机械通气时间为17.0(12.5,56.0)h。共74例患者术后机械通气时间延长。欧洲评分Ⅱ的区分能力(ROC曲线下面积=0.52)及校正能力(Hosmer Lemeshow,P〈0.05)均不佳。单因素分析结果显示年龄[比值比(OR)=2.88, P=0.00]、脑卒中病史(OR=1.04,P=0.03)、外周血白细胞计数(OR=3.19, P=0.00)、发病至手术时间小于1周(OR=3.68,P=0.001)、体外循环时间(OR=1.96,P=0.02)为术后院内死亡的危险因素。Logistic多因素分析年龄大于48.5岁(OR=3.85,P=0.00)、术前外周静脉血白细胞计数超过13.5×109/L(OR=4.05, P=0.00)、发病至手术时间小于1周(OR=3.75, P=0.002)是孙氏术后机械通气时间延长的危险因素。结论年龄、术前白细胞计数超过13.5×109/L、发病至手术时间小于1周是孙氏手术后机械通气时间延长的危险因素。欧洲评分Ⅱ不能有效预测急性Stanford A型夹层孙氏手术后机械通气时间延长。术前及术中采取措施减少外周血白细胞计数、减轻炎性反应可能是一种潜在的主动脉手术脏器保护策略。  相似文献   
介绍孙浩主任医师辨证治疗小儿过敏性鼻炎的经验。认为小儿过敏性鼻炎的基本病机是肺脾气虚,以内服补中益气丸补益正气,外用自拟鼻炎方熏洗鼻腔以宣肺通窍,辨证治疗小儿过敏性鼻炎,疗效甚佳。  相似文献   


Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) is the second most common malignancy arising from the liver. Fibulin-1 has been demonstrated to be involved in various cancers, however, its role in ICC remains unclear.


To study the clinical value and potential molecular mechanism of Fibulin-1 in ICC, immunohistochemistry and bioinformatic analyses were performed using data in the Gene Expression Omnibus Datasets and The Cancer Genome Atlas database.


Fibulin-1 expression was overexpressed in ICC tissues compared with adjacent non-cancerous tissues, and was significantly associated with unfavorable overall survival. Moreover, similar genes were identified by Gene Expression Profiling Interactive Analysis and microarray data set. Next, functional and pathway enrichment analysis demonstrated that Fibulin-1 was overrepresented in the pathways of extracellular matrix organization and angiogenesis, which are associated with tumor progression and potential for metastasis. Gene set enrichment analysis indicated that the gene sets of epithelial mesenchymal transition, TGF-beta signaling pathway and angiogenesis were enriched in tissues with high Fibulin-1 level. Furthermore, Fibulin-1 silencing suppressed the ability of ICC tumor cells to form colonies and siFibulin-1 repressed the endogenous protein level of p-AKT.


Collectively, this study suggests that Fibulin-1 overexpression may play key roles in the carcinogenesis and progression of ICC via regulation of tumor-related pathways.  相似文献   
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